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Everything posted by CrevsDaak

  1. Right, amalgamate_class_checks is what's causing the area script bugs, but the Druid issue is solely contained on dialogue, and only occurs in dialogue files because only those are being patched this way. Even if druid_multiclass.tpa calls amalgamate_class_checks again right before it rolls its own patches, an install mark for amalgamate_class_checks.tpa is set and checked, so the issue lies in the disjunctive_substitution call on dialogue files in druid_multiclass.tpa. Now, there's might be a bug somewhere in disjunctive_substitution, since the final scsain.00003.d (druids_multiclass.tpa acts upon scsain.00002.d, and then scsain.00000.d is the vanilla BG2EE file. scsain.00001.d isn't relevant for this issue, I've only included it for the sake of completeness) doesn't have the !Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) check, only the CheckSpellState(Player1,DW_DRUID) check. Meanwhile a toy version of version of it does not have this issue and both triggers are correctly present. I'll try fully reimplementing the disjunctive_substitution functionality tomorrow, since the code I selectively copy-pasted doesn't handle OR() yet, which leads us to the next issue which is that: If this was working correctly, it would present a logical error: we want either all non-clerics, or any fake Druids. Both at the same time present an impossible requirement. So it's necessary to put these triggers inside an OR() block. I'm going to test if that fixes it tomorrow, I don't want to mess with a new install right now (it's rather far past midnight which does not sit well for modding things this complex). Seems like my guess of !! evaluating to self-negating was correct, though rather than WeiDU doing so it is instead properly addressed in your code, both technically and in regards to its philosophical implications. Will look into the issue of the area scripts once this is solved, since that one looks to be considerably easier. SCSAIN.00000.d SCSAIN.00001.d SCSAIN.00002.d SCSAIN.00003.d
  2. I can figure it out if you want, I need to implement this on my ToB mod either way and I'm going to be working on it as it's one of the few things I have left to do. Though those two response states from scsain.dlg currently only check if the player is a Druid (via the spell state), on the unmodded script they just perform a !Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) check which needs to be placed along a CheckSpellState(Player1,DW_DRUID) inside an OR(), since otherwise *only* Druids can use those options to accept the quest, when it actually has to be offered to all classes. This is actually a very impressive bug, because it's caused by Class(Player1,CLERIC_ALL) being replaced by !CheckSpellState(\1,DW_DRUID) on a check patched in by druid_multiclass.tpa, which means WeiDU evaluates !! as self-negating when compiling dialogue.
  3. Okay, as a hotfix, you can download and the attached spell and place it on your override folder, it will permanently give you one extra spellslot for levels 1-9, and can be applied to any character (just once) with the following console command: C:Eval("ApplySpellRES(\"c7exspl\",Myself)") Will work as long as you have the character selected and the cursor over them (maybe both aren't necessary, I don't know what seals the deal). Don't use on single-Class specialists, those are already getting their appropiate bonus to spells. c7exspl.spl
  4. The delicate balance between playing too much and modding too much is hard to achieve, but it is definitely doable. Can't say I achieve True balance very often though. The Bigg's tweaks did something similar with letting you facestab, either always or when under Non-Detection, though your idea of making backstabs reliable by applying luck to force maximum damage is very good, definitely makes stabbing earlier on a lot more powerful, which is a fantastic change, since in most cases it's something that I don't even consider worth spending time on till much later on.
  5. As for the other minor bug, I don't know what causes it, but it is pretty simple: when kicked out of the party and recruited again, Aerie gets the MAGE_UNUSABLE specific assigned to her. Sadly Aerie knows way too many spells for Ctrl+M to reveal her SPECIFIC field in-game, but a quick look to my save on NI reveals that she gets it changed every time I kick her and make her rejoin. This is very easily hotfixed by setting back her Specific field to 0 on NI. Oddly enough, it only seems to block her from using Shields, she can still user her helmet just fine.
  6. So, this is a pretty hefty issue caused by amalgamate_class_checks.tpa I believe (I was looking at it to see what I would have to change to let the player go around as Druid/Mage on BG2:ToB, and it made me realise that it was the culprit for these issues), but since I also have Multiple Strongholds (but class specific, and I am playing a Paladin, however I still got the reward from the Sir Sarles quest as if I was a Cleric) from Tweaks Anthology installed, so there might be compatibility issues. So far, the actual issues are: Oisig does not teleport back to the Temple of Helm after he talks to you about the Unseeing Eye. This breaks the Sir Sarles quest completion. Console hotfix below. The other high-priests do not show up inside their own temples either, possibly breaking the turn in for that same quest as well. These two bugs are caused by the patches to their specific area scripts. The player class checks for accepting the Ring of Lathander quest on two dialogue options that are supposed to be the fallback ones, they currently check if the player is a Druid via spell states. I don't think amalgamate_class_checks.tpa causes this one, nor I know what causes it at all. Can be hotfixed by removing the Druid check from responses triggers 13 and 14 (those should not be there at all). This bug is caused by the multi-class Druids component, those checks should not be getting modified at all since they're fallback choices. Non-Cleric classes receive rewards and follow-up quests as if they were Clerics, even if not elegible for the Stronghold (might be intended). This is again, caused by amalgamate_class_checks.tpa, which seems to be run under the "Revised specialty priests" (40650) component, going off weidu --change-log on the area scripts and affected dialogue files. If you want to take a look at them I can upload any amount of the relevant dialogue files, however, these bugs can easily be fully reproduced by just installing the above mentioned component. Mods affecting SCSAIN.DLG: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2~ 0 40650 // Revised speciality priests of Lathander/Helm/Talos/Tempus/TyrBeta 7 00001: ~DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2~ 0 50400 // New choices of god / goddess for speciality priestsBeta 7 00002: ~DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2~ 0 55000 // Allow druids to multiclass as mages, rangers, and thievesBeta 7 Mods affecting AR0901.BCS: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2~ 0 40650 // Revised speciality priests of Lathander/Helm/Talos/Tempus/TyrBeta 7 00001: ~DW_TALENTS/DW_TALENTS.TP2~ 0 50500 // New class: Favored SoulBeta 7 00002: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 4150 // Allow the Cowled Wizards to detect spellcasting in most indoor, above-ground areas in Athkatla35.10 As for the Sir Sarles quest turn in, the following console command can be used, from AR0900 (Temple District): C:Eval("ActionOverride(\"Oisig\",MoveBetweenAreas(\"AR0901\",[700.560],2))") And for Alvanna (places her in some basically random location, I don't know well where she's actually suppossed to be in, also needs to be used in AR0900): C:Eval("ActionOverride(\"acolyte2\",MoveBetweenAreas(\"AR0902\",[964.620],2))") Should be similar for the Talassan priest but I've not delved into that so I don't know his creature filename nor where they should stand. WeiDU.log
  7. Would the player be able to frame Kangaxx for property damage with this mod?
  8. I want to point out that this is something that not even among the different shell builtins you can ascertain a particular standard being followed as to what the order of evaluation is, but the prevalent case seems to be lazy evaluation (only "cd" works differently, most likely to avoid circular behaviour). So differences among operative systems are more or less a given.
  9. It causes issues with symlinked folders because when given locbase, the extend function looks for the script in stratagems/%locbase% which is then stratagems/../%workspace%/ which ends up pointing to a non-existent folder on the directory where I keep my mods. If your system doesn't lazily evaluate relative paths on symlinked directories, that might be why it doesn't break for you, because mine surely does, and depends on that functionality in order to find system libraries. Note that mixing up stratagems/ and %workspace% is a very rare occurrence in the mod, currently it doesn't happen anywhere else. If I edit back the extend call to locbase= ~..\%workspace%/ssl_out~ and remove the ssl=1, then place a carefully crafted globa_steal.baf on stratagems/../weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/, it finds but fails to compile the script, and chokes with this error instead. [stratagems/../weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/global_steal.baf] ERROR at line 1 column 0-36 Near Text: crashingthiscomponentwithjustthisfile Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [stratagems/../weidu_external/workspace/ssl_out/global_steal.baf]: Parsing.Parse_error As for passing INT_VARs as STR_VARs, it's not good practice, but you can do it. It causes WeiDU to convert it into an integer and thus is slightly more inefficient, but it's possible. It does not go both ways, and it doesn't enforce that the variable is an integer, which is why you usually want to actively avoid it, I just overlooked it here, oops. It's useful because it allows for non-typed variables to be input by the caller, though the callee has to be able to handle an expected integer to not be an integer without causing the installation to fail.
  10. Nope, it isn't that for sure, even with the backslash it still fails, that actually doesn't matter. The reason why it was failing to install is that this is the only component in the entirety of SCS (at the moment) that fails to install if the stratagems mod folder isn't actually on the same folder as the chitin.key, which breaks encapsulation. Looking at the "extend" action function defined in lib_ietool.tph, it will process it as SSL on its own so the call to ssl_to_baf on line 267 is superfluous if line 268 is changed to: LAF extend STR_VAR files=~baldur baldur25~ top=global_steal location=ssl ssl=1 END Which fixes the issue of encapsulation and lets you do installs from a symlinked folder again.
  11. Edit: The Smarter Beholders component fails to install if the stratagems mod folder isn't actually on the same folder as the chitin.key, which breaks encapsulation. Looking at the "extend" action function defined in lib_ietool.tph, it will process it as SSL on its own so the call to ssl_to_baf on line 267 is superfluous if line 268 is changed to: LAF extend STR_VAR files=~baldur baldur25~ top=global_steal location=ssl ssl=1 END This fixes the issue of encapsulation and lets you do installs from a symlinked folder again. Old, incorrect post spoilered;
  12. You should run weidu.exe --chang-log <filename>.<extension> since you already know which items are bugged and what's wrong on them, this lets us find out what component of what mod caused it.
  13. I've recruited Quayle, which is something that I don't usually do. He's alright, we all know Quayle already, this post isn't about him. However, him being a Cleric/Illusionist leads the code that makes you pick at least one Illusion school spell per level apply to Divine spells, which in turn leads to not being able to memorize the last Cleric spell on each level, as all of them become greyed out. I've tried changing a few things on ui.menu (name 'PRIEST' section), and on m_dw_ssf.lua but no avail. dwSpellEnabled seems to be working fine, at least from what I can tell, I just can't discern among the rest of the code what exactly is what blocks you from memorizing the remaining spell (maybe a more caffeinated investigation tomorrow morning could be more fruitful but I'm not sure, gotta try first). Unaware if this occurs with unkitted C/Ms, or with its Druid variant.
  14. I hope that you can actually understand that vanilla will never drop level 4 scrolls, so the component does not change the level limit of scrolls, and that the things you complained about were on a previous version of the mod, which was already fixed and drops level 3 scrolls much more often than vanilla ever has or will drop. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at by twisting other people's words other than demonstrating your ignorance on all matters related to the topic. Again, do you posses the sufficient reading comprehension to grasp the fact that under v35.10, level three scrolls will drop from creatures that drop level two scrolls as well, and not because of a minimal chance but because they are added to that particular table as well. Sure, go spend hours reloading in vanilla and posting reddit (of all places one could get knowledge from lmfao) screencaps, definitely will help you convince people that you any sort of idea or clue as to what might be happening. You understand there's a reason why the component in v35.9 was referred to as bugged and its behaviour was changed as quickly as it was right? Hmm?
  15. +1 on the bigg's tweaks component, it's really good and you are going to get a ludicrous amount of spells very fast, which might just be what you need, because if the v35.10 drop rates seem bad to you, then all I can say has already been said and it is that vanilla drops you jackshit compared to it.
  16. Well it actually has three since there's also one for BG2 for the pre-merge versions.
  17. I already tried reproducing it a dozen times, only ever got it once, I'll take a look when I have the time but without being able to consistently reproduce the bug and being generally clueless about cutscenes it's probably going to be a tough one. When I got it, I reloaded and *never* got it again, so compared to the Grove bug it's rather low priority, though I'll fix it if I can.
  18. Pretty sure that aTweaks has a component that enables for this to happen, so I can attest that this does work. If I remember correctly, what needs to be done is patch those items to cast a copy of the Stoneskin spell without the visual effects and spell name upon cast. As for 2), it's also implemented in a aTweaks component as well, same as the first one. They are the files 200-whatever and 201-whatever under atweaks/lib. Unsure how reusing that code for the fixpack would work, but in any case you can install those components on your game to temporarily fix this. 3) I could see about coding a solution, I think it might be pretty easy, just copy the appropriate Druid shapeshift spells and patch in the unnaffected by surges/dead magic zones spell flags.
  19. Pretty sure that in some part of it, the readme mentions that you need to save and reload to get the Wild Mage spells. The issue with the Invoker does sound like a bug, as for the Wild Mage's spells, that's intended (well, the best that can be done due to engine limitations).
  20. It depends on what you want, in practical terms, there isn't much benefit to it since it's a replicated functionality, but on technical terms, it makes it so that it is impossible that you get anything but the maximum amount of HP per level, regardless of the option being on or off. Since the component makes it so HP tables give you 10 HP per level (edit: just as an example for fighters, each class gets their proper HP value, didn't word that properly), with no possibility to roll anything.
  21. From my experience, the base item has to exist for the random items to actually do anything, at least under ToBEx, since I've been interested in writing an alternative to this system by auto-generating an abstract layer over vanilla tables to make them work like in the EE. It's done at install time too, just has a lower item cap I think.
  22. No problem, seems like I figured it out a couple of minutes too late, but nice, it's good that it's fixed.
  23. All of them are being patched in the spell tweaks component. One second, let me re-install it by parts and see what goes down on each one of them. spwi496, spwi497 and spwi498 are also being affected by the smarter general AI component. Edit: all of them are being affected by 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 2080 // Spells increased in power35.9 and then spwi496, spwi497 and spwi498 by the genai component, same as above. Edit 2: OK, I figured out where the issue lies. iron_body.tpa is introducing this bug when it's called by install_spell_resources.tpa when that's called with version=boost.
  24. removing op328 from spell DW#LICFI, Fear Aura removing op321 from spell FINIMOCR, <Invalid Strref -1> removing op321 from spell SPCL613, Shapeshifts Black Bear removing op328 from spell SPIN890, Demon Fear removing op326 from spell SPPR614, Sol's Searing Orb removing op321 from spell SPWI415, Polymorph Other removing op321 from spell SPWI416, Polymorph Self removing op321 from spell SPWI493, Shapeshifts Flind removing op321 from spell SPWI494, Shapeshifts Ogre removing op321 from spell SPWI495, Shapeshifts Spider removing op321 from spell SPWI496, Shapeshifts Mustard Jelly removing op321 from spell SPWI497, Shapeshifts Brown Bear removing op321 from spell SPWI498, Shapeshifts Black Bear removing op321 from spell SPWI499, Shapeshifts Wolf removing op324 from spell SPWI812, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting Unsure if the Ascension spell is SCS's doing or Ascension itself, either way, these are all the hits I get.
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