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Posts posted by Angel

  1. 1 hour ago, Bartimaeus said:

    I am attempting to install a number of components from your Encounters mod on a ToBEx game (first time ever, no prior experience in installing this mod), but am receiving the same two errors on every single component I attempt.


    "Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "mih_eq/docs/weidu_external_readme.txt", followed by an "Unknown function: handle_charsets_immutably". What do?

    The missing file is a bug.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention, it'll be fixed in the next release.  You can fix it locally by creating a file named weidu_external_readme.txt in the folder mih_eq/docs, its contents are not actually important.  (It just holds an explanation of what the weidu_external folder is and does.)

    The second error logically follows from the first as that file is copied by the setup for the SFO library, which contains the handle_charsets_immutably function.  Fixing the first error fixes this one as well.

  2. 12 hours ago, Chitown Willie said:


    Just completed Mutamin's Garden, and Kivan was able to tap-dance all over using MIH Items:

    • Ring of Anti-Venom
    • Mutamin's Cloak

    Throw in Korax, and it was just too easy.

    Perhaps nix/nerf these items? Change Greater Basilisks to use a stronger poison that trumps the ring?

    Mm, I'm a little torn here.  On one hand I want Mutamin's Garden to be a challenge, but on the other hand I don't want to take away the player's opportunity to prepare well for said challenge.

    As a side note, the same could be achieved by slapping on scrolls of protection from petrification and -poison which last long enough to easily clear the entire field (or just the former on a cavalier), so it's partially just how the game is already.  That's the problem with monsters that rely on one specific gimmick for their challenge; take it away and they are pussies.  There is a reason I initially put young black dragons there in E & Q. ^^

    Still I suppose I could at least move the ring from the High Hedge to the Sorcerous Sundries.  I'll have to think on the cloak, obviously I want it to be on Mutamin for logical reasons, but perhaps I could make it so that it is not usable right away.  I'll have to think on this.

  3. 12 hours ago, Endarire said:

    Thanks.  I asked regarding public releases since NTotSC has no public release on your GitHub page, but links to Spellhold Studios for downloading.

    NTotSC is not one of my mods, I am merely an occasional contributor.  You should note that my copy is forked from the SHS repository; it is just my working directory.  I would make it private if I could, but that's not possible on the type of account I have.

  4. On 7/12/2020 at 3:53 AM, Endarire said:

    How close to release is the next major version of your Made in Heaven Quests Mod?  On behalf of our group, I want to know how long we should wait before downloading.

    It will be done when it's done.  I work on this in my spare time whenever I feel like it, I don't want to pin myself down on a schedule for something I'm not even paid for.

    On 7/12/2020 at 3:53 AM, Endarire said:

    Your GitHub ReadMe says, "Note: If downloading from GitHub, make sure you download the latest release from the releases page!" but you have no public releases on GitHub!

    All my releases are public.  I can't make any stuff private on GitHub even if I wanted to.

    9 hours ago, Endarire said:

    To clarify, are all your mods formally EET compatible?

    They are, in so far that nobody has reported the opposite.  I do not use EET myself and thus don't test with it, but I put in compatibility code as needed.  (Only the item pack has specific EET code at the moment, to handle item imports in Irenicus' dungeon.)

  5. 27 minutes ago, Caedwyr said:

    Something to note is that the error message will start showing up in every mod install going forward.  What path should I use use for the weidu-external line to make the message go away?

    It's actually not an error, just an informational message.  I will fix it in a future version as it may cause some trouble for translators, but it can be safely ignored.  There's a little bit more to it than just fixing paths.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Caedwyr said:

    I just installed the Made in Heaven item Pack v4 and while the install appeared to go correctly, the final outputting of the number of translated text produced some errors.

    I believe this is because mih_ip has the folder language/english/... rather than the lang/english path that older versions had.

    Rows 23-26 in setup-mih_ip.tp2 should be changed accordingly:

    LANGUAGE ~English~

    This still produces the error message below, so I don't know if it actually does anything.

    SETUP-MIH_IP.DEBUG 237.02 kB · 0 downloads

    You're correct in that the paths are wrong, but it is actually harmless.  setup-mih_ip.tra is not currently used and empty.

  7. On 6/13/2020 at 7:27 AM, Endarire said:

    Our group eagerly awaits a new questpack version from you!  What's your status?

    Could be next month or next year, I really don't know yet.  Currently I'm still working on the prison in Saradush, but I still have plenty other stuff to meddle around with.

  8. 4 hours ago, jastey said:

    Would you have an example code for me?

    This is from the UB Restored Items component, adding Shazellim +1 to Prebek's home:

    COPY_EXISTING ar0407.are override
         container_to_add_to     = 2
         item_to_add             = "sw1h50"

    Note that ADD_AREA_ITEM is fully documented in the WeiDU manual.

  9. 20 hours ago, Chitown Willie said:

    How about all the Wands lying around (Frost/Lightning)? Perhaps they should be nerfed too?

    That's what "Cap charges of Wands and Staves" is for.  I don't want to take them away entirely.

    19 hours ago, Endarire said:

    To clarify, is this nerfing of BG1 Easter Eggs optional?  I like the items as-is, and playing with an item randomizer is enough of a 'rebalance.'

    All tweaks are optional and can be installed or removed independently from the Item Pack.

  10. 1 hour ago, Endarire said:

    What BG1 Easter Eggs exist and how do you nerf 'em?


    - Coast Way (area between Friendly Arm Inn and Beregost, in one of the rocks in the NW corner): Ring of Protection +1 => Angel Skin Ring (100 gp base value)

    - Friendly Arm Inn (near a tree at the southern edge of the area): Ring of Wizardry => Fire Opal Ring (500 gp base value)

    - Nashkel (near western edge of one of the farmlands): Ankheg Plate +2 => Splint Mail +1

    - Fire Leaf Forest (area with the river, in copse of trees near northern edge): Scroll of Cloud Kill => Scroll of Flame Arrow

    - Gibberling Mountains (extreme SE area on the map, crack in the cliff): Ring of Fire Resistance => Flamedance Ring (125 gp base value)

    Design goal here was to make the items still nice to have but not game-breaking.  Additionally, I feel the Ankheg Plate +2 and the Ring of Wizardry should be unique, and there are too many Rings of Protection +1 going around as it is already.  And the  Splint Mail +1 is a nice to have for the early game and strangely obscure; the first one I normally find is in the Flaming Fist barracks and by then you already have several superior armors.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Chitown Willie said:

    Just wanted to say I really like your "Nerf BG1 easter egg items" component.

    Discovered the Mastercraft Splint in place of Ankheg Plate @ Nashel - and makes much more sense.

    Aw thanks.  Yeah, I wanted them to be still nice, but not game breakers.  And that splint mail is still pretty rare for some reason despite not being all that special. ^^

  12. On 5/31/2020 at 4:05 PM, 4udr4n said:

    I am playing through EET with SCS (almost at full), SRR, IRR and loads of your mods. This topic has come up a lot as the improved mages (and I think some of @Angel's encounters, need to start recording and checking what added who!) are brutal and use a mix of protections.

    My encounters are brutal?  Well, things are in the eye of the beholder I guess, but I never thought that what I added is particularly difficult.  Well, except the PnP greater basilisks maybe, and that is entirely on purpose, those things are practically mini-dragons and should be difficult. ^^

  13. I'm working on making Unfinished Business compatible with Imoen 4 Ever (content-wise, there are no technical issues to my knowledge), this will be one of my goals for v28.  I should have a draft ready sometime soon.

    This affects two components of UB:
    - The Kidnapping of Boo: You can ask the Cowled Enforcer about Imoen's location even when she is right there with you, and Minsc has a banter that refers to Imoen being gone that can trigger when she is not.
    - Kalah and What He Was Promised: Fairly minor as you'd have to go out of your way to trigger it, but it is possible to ask the genie to return Imoen when you already know she is safe.

    All other components of UB are already compatible as far as I can tell.

  14. 33 minutes ago, Chitown Willie said:

    So I reversed the sequence:

    • ~MIH_IP/SETUP-MIH_IP.TP2~ #0 #7 // Miscellaneous Item Improvements (see readme): v4


    • ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Item Revisions by Demivrgvs: V4 Beta 10 (Revised V1.2.32)

    And that worked successfully.

    Alright, thanks for reporting this.  I probably can resolve this conflict from my end, but I'll have to examine exactly what changes IR makes to this item so I can take that into account in my code.  I'm actually surprised this is the only issue to far, I'd expect more.

  15. 21 minutes ago, Chitown Willie said:

    Hi Angel,

    Attempting to install "Miscellaneous Item Improvements v4":

    This means another mod has already changed potn11.itm (the Potion of Invulnerability) in a way that is incompatible with my modifications.  Do you have another mod installed that changes items, like Item Revisions?  Note that my mod is probably not compatible with IR.

  16. 3 hours ago, Angel said:

    Yes, there was a msectype.2da sitting in my main game dir (not override), probably left there from when I did a weidu --biff-get sometime to examine it.  (I needed to know how it works for implementing Repel Insects in my spell pack.)  Odd though that this would cause an issue, I thought weidu only looked in the biff files and override.

    Anyway, I removed it and a few other stray files (mostly decompiled scripts), testing again now.

    Well, clearing these stray files did the trick, v33 is installed now.

    I did however notice a bunch of parse errors due to references to non-existing entries in splstate.ids.  On my installation, splstate.ids is not changed by any mod other than stratagems.

    [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/planet.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 1639 column 1-66
    Near Text: )
            [CheckSpellState] argument [ENCHANTMENT_IMMUNITY] not found in [splstate.IDS]
    [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#solar.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 4807 column 1-61
    Near Text: )
            [CheckSpellState] argument [ENCHANTMENT_IMMUNITY] not found in [splstate.IDS]
    [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#mg429.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 13077 column 1-96
    Near Text: )
            [CheckSpellState] argument [ITEM_PSIBLAST] not found in [splstate.IDS]


  17. 51 minutes ago, Slick85 said:

    Should I be afraid something didn't install right if I get an invalid string right when I start up the game?It is the first dialog section of the game when Imoen lets me out of my cage:

    This is most likely because your dialog.tlk has not been properly updated due to the earlier "permission denied" error.  Make sure the game is not running, then completely uninstall and reinstall SCS, then start a new game.

  18. Yes, I experienced this and found the cause.  This quest unfortunately does not work right with SCS or other mods that replace a creature's battle scripts.  The reason for this is that the code to create the lens item(s) is added to certain creature's (e.g. Firkraag's) vanilla battle scripts, but SCS replaces these with its own.

    My suggestion would be to use the area script instead.

  19. 12 minutes ago, DavidW said:

    Also have a look and see if there's a copy of msectype.2da just loose in your game file. Looking at your log, these are the crucial lines:

    [stratagems/spell/modify_breach.tpa] loaded, 2666 bytes
    Copied [stratagems/spell/modify_breach.tpa] to [weidu_external/workspace/modify_breach.tpa]
    [weidu_external/lang/stratagems/english/spell.tra] has 94 translation strings
    [weidu_external/lang/stratagems/ENGLISH/spell.tra] has 94 translation strings
    [MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 717 bytes
    [./override/MSECTYPE.2DA] loaded, 480 bytes
    Stopping installation because of error.

    So: the modify_breach function loads correctly (those are the first four lines). The first thing that function does is call ADD_SECTYPE. Then it loads 2 sectypes - one is from the override, but the other is (I think, from a little testing) just in the main game directory. And they're different (different lengths). On my successful install's debug, it just (twice) loads the override copy.

    Yes, there was a msectype.2da sitting in my main game dir (not override), probably left there from when I did a weidu --biff-get sometime to examine it.  (I needed to know how it works for implementing Repel Insects in my spell pack.)  Odd though that this would cause an issue, I thought weidu only looked in the biff files and override.

    Anyway, I removed it and a few other stray files (mostly decompiled scripts), testing again now.

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