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Everything posted by subtledoctor

  1. This shouldn’t be necessary - the actual wizard spell is the same, only the effects are different. So a script does not need to change to invoke the spell; you only might want to alter the triggers. (Since it will do nothing against Blur and Mirror Image.) This is generally how I do spell tweaks: when my readme says something like “Mantle is replaced by Iron Skin,” it is really the same spell - WIZARD_MANTLE.” It’s just that the effects and description have been modified. Where spells change levels, as noted above for Symbol Fear et al., they get a new RES and ids name. In such cases any HaveSpell and similar triggers will need to be altered. Might want to look at TnB’s ‘Level 1 Cantrips’ component too, since it moves a couple 1st-level spells to 2nd level.
  2. That's a very broad question. The main place our mods add new spells is in Faiths & Powers. But even there, the vast majority of spells in the sphere system are within the vanilla, SR, and IWD groups. Grammarsalad made about 15 spells (stuff like Abundant Ammunition, Eyes of the Dead, Dictate, Stormwall, Assassin Vines, etc.) and I made about 5 (Animate Construct, Incautious Rapidity, Magic Fang, Animal Growth). If you look at the list of spells in spheres over here, between lines 65 and 385, and search for spells with the 'b_' and 'd5' prefix, you should find them with with their name in a comment on the right side. I don't know how many of them are relevant to scripts. The other mods don't add many spells. Most spell changes in my Random Tweaks mod are meant as easy substitutes for the vanilla ones they replace, and should work the same way for script purposes. I suppose the exceptions are the revamped 'Iron Skin,' which replaces Mantle and has a day-long duration (if that matters), and 'Mirrored Eyes' replacing Pro Petrification has broader application, e.g. against vampire gaze. Also the various spells that are moved to a different level: Symbol Fear, Shapechange, Black Blade of Disaster, and Energy Drain. If those replacements exist* then scripts should refer to e.g. 'WIZARD_SHAPECHANGE_D5' instead of 'WIZARD_SHAPECHANGE.' * The various kits in FnP, TnB, and MnG might have new kit abilities, but I'm not sure such things are covered by these scripts and I don't think I can provide a list of everything in any case.
  3. There is no “in general” answer. Several of my mods are broke because of some changed labels in splprot.2da. So I need to change a line to be more inclusive: from PATCH_IF (~%label%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~STATE~) BEGIN to PATCH_IF (~%label%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~STATE~) OR (~%label%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~statebits=n~ =0) BEGIN Easy-peasy: now it works on both patches. But other mods may have completely different issues, which may not be amenable to such simple solutions...
  4. I actually don’t think so, because you don’t trigger that spell from the inventory. My suspicion is that it has something to do with the item description - how the engine auto-generates kit/class exclusion info. Maybe that interacts with opcode 181 in some way that the 2.5 engine did not. Maybe?
  5. Yeah, I nailed this down to the Spell Evasion subroutine - which is in several of my mods. It’s an easy fix, I just need to find the time to do it.
  6. This is an error I saw with BGEE v2.6. Has IWDEE also been changed to the latest patch?
  7. Not stupid! That is just there for starting the game. In an unmodded game you start with a bunch of spells memorized; but with this mod you might find yourself in Irenicus’ dungeon with no magic. This way, you can select a bunch of spells to memorize, the click that ability, and they will be available. It’s a one-time-only thing... if you want to game the system and save it for the end of Firktaag’s dungeon or something... I won’t tell anyone.
  8. Nope. But quickly jumping to the new patch carries risks. Like, what change was made that would cause clicking in the inventory screen to freeze the game, with a mod installed that formerly worked fine. I glanced at Beamdog’s patch notes and I don’t see anything about it. I suppose it might have something to do with opcode 181, but I have no idea what, and I don’t know how to investigate it. Beamdog apparently made some unexplained changes that break some things, and it’s frustrating because I don’t know what to do about it.
  9. I haven’t heard that one before. Can you give more info? What game are you playing? Which patch version? What other mods? Does it only happen in a priest’s inventory screen, or for anyone?
  10. Spell protections simply block spells. Deflection/Turning/Trap/Globe. Combat protections protect against physical damage. Specific protections protect against elemental damage. That’s more or less how you can think about it.
  11. They do very different things. Spell Thrust can remove spell protections like Minor Spell Deflection, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, or Spell Shield. It is single-target and will 100% remove one such protection. Dispel Magic can remove basic buffs like Bless, Chant, Haste, Strength, etc. It works on multiple targets in an area of effect, either enemies (SR) or enemies and allies (vanilla), with a chance of being successful that depends on the caster level difference between the caster of Dispel and the caster of the buffs.
  12. Well, for one thing, IWD-in-EET is vaporware, whereas TotLM-in-BG2EE is complete and playable and was released in a small fraction of the time. Like I say, could next put Hjolder in Amn and import the HoW resources. (No story conflicts there.) Then maybe figure out the IWD1 campaign, or move on to IWD2. Do it in discrete bites, and maybe let a separate mod do the work of stitching it all together. And maybe keep the 3E conversion optional. There is a greater chance it would actually get done, and it would be modular and thus allow people to play parts of it even if they can’t use EEex. Making every little bit of it depend on a huge rules conversion that requires an alpha-status executable hack - a rules conversion which plenty of people may not even care about - well, some might say that’s crazy, but I’ll just say “inadvisable.” Frankly I’m a little annoyed this subforum even exists. Maybe someone would have put effort into IWD-related mod(s) if “IWD-in-EET” was not an announced project. As things stand it’s been discussed for years, with nothing to show for it.
  13. That’s quite weird. Need to check wands and scrolls now and see if they have something that blocks use when specific = 2. Most obvious possibility is an opcode 319 equipping effect. My understanding is, the specific value is generally used in non-party scripting. It distinguishes various characters so that, for example, the crusaders will fight against the Baldur’s Gate army, and vice-versa. I’ve been told the value really doesn’t matter for party members, since they are controlled and subject to the traditional green-circle-vs.-red-circle dynamics. So changing the value from 2 to 0 should have no effect. Only if there is some scene where, for instance, Edwin is not in your party, and maybe he’s supposed to participate in a battle as a blue-circle NPC. In that case then he would need his specific value to be 2.
  14. Short answer: EEKeeper is stupid and makes some kind of changes to characters without telling users. Use Near Infinity instead. I think what happens is, EEKeeper might remove all permanent effects from characters. But several of my mods apply permanent effects that need to stay on the characters, which is why they’re, well, permanent. I don’t know why EEKeeper does that, or why it secretly does it. But it is not good. Don’t use ctrl-R, either. Either you installed Tweaks before TnB (in which case it makes sense because it cannot modify a kit that doesn’t exist yet), or Tweaks does not handle mod kits to the extent that it (ideally) should.
  15. Looks like they mostly changed the descriptors in the leftmost column. Like, replacing “STATE” with “138_STATEBITS=N.” Is that really any better? Worth breaking things for? It is of zero benefit for actual functionality, only minor benefit for usability/readability (if even), and of course breaks any mod that looks for that row number by checking whether the label is “STATE” (like several of my mods, natch.) Yeah, fair to say I am extremely underwhelmed by this patch...
  16. Looks like they made a ton of changes to SPLPROT.2da. That could be very annoying to deal with...
  17. Oh yeah, if there is a non-matching condition it will throw a warning. The warning is harmless (and can be suppressed by using "INT_VAR silent=1"), but some people and/or mod managers don't like warnings...
  18. Preface: I only have BGEE with the 2.6 patch, not SoD or IWDEE or BG2EE. If anyone has those games and/or sees any other issues, feel free to add to this thread. When installing SR 4b18 into BGEE 2.6, it fails because "ribald3.sto is not found." In the section "Add New Spell Scrolls" at line 3401 of main_component.tpa, the two COPY_EXISTING commands (for ribald3.sto and 25spell.sto) should probably have an IF_EXISTS condition appended.
  19. Oh, you meant they removed an op232 effect from that one spell. I read your post as saying they had made a more fundamental change and remove the opcode itself. Dur, my bad, of course you are right. Though there too, when ALTER_EFFECT points to a conditions that are not met, it simply doesn't do anything. In fact that function can be a cheap way to check for matching conditions.
  20. That's very odd - even if the new version of the spell has no op318 effect, running a DELETE_EFFECT command with a non-matching match_opcode should be entirely harmless. That seems unlikely...
  21. Don't mess with the opcode 42 spell slot effects. What ends up controlling your spellcasting slots in-game are opcode 233 effects modifying proficiency #108. See the spell files whose name starts "D5ZLT..." If you only install the Arcanist, it is D5ZLTAC.SPL. If you install the overall 5E casting conversion, then for wizards it is D5ZLTWZ.SPL. Note, modifying those spells is not exactly for the faint of heart. Each one has 50 headers (one for each possible character level) and each one resets you casting slots to the number of slots you should have at each level. You would have to change the opcode 233 effect to change the spell slots in all 50 headers. Even assuming you are adept and do it correctly, it would be super tedious. Instead, to change the number of casting slots you have, open the file "tomeandblood/data/arcanist/d5cstarc.2da" (for the Arcanist in Tome & Blood) or "5E_spellcasting/data/5e_casting/d5cstwiz.2da" (for the total 5E casting conversion mod). Change the values in those tables to whatever you want before installing the mod, and your casting slots-in-game will reflect your desired values. EDIT - just to be clear, the above is to modify your casting slots. To modify preparation slots, you would indeed need to change the opcode 42 effects on the character. Or just change the normal MXSPLWIZ.2da spell table in your game.
  22. It’s a static value in the .CRE file, one byte long at offset 0x274. Right after race (0x272) and class (0x273). EDIT - nothing against anyone here, but it's not likely this will be discovered just by reasoning things out. We need to know what your files look like. One possible idea I had is based on what I know about my own mods. Some of them set an equipping effect on all scrolls and wands, opcode 319, which prevents someone form using it if they have their SPECIFIC value set to "D5_NO_UMD." If Edwin and Dynaheir somehow had their SPECIFIC value set to that (whatever number it is in SPCIFIC.IDS in your game), then it would explain the behavior. I don't really think that's the issue; the mods set that value on all thieves, and apply a spell to all mages to undo it, so if you dual-class a thief to mage then the value will go away. (Dualling to mage, in essence, gives you the "Use Magic Device" feat for free.) But single-class mages should never have that value set in the first place... so this shouldn't be the problem. It's just the only thing I can think of because it's the only thing I know of that affects those items in that way. However, it is worth eliminating this as a possible problem, and then focus on other possibilities. To do that you could post a copy of the following files from your override folder: scrl80.itm (or some other arcane spell scroll that Edwin can't use) edwin7.cre clabma06.2da clabth01.2da d5_umd.spl d5_numd.spl d5_numd.eff specific.ids Like I say, I don't think this will actually give an answer. The real notable difference here has to do with the in-game transition from one campaign to another. It seems like only @K4thos can answer questions about that, and he's not around... (Obligatory grumbling about how working on big projects like EET and IWD-in-EET in secret rather than with a team increases the likelihood they will end up as abandonware and vaporware, respectively...)
  23. The big thing that enables a lot of my EE-only modding is the stuff Beamdog brought over from the IWD engine - opcode 321, opcode 318/326 and splprot.2da, opcode 328 and splstate.ids, etc. And all that, of course, derived from having access to both the original IWD source and DavidW's IWD-in-BG2 mod. If someone could have plugged those capabilities into BGT via ToBEx, boy would I have been so happy.
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