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Everything posted by subtledoctor

  1. This stuff is complicated. If I'm reading this right, wakizashi are already converted to type=19, which means they will get the same treatment as short swords. But caution, wakizashi are by default a d8 weapon, and setting them to the "small" category with this version of dual-wielding would be massively overpowered. Like, all other d8 weapons get a relative 4-point thac0 penalty and 2-point AC penalty compared to small weapons, and most d6 weapons would be substantially worse as well. It would just be crazy. Even setting short swords as "small" is unbalancing - like, there needs to be a reason to put a dagger in your off-hand. "Small" is really supposed to represent a "just daggers" category. Everything else is just either small or large (i.e. "medium" or "large"). But to each his own! See this stuff is hard. In the vanilla game scimitars share a category code with long swords, bastard swords, and katanas. So there's not an easy way to break them out separately. But with FnP's revised cleric weapon usability, scimitars have their own category code, so then it is easy - just change "large" to "medium" at line 626. I guess. I don't think there is any specific interaction with FnP.
  2. Yes, and: edit YARAS.ini before installing SoB and set all speed penalties to 0. Then you’ll only have the casting failure. Just install Item Revisions “weapon changes” component before this. This is harder. Off the top of my head I can’t think of an easy way to do this. After doing the above, change “medium” to “small” at line 580 of /scales_of_balance/components/124_wpo_styles.tpa. Then short swords and ninja-to will be small. (Mind you, I’m not sure this is necessary. I have short swords as medium in my game, and Kivan is a beast when dual-wielding them.)
  3. If I’m not mistaken it’s a bg2 mod. Do mods for BG2 even need “EET compatibility”...?
  4. Ya, we've had reports that it isn't working so i disabled it for the moment. Whoops, looks like unlucky 13 was a dud, fixed now in v0.9.14. Looking at the code (for the first time in several years), it looks like e.g. scrl82.itm should have a 147 effect letting you learn "d5nect1.spl" which is the new innate version of Chill touch. So you should theoretically be able to learn it just like you learn other spells. s long as some other mod hasn't messed with scrl82.itm. And as long as the game lets you use opcode 147 to learn innate abilities (which I think it does, I tested this way back when...) If you want, you can edit /tomeandblood/comp/setup_specialists.tpa and delete lines 713 to 718. Then install the mod, and you will get the innates automatically at certain levels (1/5/9, or something like that). I think.
  5. Whoops - caused by a pair of minor typos. Fixed in v5.32.2. Or if you don't want to download it, just open /scales_of_balance/components/121_WPO_categories.tpa and /scales_of_balance/lib/weapprof_dialogue.tpa, and find/replace "and" with "AND" - just need it to be capitalized.
  6. Nice! So, getting down to brass tacks: I've seen reports from two people that they had trouble installing mods on MacOS Big Sur. One of them said it worked fine on early versions of Big Sur, but that a recent update changed things. So I surmise that either 1) an OS update changed something and is not letting Weidu run; or 2) there si some kind of user error.
  7. Might need to use them from a quickslot. Honestly I forget. But if another mod changes those scrolls after this one, then that might mess it up, yes.
  8. Okay, I've updated the mod to fix the multiclass sorcerers' spell learning and casting. All of that code is tightened up, and it is more compatible with other similar applications such as clerics' spontaneous casting in Faiths & Powers, and the broader 5E spellcasting conversion mod. NOTE: trying to fully integrate the Mana Sorcerer kit ended up being a ton of extra work for little or no added functionality, so I couldn't justify it. The Mana Sorcerer still works, and is still interesting, but notably the Mana Sorcerer will not get spell-switching like other sorcerers, if you happen to install that option. Sorry - my gas tank is empty. Once again, this update makes major changes to the "semi_spontaneous" library of functions (now up to 0.7 internally) which is shared by several mods. If you use these features of the update, then you should update all of the following mods that you may be using: Faiths & Powers (to 0.79.27 or later) Tome & Blood (to 0.9.13 or later) Might & Guile (to 4.12.2 or later Scales of Balance (to 5.32.1 or later) 5E Casting Conversion (to 0.9 or later) Cheers. Notably, while those functions were first designed for 5E-style casting, they now also support full sorcerer-style casting. So if you want to make a multiclass fighter/dragon disciple kit, or something like that, it is now pretty easy to do so. The actual code needed is pretty sparse - after adding the kits themselves, the code for one multi-sorcerer kit looks like this:
  9. Okay I've updated the mod, with newer/better spontaneous-casting code, and even given it its own component. It will ask you whether you want to give divine casters the option to learn and cast spells like a sorcerer. The general spontaneous option should be working better and be better integrated with components from Tome & Blood and the 5E conversion mod; and the multiclass Shaman code is tightened up and some bugs squashed there. NOTE: The spontaneous casting option only works with the sphere system, so you won't see the component if you don't install a sphere system. This is an either/or proposition with the 5E casting conversion mod. FnP should be installed first, and if you choose to install the spontaneous casting option here, then divine casters will not be converted to the 5E mechanism if/when you install the 5E mod later. So plan ahead which kind of spellcasting changes (if any!) you prefer. Once again, this made major changes to the "semi_spontaneous" library of functions (now up to 0.7 internally) which is shared by several mods. If you use these features of the update, then you should update all of the following mods that you may be using: Faiths & Powers (to 0.79.27 or later) Tome & Blood (to 0.9.13 or later) Might & Guile (to 4.12.2 or later Scales of Balance (to 5.32.1 or later) 5E Casting Conversion (to 0.9 or later) Cheers.
  10. Have you looked at the code for some of the “7th party member” mods? Or Ulb’a “Animal Companion” mod?
  11. Well, sure, in an ideal world it would work either way, so the intent should be that it is able to be installed after SR. And it’s definitely worth mentioning any errors, so that anyone working on this can look into it. But if you just want to play the game, and it works one way but not the other, then install it the way it works. Not any longer. SR adds spells dynamically since 4b17.
  12. I'm already re-writing all of this stuff now. It's not going as smoothly as I hoped - I wanted to fold TnB multi-sorcerers, TnB mana sorcerers, FnP spontaneous casting, FnP multi-shamans, and the 5E casting conversion into a single book of functions... that didn't quite happen. Nevertheless, a lot of the code is being rewritten and updated, and bugs are being squashed along the way. That stray 101->147 effect on the Shammage is one such bug I already found. I'm testing all this now, it might take a bit before it's ready to release. If you notice any other problems, mention them! And I can fold fixes into the update.
  13. Did you try IWDification, then SR? That's the way I usually install them. Not to say it shouldn't work either way, but, unfortunately install order matters a lot with these games.
  14. I think you have to make them de facto familiars... I have no experience with that, however. (Which is a shame, because I'd like to learn to make pseudo-familiars so that multiple party members can all have one...
  15. One more level down and you end up in limbo, where you find out that we are all just reflections of different aspects of the Imp's inner personality...
  16. That's fine, I just thought the thread deserved some more concrete information than "get a real computer!!1!1" or whatnot. (To be fair, I have no experience with the new ARM-powered Macs. I don't know if Weidu works on that platform. I speak from the perspective of the last ten years, when Macs have been bog-standard Intel PCs with a slightly fancier aluminum shell. Maybe in the future, "incompatibility" will be a real concern again. Time will tell...)
  17. Did G3 hire some of the Beamdog forum moderators? Don't know why they left this inane, inaccurate, and uninformative comment (which was apparently, appropriately, only posted in jest) but removed any follow-up... Anyway @Elminsters Hat I and others have been using MacOS to play the games, mod the games, and create mods for Windows users (you're welcome) for many many years. There is nothing "incompatible" about the OS - it uses your basic UNIX underpinnings, universal and/or open-source networking and i/o, and can handle any files with any extension you care to throw at it. As stated once upon a time, this is not 1997. Apple does unfortunately update the OS more often than Windows (which I think is a bad policy) and those updates can affect Weidu. Generally someone who helps out with Weidu compiles a new version for the latest MacOS update, and everyone continues without any problem. You are the 2nd person I've heard make a complaint relating to Big Sur, so maybe there is an issue there, but I have also heard of people using it with Big Sur just fine. My advice: make sure you have found the proper game directory make sure permissions are set correctly for that folder get the latest copy of Weidu and put it in that folder get the Mac Weidu Launcher and put it in that folder get a bunch of mods and unpack them into that folder use the Mac Weidu Launcher Works great for me, I actually find it substantially easier than installing mods on Windows. YMMV.
  18. Works find as long as you use up-to-date versions. I think any duplicate spells are kept from the first mod installed, and skipped by the second one. I think? EDIT - nope, it’s the opposite: last mod wins.
  19. I agree with your general opinions 100%. There’s nothing wrong with your opinion; only your basis of knowledge. For instance: MacOS and iOS are two very different beasts; it makes little sense when discussing modding MacOS to respond with “Macs are incompatible with everything - just look how locked down iOS is!” MacOS has its own issues, which is why by habit I am slow to update it. But in this context the issues have generally been resolved by simply re-compiling Weidu for new versions of the OS. As long as there’s someone who can do that, it’s not a big deal. Fair enough!
  20. What is this, 1997?? The problem is not compatibility, but Apple’s rapid pace of OS changes. As far as this, someone with the latest version of Big Sur just needs to see if Weidu works for them, and if not then find someone who can compile a new version. And people who like using unsigned freeware (what is this, 1997??) should be wary about updating their OS... (And if the latest versions of Wn10/Win11 blithely let any unsigned freeware execute arbitrary code... well, no wonder so many organizations have been hacked lately...)
  21. I have a system set up where a certain kit, whenever it casts a spell, it triggers various subspells with a cumulative 5,000+ opcode 177 effects. Each of those triggers an .EFF file which has opcode 171 granting an innate ability. I am trying to update the system, but doing so would mean changing this to trigger 5,000+ opcode 146 effects, instead of 177. These would each cast a spell which would have a single opcode 171 effect, granting those same innate abilities. So the end result is the same; the question is, would getting to that result with opcode 146 be noticeably slower than getting there with opcode 177. I don't really expect anyone to have an answer to this stemming from experience, but on the off-chance someone understands the engine well enough to hazard a guess, I'll hazard the question. Right now, with opcode 177, there can be about a quarter-second hitch when such spells are cast. If that jumps to half a second or more, it might be intolerable. In such a case, I would rather not put the time into updating it.
  22. @kjeron any idea why, when I set up a spell-learning system for sorcerer spells, it doesn't show an icon in the "learn" box when I select a spell and click "memorize?" Here's the code: EDIT - now I am seeing the icons. Don't know what the problem was, I might have been overwriting them...? ... In other news, aside from that little invisible-icon thing, I have re-engineered the multiclass sorcerers component from the ground up, and it is now fully working, 5th-level spells and everything. What's more, I've off-loaded a bunch of it into some portable functions, so I should be able to use this as a base for e.g. re-engineering the shaman-style casting in FnP. Unfortunately, since the new system is new, it now longer works with the sorcerer spell-switching component and it breaks the Man Sorcerer component. So still more work to be done before I can release it for general use.
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