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Posts posted by Angel

  1. On 2/17/2020 at 4:10 AM, Lightbringer said:

    Another one in the "unexpected consequences" camp for SCS: It is WAY easier to keep the Grand Dukes alive in BG1 during Sarevok's Coronation.

    Lia Jannath immediately has Stoneskin, Fireshield, Dispelling Screen, Spell Deflection, Shield, and Ghost Armor. The first thing she does is cast Teleport Field, regularly scattering all the Doppelgangers, and the second thing she does is cast Shadow Door, disappearing from sight. So much better than vanilla :D

    Ah yes, I too found this a refreshing change from her normal sitting duck behavior.  And besides, if you have ever played a wizard in D&D you should know that wizards are always prepared for anything.  An unprepared wizard is a dead one. ^^

    On 2/17/2020 at 9:06 PM, Jarno Mikkola said:

    Reasonable... well, I'll just go and ask, should she be expecting such an attack ? In her royal court. The one without any signs of Doppelgangers. So you expect to be attacked the very moment you go into your home ? I feel sorry for you. Not really.

    Important political figure and fairly powerful mage, in a city that has a possible war looming over it, is already full of civil unrest, and already has had two assassinations (Elthan and Scar) in the past week?  Seems to me that she could reasonably expect an attack at some point.  Make perfect sense that she is prepared for the worst.

  2. I'm quite fond of the Yeslick for BG2 mod, my only complaint with it is that he starts at too low a level for BG2 (5/5), but that is easily enough fixed.  If I recall correctly I made a small contribution to it in the past in the form of a fixed .bam for his holy symbol.

    Anyway, that mod was actually one of my inspirations for my attempt to get Yeslick in SoD.  I have it working at a *very* basic level now, he appears in the Dwarves of Dumathoin quest and can join the party, but nothing else.  There is no dialog or scripting for him at all.  First thing to do is to add the scripting @jastey in her readme.

    If you want to check what I have and maybe contribute to it, it is here.  But remember, this is a pre-alpha, I wouldn't recommend installing it except for testing.


  3. 18 minutes ago, jastey said:

    @Angel You are aware of my SoD NPC tutorials? (Just checking). I always liked Yeslick in BG1, although he joins the group way too late.

    Yes, and that I can implement.  I have a very rudimentary version where he joins in the Dwarves of Dumathoin quest, but I always struggle with writing dialog and stuff.

    And yeah, another thing I want to do is make Yeslick available earlier in BG1, but his nominal story importance makes him trickier to do than Quayle or Tiax.  But I guess I don't need to tell you what story importance can do.  Kudos on the Imoen 4 Ever mod, playing BG2EE with it now. ^^

  4. 2 hours ago, grodrigues said:

    In SR(R), the level 3 Storm Shield spell (druid/shaman only) also protects against insects.

    Mm, I will have to check if the IWDification- and SCS ones do.  Makes sense though.  But Repel Insects has a 10' radius, so might still be worth it.

  5. 15 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    Yeah, it's called a Fireshield (red). Ouh, you say it doesn't.... it does, to me.

    Not in the base game, but I know SCS makes this change to the spell system.  Maybe SR does too, not very familiar with it.

    Anyway, I think druids should be able to defend against these type of spells and Repel Insects is in the PHB, so that one is on the list for my spell pack. ^^

  6. 46 minutes ago, ithildurnew said:

    It's not that Insect Plague specifically makes this encounter too hard (I think they managed to get one casting of it off - if you have Remove Fear available you can deal with the pain). It's more that I was surprised there were 2 casters in double digit levels for a non-boss fight. They seem to be kitted as Avengers and can petrify party members with Chromatic Orb (level 10 version); I remember being a little stunned by that. Plus the environment/tactical situation - since you don't want to hurt/anger Beedor it severly limits AOE options - which is an excellent challenge for people who just like to blow stuff up with wand of fire and such. It's the resulting combination of all the ingredients (2 level 10s, 4 level 6s, AOE restriction) that I felt presented a challenge on par with the chapter end boss fight (single level 11 mage with Dimension Door tricks but only 1 level 5 spell, supported by flunkies), which makes me wonder if that was indeed the intent.

    Not sure if it was what was intended or not, but general consensus seems to be that it is tough but doable.  So guess I'll leave it alone and concentrate on NTotSC instead. ^^

    I will note down those spell ideas I had though, they could be a useful addition.

  7. Mm, maybe I should implement a Protection from Insects spell/scroll in one of my mods to take the -ahem- sting out of Summon Insects, Insect Plague and Creeping Doom. ^^

    My copy of Wizard's Compendium says that there is a spell called Mordenkainen's Protection from Insects and Arachnids, but implementing that might make Cloakwood too easy...  Maybe the druid spell Repel Insects? ^^

  8. 5 hours ago, jastey said:

    I have honestly no idea. I do not recall any "this is supposed to be a real hard fight!!" discussions from the workroom, though. If anyone wants to provide more appropriate leveled cre files please feel free, I think if they scale their tactics with SCS that would be sufficient for a challenging fight.

    I played this mission several times and don't recall having too much of an issue with it.  And that was with SCS installed and difficulty set to Tactical.  Of course a lot depends on when exactly you go to the Cloakwood, I usually do so when my party is around 5-7 (my Charname is usually paladin which is one of the slowest leveling single classes, so party tends to be higher than her).

    And yes, most unique casters from Cloakwood on are level 9 or higher (Davaeorn is 11 if I recall right).  But it's also true that Insect Plague is really damn annoying and there is almost no defense to it (SCS actually nerfs its damage and makes Fire Shield block it).  I suppose that if people really wanted me to I could tone them down to level 8...

  9. Spotted this while installing Improved Fiends and Celestials on BG2EE:

    [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#solar.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 4809 column 1-57
    Near Text: )
            [CheckSpellState] argument [ENCHANTMENT_IMMUNITY] not found in [splstate.IDS]
    [weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#solar.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 4845 column 1-58


    And another one while installing Smarter Mind Flayers:

    [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/dw#mg429.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 13615 column 1-90
    Near Text: )
            [CheckSpellState] argument [ITEM_PSIBLAST] not found in [splstate.IDS]


  10. On 1/29/2020 at 10:50 PM, subtledoctor said:

    The Rock Robe sounds cool. Very similar to IR’s Boots of the Gargoyle. 1x/day Stoneskin is cool but not game-breaking - IR even lets non-wizards use it, putting it in the same category as the sword that casts Mirror Image or the helm that casts Simulacrum. That’s especially reasonable for a robe, which would take the place of armor.

    I'm currently experimenting with that one and another one I whipped up last week, the Robe of Eyes (current stats: immunity to backstab and critical hit, can target improved invisible creatures with spells, +15% find traps and detect illusion, True Sight 1/day).

  11. 2 hours ago, jastey said:

    I'm thinking about adding displayed icons to the unbaked egg, too. Free Action and Protection from Poison would be the obvious choices, but what is the icon for being protected against Confusion, is it Mind Shield? And did I really also put a protection against being turned to stone in there, too (effect 33)?

    Usually Mind Shield yes, but Chaotic Commands would also be applicable.  Potion of Clarity uses Mind Shield, so that's what I would go with.

    Personally I would go with no icons for the unbaked egg, as it is unidentified - sort of.  But it's your choice eventually.

    And yes, must have, it sure isn't mine.  The only one I added is 175, a hold effect you forgot (there are three of them, 109, 175 and 185, the latter being known as "special" hold that is only used in a handful of cases.  109 is usually used for physical restraints like Web, 175 for paralysis like that of ghouls and ghasts.  But it's not always consistent.)

  12. 2 minutes ago, jastey said:

    Ah, compatibility would be great - just because I didn't drop it yet. (There are crazy people like @Greenhorn still playing the originals! :))

    I'd be totally fine with just using my versions for BG1, though. I'm not even sure they worked properly for original BG1, anyway.

    They probably will, from the top of my head.  Been a while since I meddled with it though.  But the new versions can be made compatible fairly easily, just have to delete all effects with opcode >190 (206, 267 and 296 on the ioun stones).  The ring should work in BG1 as it is now unmodified (but Luck will be stackable there).

  13. 3 hours ago, jastey said:

    Not yet, but this would be a good reason to finally put it there. I'll try to do so this weekend.

    Alright, just let me know.  I finished reviewing all items.  There were some problems with the Merchant League Signet Ring; the Luck effect stacked with itself and the Charm Person effect was not correctly keyed to humanoids.  I fixed it by making the ring simply cast the actual spells, that prevents several other issues as well.  All other items seem fine, most are completely non-magical.  I will be testing these three in my BG1EE game tonight.

  14. 28 minutes ago, jastey said:

    This is intentional, the unbaked egg is actually quite powerful, maybe too powerful for BG1 (says the quest and dialogue modder) - but it only lasts for two ingame weeks before it will be destroyed.

    Considering that it is temporary, the Cloakwood (main source of poisoning in BG1) is already visited by the time you can get it, that confusion attacks are somewhat rare in BG1, and the eventual price paid, I don't think it's too bad.  For BG1 standards it is pretty powerful though.

    And sure, I'll fix these two and go over everything else briefly.  Shouldn't take too long, this mod isn't exactly a storehouse of magical items. 🙂

    Is this one on GitHub, by the way?

  15. 9 hours ago, jastey said:

    @Arthas The critical hit protection is an interesting detail I wasn't aware of. Thanks for the link!

    If you want me to revise this ioun stone (or any other items in BGQE really, it's one of my favorite BG1 mods) for you, I'd be happy to help of course.  You only have to ask.

    Taking a quick look, I see that besides the critical hit protection issue mentioned above there are a few minor problems with the hold immunity.  They're mostly cosmetic, like that it doesn't prevent the hold- and webbed icons from being set or the hold person animation from playing.  I also see that the unbaked egg protects against some things the baked thing does not (poison and confusion), I'm not sure it this is intentional or not?

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