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Everything posted by subtledoctor

  1. I have update my branch of the mod to version 0.9.12, with an updated version of the Revised Identify (just a bit more robust code) and an updated semi-spontaneous spellcasting function library, to work with version 0.8 of the 5E-style casting conversion mod. The semi-spontaneous function library is shared by several of my mods. If you are using any 5E-style casting, you want to make sure you use the following mod versions (or later): 5E Casting v0.8 Tome & Blood v0.9.12 Faiths & Powers v0.79.26 Might & Guile v4.12.1 Scales of Balance v5.32 Cheers.
  2. I have update the mod to v0.79.26, with an updated semi-spontaneous spellcasting function library, to work with version 0.8 of the 5E-style casting conversion mod. The semi-spontaneous function library is shared by several of my mods. If you are using any 5E-style casting, you want to make sure you use the following mod versions (or later): 5E Casting v0.8 Tome & Blood v0.9.12 Faiths & Powers v0.79.26 Might & Guile v4.12.1 Scales of Balance v5.32 Cheers.
  3. The mod has been updated to v4.12.1, updating the semi-spontaneous spellcasting function library to work with version 0.8 of the 5E-style casting conversion mod, and to allow armors to work better with 5E-style arcane casters. The semi-spontaneous function library is shared by several of my mods. If you are using any 5E-style casting, you want to make sure you use the following mod versions (or later): 5E Casting v0.8 Tome & Blood v0.9.12 Faiths & Powers v0.79.26 Might & Guile v4.12.1 Scales of Balance v5.32 Cheers.
  4. Correct, and I thought that is already mentioned? I'll double-check. Meantime, the mod has been updated to v5.32, updating the YARAS component and the included semi-spontaneous casting function to work with v0.8 of the 5E-style spellcasting mod (or mods that use the same system, like TnB's Arcanist and MnG's bards) The semi-spontaneous function library is shared by several of my mods. If you are using any 5E-style casting, you want to make sure you use the following mod versions (or later): 5E Casting v0.8 Tome & Blood v0.9.12 Faiths & Powers v0.79.26 Might & Guile v4.12.1 Scales of Balance v5.32 Cheers.
  5. Okay, sorry, I have added 318 effects to the top of the 'QD_MCT01' etc. spells, to prevent them working for kit=0 and kit=16384. This way, the 146 casting the immunity subspell should not fire when you roll the initial unkitted character. Also, just in case, I have added a 321 effect to remove the immunity subspell when you use the item that summons the invisicre that runs the AddKit script. So, when the AddKit script is applied, there should be no immunity. But, the kit features still aren't getting added. EDIT - Interestingly, when I level up a character in the new kit, level-up effects are added correctly. I'm testing in BGEE v2.5.17, and what I'm seeing is: Roll a level 1 mage/thief Use the book to convert it to a Loremaster via AddKit The kit changes, but the level 1 effects are not applied (no Lore bonus, no UAI) Use the console to level up to 3 The Lore bonuses for level 2 and level 3 are applied correctly (The QD immunity subspell for level 1 is never applied, either at CharGen or from the kit change; the immunity subspells for levels 2 and 3 are applied) I don't think it's about level 1 in particular; I was seeing similar behavior with an 8th-level cleric/mage in my modded SoA game. Given the above, my conclusion remains that it is something to do with the AddKit script action. If I had to guess, I would say that AddKit is set up to simply process the CLAB table of the chosen kit. But for multiclass kits the CLAB table doesn't work; they get their CLAB effects from the trueclass table. The game normally processes the trueclass table for them, so this is fine; but AddKit does not process the trueclass table when it applies a kit (even if it is a multiclass kit). Which means my solutions are probably 1) do the "drop to level 0" thing like SCS; or 2) actually write up a script to process the trueclass clab table for instances when the player chooses a multiclass kit. Both of those sound annoying. Sigh... EDIT - Actually option 2 would not need a script to process the table; just ‘ApplySpellRes(“QD_MCT01”)’ etc. up to your character level. That should actually be pretty easy. Though with option 1, if I drop the player to level 0, at that point I could pretty easily add class-change choices to the dialogue, which would improve the mod. Hmmm...
  6. Actually it looks like the problem may be much worse than I feared. See here for more details.
  7. Background: I've long been having some trouble with the combination of the Faiths & Powers mod full of priest kits, and my NPC_EE mod which lets you select a kit (among other things) by dialogue to customize NPCS. After trying to troubleshoot for a long time, it now appears this problem runs much deeper. If I'm right, it seems that the application of multiclass ktis by AddKit does not apply any kit characteristics or abilities. Here's my test: grab the test mod from here. It installs three multiclass kits: the Spellfilcher and Loremaster as mage/thieves, and the Thug as a fighter/thief. Install the mod and then roll up a mage/thief or fighter/thief. Do not choose one of these kits; make sure you roll up an unkitted M/T or F/T. Then, once you are in the game, open the console and enter one of these: for a mage/thief: "C:CreateItem("d5_filch") for a mage/thief: "C:CreateItem("d5_lorma") for a fighter/thief: "C:CreateItem("d5_thug") Each of those creates a book which you can use from a quickslot. They will successfully run an AddKit script - you will see your kit change in the record screen. But the kits' attributes will not be applied. For a Spellfilcher, at 1st level you should be granted an innate version of Silence 15' Radius; for a Loremaster, your lore value should go up and UAI should be applied (try using a blue divine scroll like SCRL5B); for a Thug, your STR score should go up and your DEX/INT scores should go down. None of these things happen. Now, maybe my there's something wrong with my test, but if not, then it means there is a major problem with applying multiclass kits by script. (A major problem for my mod, I guess.) Tagging @kjeron for general knowledge and @argent77 for relevance to ADD_KIT_EX.
  8. Honestly, not sure. I think it might be something to do with the way the QD_Multi system works, which means there would be a problem with any multiclass kits. Maybe. It’s been really hard to troubleshoot...
  9. Yup, works with any NPCs, in any EE game. There’s only a bad interaction for multiclass priests between this and the Faiths & Powers sphere system, which I cannot for the life of me figure out. It’s driving me crazy. Apart from that, it should work great.
  10. Maybe something special about vanilla IDS names? This workaround seems to work: COPY_EXISTING ~spell.ids~ ~override~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~WIZARD_IDENTIFY~ ~D5_WIZARD_IDENTIFY_OLD~ ADD_SPELL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/data/d5tb110.spl~ 2 1 ~D5_NEW_IDENTIFY~ COPY_EXISTING ~spell.ids~ ~override~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~D5_NEW_IDENTIFY~ ~WIZARD_IDENTIFY~
  11. I want to 1) change the IDS entry for the existing Identify spell; and 2) add my new version. Here is the basic code: COPY_EXISTING ~spell.ids~ ~override~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~WIZARD_IDENTIFY~ ~D5_IDENTIFY_OLD~ ADD_SPELL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/data/d5tb110.spl~ 2 1 ~WIZARD_IDENTIFY~ What ends up happening in SPELL.IDS is this: 2110 D5_IDENTIFY_OLD 2110 WIZARD_IDENTIFY I expect my new spell to have a distinct RES. What am I missing?
  12. To be fair, if I was Irenicus, I would absolutely murder Charname’s familiar. But yeah, sounds like a bug.
  13. Ah - I think I figured it out. With the above setup, with the 3-second delay in Spell_C, it is possible to unequip the armor during the gap between Spell_D being cast and the next instance of Spell_C being triggered. Instead, Spell_C needs to use a 6- or 7- second delay, so that there is no way to unequip the armor without a follow-up instance of Spell_D happening. Then, add another instant 146 effect at the beginning, in case someone equips and then unequips the armor before the 232 repetition starts up. So, this seems to be working: Opcode 146, timing 1, casting... ...Spell_A, which removes specified innate abilities Opcode 146, timing 1, casting... ...Spell_C (see below) Opcode 177, timing 2, triggering... ...Eff_B, which uses opcode 232, timing 2, to cast every round (hp<102%)... ...Spell_C, which uses opcode 318 for filtering out non-casters, and then opcode 146, timing 4, duration 7, to cast... ...Spell_D, which gives you back the specified innate abilities Opcode 177, timing 2, triggering... ...Eff_E, which uses opcode 206 to provide immunity to Spell_D (#4 goes through an .eff instead of being s simple while-equipped 206 effect, because somebody might need to be immune to it depending on your mod choices (like, with Tome & Blood's "Bards Can Cast in Leather" component, they need Spell_D to work for them when wearing armor; by giving Eff_E a parent resource name, a class/kit/character can be given 206 protection against this 206 protection ) This looks a bit creaky, but I think it is working reliably, based on my quick tests. One down-side is that your basic Fighter wearing this armor will have a 232 effect casting a Spell_C on him/her every 6 seconds. It won't do anything because of the 318 filter, but it would be preferable to prevent it altogether. I suppose the #3 177 effect can be duplicated, and filtered to apply solely to arcane caster classes (M/B/S/FM/MT/CM/FMC). It's probably worth doing that.
  14. Here's what I currently have: Armors get the following added as equipping effects, in this order: Opcode 146, timing 1, casting... ...Spell_A, which removes specified innate abilities Opcode 177, timing 2, triggering... ...Eff_B, which uses opcode 232, timing 2, to cast every round (hp<102%)... ...Spell_C, which uses opcode 326, timing 4, duration 3, to cast... ...Spell_D, which gives you back the specified innate abilities Opcode 177, timing 2, triggering... ...Eff_E, which uses opcode 206 to provide immunity to Spell_D This is not working. Step 2 fails - Spell_D does not get cast after you remove the armor. I thought this would cast Spell_C every 6 seconds, and thus cast Spell_D every 6 seconds on a 3-second delay. The armor itself immunizes you against Spell_D, but it should always be cast once after you remove the armor. Right? That's the idea behind the delayed timing mode, but it doesn't seem to be happening...
  15. Nice. I have no idea what mod that is, so I wasn’t criticizing it. I meant the actual 3E rules. Oh I’m not a 2E stat defender. I wrote a whole mod to apply custom bonuses for stats!
  16. Are you saying that the games us messing with party members’ SPECIFIC values?? Any information about when this happens would be very helpful. It must be in a script somewhere...
  17. The reason I can’t get with 3E stats is the idea that you only get a bonus for every other point increase. So you can have a bonus to a score but not see any functional benefit, at all. That’s garbage design. This is the other problem, specifically in the context of BG games. They simply weren’t designed for the 3E stat table. I agree that the 2E table is garbage (in places), but for best results in these games I found it necessary to create replacement tables from scratch.
  18. I think it’s because one of the things Demi wanted to do was clean up spell descriptions and make them more consistent. I have to say, I think it makes more sense. The descriptions simply denote “Area of Effect;” while the most correct way to describe this would be in square feet, if you are going to use linear units then diameter communicates the size better than radius.
  19. I can’t tell what the problem is. I don’t get those errors when I do a test install. Possibly some of those mods are borking a file and then prevents SoB from reading it correctly? E.g. I’m pretty sure the IWDEEKit mod has not been updated since before the 2.0 update. Maybe some of the other ones, too. (Also, don’t install the standalone Mana Sorcerer, it is out of date and the newer version is in Tome & Blood. I should probably delete that repository...)
  20. 1) Use NPC_EE or Level1NPCs or SCS NPC Customization. 2) Set the kit field in the .CRE file(s) in Near Infinity, before you enter the area where the NPC is. 3) Give me the names of the .CRE files and I will add it to the NPCs that are handled by the mod, so players won’t have to do any of that.
  21. They should probably be merged. And if so, I think it should probably be a save vs. Death... kind of weird to think that the catlike reflexes involved in a typical Breath save would let you avoid... light. Rather, I think the question is, how sunburned do you get when hit by the spell? (Also, I think the damage should be nerfed. But that's another question.)
  22. Bad install order shouldn’t cause those errors... but that is a pretty bad install order. I would try finding a good order somewhere, maybe a thread in the General Discussion forum or you could use this one. See if the errors persist with proper install order.
  23. I have made the 5E casting system (what I sometimes call "semi-spontaneous" casting" into a portable set of functions that can be dropped into any arbitrary mod and used class-wide (like this mod), for a kit (like the TnB Arcanist or MnG bards), for an individual, whatever. A files containing all these functions currently exists in this mod, in MnG, in TnB, in FnP, and in SoB. These functions should be identical, so when I update one I have to update them all. I have current, test-worthy versions of all those mods, but they should all be updated/tested in lockstep. (Part of what makes testing difficult.) With that said, I can upload these test versions to Github if people are interested.
  24. Well, I have my personal fork of IR, and I can make such changes happen in a timely manner there...
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