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Everything posted by subtledoctor

  1. I guess so. But note, this is all academic because, I must repeat: the multiclass sorcerers component is not working right now. You should not be installing it.
  2. No, that "not found" is a red herring; it is actually having trouble applying a value to that "fake_sorc_equal_1_7" variable. Which would only happen if your copy of splprot.2da does not have a line beginning "D5_WIZ=1_7..." Which it should, if you have already installed a mod component that relates to this one (multiclass sorcerers, the Arcanist kit, MnG Bards, or the 5E conversion). Also, be aware, based on the several posts prior to yours, the Multiclass Sorcerers component is not working right now. Finally, I cannot replicate this error in any event. I just installed the Multiclass Sorcerers component (remember it doesn't work, but I installed it anyway), and then the +Slot Items component, and there was no install error. It's possible another mod caused a problem that in turn caused a problem here? If I had to guess, I would say Ruad or MESpells. Also, are you using EEex?
  3. Because twenty-two years ago the developers who wrote the source code didn’t end up using it, and so didn’t know or didn’t care that it was bugged. They had a game to publish; attention and effort were needed elsewhere. This is what we have to work with. It didn’t stop a thousand-plus modders from applying their vision to the game without acting like children who think they are owed answers... (EDIT okay a few may have acted like children now and again )
  4. I once created a function to do that sort of thing. It was adapted (i.e. copied and then viciously deformed) from Weidu's CLONE_EFFECT patch function. You use it like: INCLUDE ~%MOD_FOLDER%/lib/spell_clone_effects.tpa~ COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.spl$~ ~override~ LPF SPELL_CLONE_EFFECTS INT_VAR match_opcode=206 STR_VAR match_resource=~spwi103~ resource=~spdr101~ END BUT_ONLY COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ LPF SPELL_CLONE_EFFECTS INT_VAR match_opcode=206 STR_VAR match_resource=~spwi103~ resource=~spdr101~ END BUT_ONLY Something like that. And repeat for each spell. My first version of that took 45 minutes to run. The version I linked to now took about 4 minutes to run. Much better... but still painfully slow. The best way to do this is to use old-fashioned GET_OFFSET_ARRAY to manually look at the effects of every spell and item, and the resource field of files with matching effects; make a list of the ones that need patching; and then just patch the ones in the list. Something like: COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ override SET slot_item = 0 PATCH_IF SOURCE_SIZE > 0x72 BEGIN GET_OFFSET_ARRAY glob_fx ITM_V10_GEN_EFFECTS PHP_EACH glob_fx AS idx => off BEGIN PATCH_IF (SHORT_AT off == 206) OR (SHORT_AT off == 321) OR (SHORT_AT off == 318) OR (SHORT_AT off == 324) BEGIN SET slot_item = 1 READ_ASCII off + 0x16 resource PATCH_IF (~%resource%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~spwi103~) BEGIN TEXT_SPRINT $burning_hands_items(~%SOURCE_RES%~) ~1~ END END END END BUT_ONLY [and ditto for spells] ACTION_PHP_EACH burning_hands_items AS file => ind BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%file%.itm~ ~override~ LPF CLONE_EFFECT STR_VAR match_resource = ~spwi103~ resource = ~spdr101~ END BUT_ONLY END [and ditto for spells] It'd be a bit annoying to do that for all your spell replacements, but it would be quite fast.
  5. You’re asking the wrong person... I don’t know who, if anyone, is maintaining that list. Anyway, it’s not an NPC mod or something like that; it’s a rule-tweak mod. It goes without saying that it is compatible with EET.
  6. It's possible those items are formatted in a weird way that defeats the mod's attempt to patch them; I have no experience with that mod. But if that's the case then this might not work well anyway - the Poison Overhaul is pretty touchy, and prone to malfunctioning. I don't even use it myself anymore - instead I just use the alterations to Slow Poison and Neutralize Poison in my 'Random Tweaks' mod.
  7. Did you delete the "weidu" file in your game folder and replace it with the one linked in this post? I hear you about upgrading. I tend to find a version of the OS and stick with it for as long as possible. I stayed on Mountain Lion for a loooong time... that was a great system. Then I got a newer Macbook that didn't run ML, so now I have Mojave on it; I really like Mojave, I'm not going to change it anytime soon. Probably not until I get another new laptop. Apple provides security updates to older OSes for years and years, I don't feel a compelling need to stay with the most current OS.
  8. I like it; if I was a DM it’s probably what I would do. But is it worth it? If a player wants to burn time and spell slots charming neutral folks... why not? I feel like adding a bad-luck hostile reaction will just lead to save-scumming. It’s essentially saying that if the attempt fails (target succeeds on a save), the spell fails; but if it fails by too much (target succeeds on a save by too much) then there’s a backlash and things turn against you. I like that! It reminds me of the 2E psionics rules, among other things. It would be cool to see that kind of thing in all sorts of spells - let magic be a bit unpredictable and dangerous, in addition to powerful! But, that sort of thing does not really exist in this game. It would make Charm a bit of an odd duck in that regard. Possible implementation, if people like the odd duck: apply this to Charm, but have no chance of hostile reaction from neutrals for Dire Charm. There’s your differentiation (in addition to the saving throw difference).
  9. Have you tried this? (Especially see AL|EN’s comment of December 11 on the 3rd page of the thread, if you have problems.)
  10. I agree with Bart. Add a non-hostile subspell/eff for non-hostile targets, remove the save bonus from that subspell, and call it a day. It would add the ability to see BG1’s special dialogues while retaining SR’s normal function in normal usage. Easy-Peasy. I’m agnostic about whether the same should be done to Dire Charm, but I guess what’s the harm? Here again, it would retain Demi’s vision for the spell in normal usage, while adding access to the special content.
  11. I cannot reproduce this, 0.8 installs just fine for me. That file is related to the new way the mod affects armors to suppress spellcasting. If you look at the top of [mod_folder]/lib/semi_spontaneous.tpa, it should be v6.1 or higher. If you try to install this after another mod that uses the same file, but an earlier version of that file, it could cause problems. That's why I gave a list of mods that all need to be updated together (TnB, FnP, MnG, SoB, and this one) - they all use that same file, and they all need the same version of that file. I know that might be a bit annoying, but it's really important for compatibility.
  12. It’s not their other class level, it’s probably their innate caster level (the average of their levels). Same issue affected casting slots, though that part is already fixed. Anyway no, it’s not related. I’ve made a bunch of adjustments, modernizing some of the code, identifying and fixing several small bugs... but none of it has changed this. I keep not getting 5th-level spells, and there doesn’t seem to be any technical reason why. It’s worth comparing to the Mana Sorcerer kit, since that is the closest analogue at a technical level. But in the meantime... I can’t fix it unless I can find what needs fixing. I wouldn’t hold my breath for it to be corrected, the time frame is probably more like weeks than like hours. EDIT - looks like 5th-level spells work just fine with the Mana Sorcerer. But they use almost the same code! Super weird. Maybe I should make some multiclass Mana Sorcerer kits... er, don't hold your breath for that either. Forget I said it! These kits might need a full re-work. These were a stepping-stone to the 5E conversion mod, but if the 5E mage multiclasses work, then I could work backwards from there, simply restricting the ability to learn from scrolls and adding the spell-learning UI. In-game, there would be no difference, they would work the same way they do now. But the underlying systems would be more robust. Just, (you know it's my favorite phrase) don't hold your breath.
  13. What is the current save bonus for Charm Person? I thought it's +3? To keep things as simple as possible, I would: Use two different subspells, from opcode 177 filtering for enemies vs. neutral/allies Keep the save bonus for enemies (+3 sounds fine to me) and keep it as a hostile spell Remove the save bonus from the subspell for neutral targets, and make it non-hostile Maybe give the same treatment to the druid spell, but I don't think it's really necessary for Dire Charm. 1) based on the PnP source the spell is not meant to be used on neutral folks in that way; and 2) who is going to spend a 3rd-level spell for the extra dialogue when a measly 1st-level spell works just as well?? I'm going to take it in a different direction in my own mod, I've gotten some good ideas from this. But that's not relevant here.
  14. Happens with a regular TnB sorcerer/cleric and fighter/sorcerer, as well. So it's just a bug in the TnB Multi-Sorcerers component. I'll have to look into it.
  15. The kits are added by FnP, but they use the same kit abilities and underlying systems as the sorcerer/cleric added by TnB. I need to check whether the same behavior exists without FnP. If I could see a problem in the files, it would be easy enough to track down the source. But I can't... I suppose, theoretically, it could be related to FnP’s option to cast spontaneously or from memorization slots. It’s possible that older code is interfering with the sorcerer spells. If you are planning to do a new install and just want to get playing with spontaneous casting, you might consider skipping TnB’s multiclass sorcerers and play a cleric/mage using the 5E conversion mod (install it after TnB and FnP, before FnP_Multi). It’s newer, more recently tested, and probably more robust.
  16. Ah right, I remember liking that. Though, it’s a bit outside the scope of this mod.
  17. Okay, I can reproduce this... but I cannot explain it. I leveled up a Sorcerer/Seeker of Oghma in BG2EE v2.5.16, and I was not getting my 5th- or 7th-level spells. And the 6th-level spells came late. But, upon inspecting the character and the spells in NI, everything seems fine! I can't see a problem anywhere - every part of the system that affects 5th-level spells looks the same as the parts of the system that affects 4th-level spells. And those work fine. The character has the appropriate proficiency modification to represent 5th-level spellcasting slots The "learn spell" spell for 5th-level spells looks fine The spell that makes your 5th-level spells appear under the casting button looks fine The op206 spell that gates my chosen 5th-level spell was properly stripped from the character I'm a bit flabbergasted. Gonna have to take some time to consider what I might be missing...
  18. You might want to look at Kjeron’s UI mod template for sorcerer spell learning, which uses the sequencer choice UI, and which can be adapted to other things like feats or HLAs. The “learning” part springs from an automated application of opcode 171, so it can handle any kind of abilities rather than just wizard spells; and you can replace that 171 effect with 146 or the like, as needed, to apply passive effects. I think the simplest version I have is my mod that lets Archer-type kits choose from various Called Shot abilities. The code is slightly opaque, but once you wrap your head around it, it can largely be copied and pasted for other applications. It operates from a simple .2da table so making adjustments is quite easy after it is set up. The basic function can be found here.
  19. I was going to object, but I was mixing this up with LUABBR.2da. My functions patch that to give each kit a custom table; but the level and rate at which you start getting HLAs is determined solely by class. Like several other things, this doesn't do what you think it does. It was designed just for multiclasses, to e.g. prevent you choosing a 9th-level spell before you can cast 9th-level spells. I have found it’s best to avoid messing with this field in any other circumstances. That’s fascinating! I never thought to try that! If I knew that a few years ago I would have made a feats mod much sooner!
  20. The problem with this is, the target will move toward an enemy and then just, like, nuzzle them. It ends up being weird.
  21. One option: set the kit to use an existing table (doesn’t matter which, can be Fi0), then use my HLA table-modifying function to give it whatever custom HLAs you want. I think BGEE simply lacks the HLA .SPL files... possibly when you tried with a vanilla thief it got stuck at the table with no actual HLAs to choose from. If you point your kit to a proper table and populate that table with existing abilities (which my function will do - you just have to COPY in the specified abilities) then I think it should work. Unless the BGEE UI simply doesn’t permit it. Not sure about that part.
  22. I really hate Charm Person... it is so different from it's pen 'n' paper source. It is only a 1st-level spell, very low-level magic. It is only supposed to improve the target's disposition toward you - not turn them into your ally in the midst of a fight to the death, and force them to murder their own companions! That sort of thing is quite specifically meant for higher-level effects like Domination. But Bioware made a murder-hobo game, and this and other spells were adapted for it. So, As far as implementation: I confess I don't know enough about that opcode. If you use the non-hostile version in combat against a red-circle opponent, when the effect wears off, are they turned non-hostile? That would be bad. Though, I suppose easy enough to change by using an opcode 177 filter, like Otiluke's Sphere. Here's an idea: use a hostile subspell for hostile targets, and give it a big saving throw bonus (like, even bigger than vanilla). And use a non-hostile subspell for neutral targets, and give it a big saving throw penalty. Idea being, it can work in combat situations... but it's way harder to achieve. Whereas, if it's a non-hostile spell on non-hostile targets for the purpose of seeing more game content, it should be quite easy to achieve. Like, maybe even automatic, in the latter case. Another thought occurs to me: does this mess with scripting? If you cast this on Firkraag while he is blue-circle, would it mess with his ability to complete the encounter and attack you afterward? Like I say, I just don't know enough about this opcode. (I bet @Galactygon does, though!) -------------------------------------------------------- Going further afield: I still like to kick around ideas for more extreme modifications of the spell. A bunch of ideas were kicked around with Demi/Mike/Ardanis/Kreso, back in the day, such as: Reduce APR to 0 so the charmed target cannot actually attack friends. But they will still try, and it will look weird. Reduce movement speed so the charmed target effective just stands around. But they will still try, and it will look weird. Instead of changing them to a controlled green-circle, change a red-circle to a neutral blue-circle. But I think this messes with their scripting after the duration...? Add a cancel-on-damage mechanism so that the charmed target can come to their senses. But some people thought this could be too-easily exploited by the player and not by the AI. (Personally I disagree, but, I think that was the main objection.) I'd love to hear any ideas that could differentiate Charm from Dire Charm from Domination, in a way that works with enemy AI (such as SCS). In PnP Charm was not supposed induce the target to murder their allies, only make them less likely to murder the caster. And Dire Charm is supposed to induce a murderous frenzy - not give you control of the target's actions. I could make an argument that the charm spells should look something like this: Charm Person on neutrals is non-hostile and enables charmed dialogue options. Charm Person on enemies induces frenzy (opcode 247), with a save bonus and with cancel-on-damage. Maybe make the caster exempt from the frenzy, via opcode 100... though that might be tricky.* Dire Charm induces murderous frenzy, with no save bonus and no cancel-on-damage. Domination gives you full control like in the vanilla game, using opcode 5. * If opcode 100 works for this application, this could be the entire spell - charm the target in making them not attack the caster only, but still allow them to attack the caster's allies. This would fit with the PnP source (target becomes very friendly toward the caster). And if you could make it work, you could even make it work for the caster's allies, if you wanted. The question is, can you make it work. It would probably require changing the target's SPECIFIC, GENERAL, or GENDER value, which is asking for trouble. I'm not sure how safely that could be done for a short duration, without risking messed-up scripting or other problems... Anyway, everything below the divider above is probably beyond the scope of SR. More likely something I would implement on my own. But I enjoy brainstorming ideas.
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