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Posts posted by Angel

  1. 4 hours ago, DavidW said:

    It looks as if some previous mod in your install order has done something odd to msectype.2da, and WEIDU's ADD_SECTYPE function is choking on it.  You have too many mods for me to guess which; could you post msectype.2da, and also do a change-log on it?

    This is my current setup with Stratagems v32.7 installed.

    00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~IMOEN_FOREVER/IMOEN_FOREVER.TP2~ 0 0 // Imoen 4 Ever in BGII: Experience the BGII without pressure - and with Imoen!Version 2
    00001:  ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ 0 1 // Thief kit revisionsv4.92
    00002:  ~REFINEMENTS/SETUP-REFINEMENTS.TP2~ 0 10 // Revised High Level AbilitiesInstall revised HLAs for all classesbeta 4.23.1
    00003:  ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)v32.7
    00004:  ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 6510 // Improved fiends and celestialsv32.7
    00005:  ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 6560 // Smarter mind flayersv32.7
    00006:  ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 8010 // Improved Shade Lordv32.7
    00007:  ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ 0 180 // PnP Mephitsv4.53
    00008: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 0 // Generalized Biffingv2.2 BWP Fix

    Refinements is the most likely culprit, I think.  I'll see if I can do a test without it.


  2. 2 hours ago, Guest guest said:

    Thanks for the answer in the end about these vyverns.

    Anyway, I didn't reinstall the mod in the playthrough. In fact I wanted to test each one of the components of your mod alone to judge it. To this day, I only installed the mutamin garden.

    This is *not* my mod's doing, and is most likely the result of changing mods (any mods, not necessarily mine) on a game in progress.  Don't do this.

  3. 3 hours ago, Austin said:

    Thank you so much! Just correct, please, the credits on GitHub - the author of the translation is not me, but yota13 & Arcanecoast Team.
    If the mod is updated, we will try to translate the new version too!

    v4 of Encounters & Quests probably won't be for a while.  I'm working on some Throne of Bhaal stuff, but it's tricky to actually find appropriate monsters for epic level adventurers.

    But if you want, you can try my item pack and spell pack, both have just had new releases.

  4. On 5/29/2020 at 8:37 PM, Guest guest said:

    Have you read my report about the vyverns on the basilisk area being named "placeholder" rather than vyverns?

    I have, but I can't explain or reproduce it.  The word "placeholder" is literally not anywhere in my code.  Did you change mods on a game in progress?

    Regardless, these creatures (they're supposed to be young black dragons) won't be there anymore in newer versions.

    17 hours ago, Endarire said:

    Consider this for the garden:  How difficult do you want it to be?  Yes, smart players will learn how to counter certain things, but how feasible is this to clear without other mods and with BG1 only, not SoD/BG2/EET?

    I'd like it to be a mid- to late game area.  Certainly not someplace to rush to as soon as you have a few potions of mirrored eyes for an easy massive XP gain.

    17 hours ago, Endarire said:

    Also, what did you think of that lore letter I mentioned above?

    It certainly is well written.  I'm still working on ideas for the zombies, but I might use this.  I'm still thinking on it.

    1 hour ago, Austin said:

    Hello! In the attachment, a Russian translation of the Made in Heaven "Encounters And Quests" (v3) mod.

    Add it please!

    Aw, now this is something I never expected to happen. ^^  Mm, I'll have to tag it on to v3, as I don't think it will work for the current v4 code base considering the massive structural- and content changes I made.

  5. 1 hour ago, Chitown Willie said:

    I noticed you released MIH v4 on 5/21 - and already started working on v5!

    You don't waste any time!

    Thinking about starting a fresh install - Any ETA on v5?


    I work on stuff constantly while I play, or whenever inspiration hits me.  So I set up my working directory for the next version as soon as I release the current one.  At the moment, I don't even know yet what will be in v5 other than some vague ideas like "a holy sword for BG1" and "magical sling bullets".

    So no, I do not know when v5 will be finished.  Could be next month, or next year. ^^

  6. 2 minutes ago, DavidW said:

    FWIW, the reason you do is

    (i) there was an unused 'yellow dragon scales' item in the vanilla game, so it seemed natural to make use of it;

    (ii) I didn't like the idea that you only got a reward if you didn't spare the dragon.

    Fair enough, and yeah, I had noticed the unused item.  I might have something with it in UB, but I guess that is covered now. ^^

    4 minutes ago, DavidW said:

    More generally, thanks for the kind words! (And I'd forgotten that Nizi doesn't drop scales.)


    You're welcome.  And to be honest, I have recently completed a part of my item mod that does make him drop scales.  I doubt I would have readily remembered it so exactly otherwise. ^^

  7. My two cents as someone who actually enjoys Throne of Bhaal in general and the extra battles SCS adds to Abazigal's lair.

    In the vanilla game, only three dragons drop scales: Firkraag, the shadow dragon, and Abazigal.  The fourth set of scales is found as loot in Watcher's Keep.  (I'd love to see a white dragon added there actually.)  Irenicus' dragon does drop the Bladesinger Chain +4 though, so I guess that sort of counts.  EE adds a dragon that drops silver scales, in Dorn's personal quest I think.

    That leaves Adalon, Saladrex and the green dragon in Watcher's Keep, the hell dragon, Draconis, the green dragon under the geas, and in EE the shadow dragon in Rasaad's ToB quest that all do not drop scales.  So dragons that do not drop scales, or any loot at all other than gold, are in no means restricted to those added by SCS.  And while I'd love a little loot on my dragon corpses just like anyone, I fully accept that SCS is simply not an item mod but a tactical one.  I was actually surprised to get that amulet from the yellow at all.

    And yes, it is unlikely that chromatic dragons of different colors would put up a coordinated attack, especially against puny humans.  Chromatic dragons are highly territorial, for them to even be in the same place without fighting each other to the death is exceptional enough.  Pushing in the weaker ones first if they must cooperate at all seems entirely in character to me, especially for a red who is not only evil but also chaotic.  I actually chuckled at the red's remark of what the green's breath would do to his scales. 🙂

    I say, keep up the good work!

  8. 7 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

    I am interested from hearing from anyone who has tried both this mod and SCS, which components are complementary, which you should pick one and not install the other, and if there are any game balance issues that arise from having both installed.

    There are at this point no known compatibility issues with SCS.  I always play with SCS installed so yes, this is tested.  In fact, I designed this mod to be complementary to SCS, doing the things SCS does not. (Usually, add more creatures to fight.)

    7 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

    1. Enhanced Ulcaster Ruins (MiH) &  Improved Ulcaster (SCS).

    SCS changes two fights here, the battle with Icharyd among the ruins (the skeleton warrior), and the vampire wolf at the end of the dungeon.  I do not touch either.


    What I do is introduce a new enemy called a Blazing Bones, the undead remains of a wizard killed by fire (as described in the 2e book Monstrous Compendium Annual vol. 1).  You're advised to pack some fire resistance and a magical bludgeoning weapon.  There will also be a few more mustard jellies in hidden corners.


    7 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

    2. A Real Spider Plague (MiH) & Improved Spiders (SCS)

    SCS changes the battle scripts of the spiders, and gives some a few more abilities, mostly web spitting.  I do not touch these.


    My mod makes lesser spiders (huge spiders, giant spiders, and my newly created hairy spider) constantly spawn off-screen.  They're not meant to be very tough, but they just keep coming.  This happens in the second Cloakwood area (where Centeol's lair is), and in the Wood of Sharp Teeth area (to the far east, where the four red wizards are).  I also add a few more of the tougher spiders here and there.

    This component will probably be revised in the next version as I was not entirely happy with it, but I haven't decided yet exactly what to do with it.

    7 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

    3. Cloakwood Assassins (MiH) & Improved Cloakwood Druids (SCS) or Improved Drasus Party (SCS) since I don't know exactly where teh Assassins from MiH will turn up.

    The assassins are an entirely new group and do not spawn anywhere near either the druids or the mine.


    They are in the wyvern area, directly after the first bridge you cross.  They are hobgoblins; a fighter and two archers.


    7 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

    4. Enhanced Basilisks (MiH) & Smarter Basilisks (SCS)

    This component was designed with SCS in mind.  It does give greater basilisks a new script in an empty slot to govern their new abilities, but does not touch their original scripts.  Lesser basilisks are entirely unchanged.


    Greater basilisks gain dragon-like immunities and a gas cloud similar to iron golems, constantly forcing a save versus poison or take heavy damage.  This was actually toned down from P&P where it's actually save or die instantly, which I considered a bit too harsh.  I strongly suggest bringing scrolls of Protection from Poison and Elixirs of Health, or not engaging them in melee at all.  Having a Cavalier in your party is also a big help. 🙂

    In addition to this, currently two young black dragons currently show up in Mutamin's garden, but this will be changed in a later version, probably to dracolisks or pyrolisks.


    7 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

    5. Enhanced Wraith Spiders (MiH) & Improved Spiders (SCS)

    This is a very low-key change and does not affect SCS in any way.  Their battle scripts are unchanged.


    The only change I make to wraith spiders is mark them as undead and give them their proper chilling and level-draining bite, as per P&P.


    7 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

    6. Enhanced Shadow Temple (MiH) & Improved Shade Lord (SCS)

    SCS only changes the battle with the Shade Lord.  I do not touch this battle at all.


    Shadows and shade wolves will spawn more frequently and in greater numbers both on the temple grounds and inside the temple itself.  There is one additional undead-spawning high-level trap, right in front of the statue of Amaunator.  Since this uses the spwndead script, it is affected by SCS's "Improved Random Encounters" component.  Some barrow wights (similar to those seen in Heart of Winter) and a single mohrg (a fairly high-level undead, basically a very tough ghast) have also been added.

    In addition to this, I also add a little script that removes the last remaining shadow barrier when the Shade Lord is killed.  This is similar to the one found in the Oversights mod and they can harmlessly be installed together.


    7 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

    7. Enhanced Watcher's Keep (MiH) & Improved Watcher's Keep (SCS)

    This one I'm actually still working on and currently doesn't change all that much.  It should not have any trouble with SCS at all.  Right now it's more a convenience tweak than anything and changes combat in only a minimal way.  I plan to do more with it though.


    You can now always get the Thieves' Hood, even if you have a paladin in your party or you decide to kill both the tanar'ri and the baatezu in the maze.

    Some of Saladrex' loot is now stealable by a good thief, most prominently the Staff of the Ram.  This is mostly because I just don't like having to pick a fight with him to get it.  I might enhance this further in the future.

    The spawn points around the Machine of Lum the Mad now spawn tougher and more appropriate monsters.


  9. 2 hours ago, Endarire said:

    Zombie Farm: What are the Zombies guarding?  What scrolls/notes do they carry to infer significance?  Were they plagued and turned Undead?  Did they offend someone?  Was it just a bad day for them with an opportune Necromancer?

    The zombie farm is indeed an intriguing place that begs for more of a story.  Unfortunately I am not much of a story/dialog writer.  I still do have a thing or two in mind for it though.

    2 hours ago, Endarire said:

    Winter Wolf Breath: May we get an option to make this an AoE?

    It is an AoE in the next version I am developing.  To compensate I do restrict where they show up though.  I'll think about making either optional.

  10. 6 hours ago, Endarire said:

    Spells: How well does this interface with Spell Revisions and Tome & Blood/Faiths & Powers?

    Mm,  I do not use any of those mods so I really don't know how they would interact with mine.  I'd welcome some feedback on it, actually.

    Code-wise, for the basic spell pack things should work, although if any of them implements some of the same spells I do, there might be a bit of a conflict.  Probably, the last version installed is the one you get.

    As for the tweaks, it may not be compatible with SR since it already changes a lot of spells.  The changes I make are fairly small, I prefer to keep the original spell system mostly intact.  Although I am admittedly tempted to turn Infravision into something that is actually useful. ^^

  11. 1 hour ago, sarkocreme said:

    It's still worth it - something I'd still make sure to grab during BG1 runs.

    I took your remarks into account for v4, the dwarven plate is now only +1.  Also, the Bag of Tricks now has only one use per day, the ring in the Candlekeep catacombs is now +1/+3 and the cloak in Durlag's Tower is +3/+1.  If that last one is still a bit too much, maybe I should reverse them, make the ring +3/+1 and the cloak +1/+3?

    In BG2, you get the original +4/+1 cloak from Firkraag.  The ring is now +6/+1, the most powerful version described in the DMG, and is on Vongoethe, the lich in Amkethran.

  12. Version #4 of the Item Pack and version #2 of the Spell Pack now available.

    The biggest change is that almost everything is rewritten in SFO, the same library that is used for SCS and Wheels.  I do wonder how much this will break...  There are, of course, also new items, spells and tweaks to play around with. ^^

  13. On 5/19/2020 at 8:22 AM, Endarire said:

    Quest ideas!

    -Siegeing a city.  ToB has you escaping a city under siege.

    -A dragon egg hatchery.  Dragons come from somewhere, right?

    -Saving a city from a volcanic eruption:  People panicking, lava everywhere, and people wondering if this is the end of the world.  Mass looting.  Various religious interpretations.  Blame pointing.  Etc.

    -Aiding or stopping a madman from taking revenge on a forest that ate his pet or familiar.

    I totally wish I could do this, but I'm afraid I am no @Lava ☺️

    But who knows, I have surprised myself before.  My most ambitious plan currently is to add a small fishing village to the north of Athkatla with a few quests.  If I can pull that off, maybe I'll feel ready for something bigger.

  14. On 5/19/2020 at 3:38 AM, Lightbringer said:

    You've said you wanted ideas. I would love to see something done with the gnoll stronghold in BG1. I always thought it should be a much greater undertaking than it currently is. I remember that Dark Horizons does some really cool things with it, but the rest of the mod was not to my taste.

    Maybe tougher gnolls, or more of other kinds of creatures, toughen up the denizens of the caves, etc?  I'm usually around level 5 by the time I'm there, and I can often just berserk Minsc and let him solo the place.

    Yeah, the Gnoll Stronghold is indeed one of the places I have on my radar.  I don't want to make it too insane as it likely is one of the first places a player visits and it is rather far away from any town.  Also, it seems that The Calling has plans for that place as well.  (Perhaps @CamDawg could say something about this?)  But adding a bit more spice to the place might be fun.  I'm usually around 2-4 when I go there, since I want to get Minsc and Dynaheir as soon as possible.

  15. On 5/18/2020 at 9:43 AM, sarkocreme said:


    I just finished a run through BGEE and SoD and wanted to drop some comments. Overall, I really liked the mod. There's not enough equipment variety in BG1->BG2 and this mod really helps that. I don't know if you're concerned with feedback, but there are a few items I found overpowered:

    Bag of Tricks: Feels like a hybrid of Animal Summoning I/II, which requires a level 7/9 cleric so 3 uses is really strong, especially for when you get it

    Battlecloak of Vycaena: 4AC and 1ST makes this not only the best cloak in BG1, but arguably the best cloak in the whole trilogy (though AC matters less later on, there's also only so many great cloaks). Even at 2AC and 1ST, it's useful through SoD since it frees up a more valuable ring slot.

    Ring of the Lich: Like Vycaena, 3AC and 3ST is similarly very strong for BG1. 3AC/2ST or 2AC/3ST seems more appropriate to BG1, while still feeling quite exciting to find.

    Dwarven Plate +2: Even with 1 less AC bonus, its still unmatched until end of SoD. Though it wasn't that big of a deal compared to the other 3.

    These are all valid concerns and SoD did feel a bit too easy the last time I went through it, partially because of these I would wager.  I'm constantly searching for the right balance between worthless and overpowered to keep things interesting so I do welcome feedback like this.

    I didn't imagine the Bag of Tricks to be a big issue since it summons only one creature at a time, while Animal Summoning gets you several.  But I suppose I could make it 1/day for BG1 and 3/day for BG2, maybe with some semi-hidden upgrade track similar to the Horn of Valhalla.

    Mm, I probably could make the Ring of the Lich and the Battlecloak BG2-only and replace them with similar but weaker items in BG1.  Maybe +1/+3 and +3/+1?  +2/+1 would be weaker than what BG1 already gives you (the Spirit's Cloak from Candlekeep is +2/+2), and I did want some nice reward for going all the way through Durlag's (it replaces the Cloak of the Shield in the last room before the Demon Knight).  These two are the first items I ever made so they have a bit of nostalgic value for me, but I shouldn't let that get in the way of game balance.

    Also, thanks for testing my dwarven plate, I hadn't actually gotten to it myself yet.  I was wondering if I should perhaps make it a +1, would its special ability still make it worth it?

  16. 1 hour ago, 4udr4n said:


    @AL|EN has repeatedly answered you to explain that PI already does download the latest release wherever a release is available, but that not all mods use releases. Roxanne, @Artemius I, InfinityMods, OlvynChuru, @Ulb, and @Angel all have mods that only have masters on GitHub right now. Presumably, as PI cannot guarantee that a modder will continue to use releases, it makes sense to link to the project page?

    I can't speak for everyone of course, but the reason some of my mods don't have release versions is because, well, they aren't ready for release yet.  They are buggy, untested and may perhaps never be completed or released at all.  I of course won't stop anyone who wants to give them a spin anyway, but putting them in a tool that is supposed to make modding easier is IMHO not a very good idea.

  17. On 5/4/2020 at 3:13 PM, Cahir said:

    Dang, that's not good. I have both SoA and Gavin in my mod setup. @Angelwhat was the outcome in your case? 

    It's not too bad really.  The house is locked by the Gavin mod, but by the time SoA kicks in you likely already found the key and, if you have Gavin, already did his quest there.  Just a bit of an illogical situation.

    There are several other bugs and issues in the SoA mod (nothing game-breaking, just annoyances) so I'm thinking writing some sort of unofficial fix for it that also moves the scene to a different house.  But with everything else already on my plate, not sure when or if I'll get to it.


    17 minutes ago, jastey said:

    I think the bg1re component "All that left was" plays there? I need to check whether that's the one. It doesn't have an intereor which wouldn't be too much of a problem to add, and the bg1re component's character introduced is somewhat special as in no ordinary man (spoiler), and the dialogue pretends they go inside  without making the house accessible.

    It would still be weird, though, gwtting close in a temple of Talos... (at least I assume you proposed moving the temple.)

    Yeah, that's a common problem, different mods re-purposing the same building.  In my current setup, there's also a conflict between Stone of Askavar and Gavin for BG1, which both use the same house in Beregost.

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