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Everything posted by janoha

  1. Draztik, are you certain you are using the latest version of the mod? I seem to recall I had the same issue with magic stone a good while back, but that was fixed.
  2. janoha


    K4thos I don't really understand why IWD 1 and 2 needs to be a package. Can you elaborate a bit on your thought process about why IWD-in-EET can't be a standalone and needs to include IWD2?
  3. That worked. Thank you! edit: did not work for bg2 though. It fails with this error: ERROR: illegal 2-byte read from offset 1380995155 of 538-byte file SPIN920.SPL ERROR: [sPIN920.SPL] -> [override/SPIN920.SPL] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("SPIN920.SPL: read out of bounds")) Stopping installation because of error.
  4. I was trying to install the latest version of this on a fresh BG1 installation, but was unable to. Using the newest weidu didn't change anything either. I have put the debug log in the spoiler. It's very long though so I have cut out the middle part, where there are no problems and kept in the start and the end, where the problem appears.. Is anyone else having the same issue?
  5. No I checked with both melee and ranged. It doesn't show any extra damage in either case.
  6. Ahh my bad. I thought I had to enter from Red Canyons because of the way the map icons have been moved around. High Hedge appears to be much farther away. Thanks for the help!
  7. I don't know if this has been reported already, but Legacy of the Masters gauntlets do not in fact add +2 damage to the character using them. Or at least, the damage bonus doesn't show up on the inventory screen.
  8. It means that no matter the direction I attempt to enter from, it doesn't appear on the world map. Using that command I could enter however.
  9. I just recently did a large install of EET using the BWS installer. I have been unable to enter the area immediatly south of Candlekeep and north of the lighthouse, where the beached ship is. Has anyone else had the same problem? my Weidu
  10. Hi guys, I haven't been following these forums for a while, so I was wondering how IWD-in-EET is coming along?
  11. Have you considered making normal haste +1 apr on target and a movent speed boost cast on area? Then you could make Improved Haste give area effect +1 apr and speed boost.
  12. I am simply stunned by reading about this new addition to SR. Sounds absolutely amazing! Wonderful job Kreso! And I am very much in favor of you and Demi working on his suggestions
  13. Wonderful! Congratulations on the first official release.
  14. Hi Demi. I found an error with the Gauntlets of Weapon Specialisation. While the text states that they give +2 dmg, that damage is not actually added to the characters damage. They still give the benefit of +1 THAC0, but not the damage bonus.
  15. Hi Demi. As you probably know the 2.0 patch of EE changed enchanted weapon spell so it bumps enchantment level of a given weapon, rather than create a new one. I would suggest making a new spell called Conjure Weapon with the current SR function and a Enchant Weapon spell with current EE functionality. Both spell effects are useful and have a valid reason to exist I think.
  16. I like them Imoen seems very much in line with her BG1 NPC Project personality. Good job!
  17. Haha they are great AWizardDidIt. Could you post a sample including Viconia and one including Imoen?
  18. Hi Demi, I have been looking through this topic again, and I was wondering if you are still planning to implement some of the cool spells mentioned here. In particular I liked Frost Fingers and Tortoise Shell. Are there still many spells left, that you want to include, but haven't implemented yet?
  19. That worked! Thanks a bunch Jarno Really appreciate it. Sorry for the OT though Demi Interestingly though, it needs to be 0 for the first levels and then 1 afterwards for x2.
  20. Amazing! Thank you Jarno! Edit: we do talk about the EE though, so..? Edit2: It seems to be the same for the EE though? I found the file, and I assume I just pick an empty Abilities row? There is also a clabrn5 though.. Do I also need to edit that one? Edit3: Tried adding it but did not seem to work in-game.
  21. Ranger Backstab Hey Demi.. Though there doesn't seem to be a lot of enthusiasm for the idea of letting Trueclass Rangers get x2 Backstab at e.g. level 5, I still want to make another case for at least a partial implementation for it. To reiterate, I think the main benefit will be to really let the Ranger use his Stealth score for something, and I don't think a delayed x2 multiplier will seriously infringe on either thieves or Stalkers (who get higher multiplier, get camouflage etc.). Since there is no strong support (nor opposition, really) would you perhaps consider to add is an ini. option? I have no idea how much work this entails though, so if it would take a lot of your time, then I certainly understand if you don't do it. I myself have no idea how to mod it in, otherwise I would just make that adjustment myself. So, in short, a plea for you to take on (a little?) more additional work (As an aside, if it is fairly simple and someone feel generous, I would really appreciate some hints on how to do it )
  22. I don't think sunscorch is owerpowered. Very strong, yes, but it's a very nice druid signature spell and its not like other casters don't also have their own very strong spells.
  23. I know but it doesn't seem to work for me, and I do overall prefer kit revisions. I am using proficiency overhaul, mage edits and some kits from your mod But I do think that giving rangers backstab is an excellent idea, hence my post. Should probably have credited you though, so sorry for that oversight
  24. Ranger Backstab? Hi Demi. If and when you get time to work on KR again, I think you should consider giving the TrueClass Ranger the ability to backstab at x2 around level 5 - which is where thieves hit x3. It could possibly be set at a higher level, but I would like to be able to actually use it in BG1. I like the current implementation of Rangers using light and medium armor very much, but would love to see them get a bit more out of their high stealth scores. Even with this change, the stalker would still be the prime backstabber among rangers - with the ability to backstab from level one and the possibility of advancing beyond x2. As such, I don't think giving a x2 modifier to TrueClass Ranger would invalidate the Stalker at all, which is of course an obvious concern. What do you guys think?
  25. Stalker backstab Stalkers backstab multiplier starts at x3, not x2. Tested on BG:EE, only kit revisions installed.
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