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About suy

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  1. I would love to see a recording of this. They don't have any video on Steam, and the videos I'm seeing on YouTube are of modern games, reaching even 120 FPS, which can't be shown in YouTube, as it's 60 FPS max. I would like to see a video where the game is old, and the FPS is very low (one could even try making the FPS very low on the IE, like half), then applying the upscaling/frame generation and see how it looks.
  2. See? This is the strongest winning argument for trolling all the BG3 discussions. They respected so little the originals that they don't even counted them well...
  3. Did you try it to see when it triggers, if before or after? I think I did the experiment with the backstab effect, and it was only applying after, so no chance of altering the damage. I imagine it will be the same with the critical hit.
  4. You can create a file in Windows without extension. You can check for its existence without extension. That's the purpose of a marker file. Also, that's how you "help without lambasting". This is how you don't: calling people lazy for no good reason.
  5. Like this one? https://github.com/AngelGryph/MadeInHeaven_EncountersAndQuests/pull/8 And please, again, to be clear: if Angel wanted to remove DESIGNATED, he'll have his reasons, and I 100% empathize with that. I've only released one mod, and I delayed the release months because I got analysis paralysis on which component numbers to choose. I can't make use of LABELs either. I very much considered releasing the mod without any kind of compatibility because I don't care for that myself, and I'm the most important user of my mod and my time.
  6. Re-read the thread. setup-mih_eq.tp2 doesn't use DESIGNATED right now, so component numbers can change.
  7. Now you are being just plain wrong. I have no way to prevent any kind of communication on the subject. I'm not a G3 moderator, admin, or whatever is the name of the role (see, I don't even know that!). I just mentioned on Discord that if something is taking time to get moderated it might not be a conspiracy, just that people have real life issues to deal with. Also, I fail to see how I'm being manipulative for trying to fact check what you said. I gave 3 clear bullet points in how IMHO *some* your criticisms were not fair. You have not commented about any of them. I also have not said all your criticisms were wrong. My opinions are my own. I don't have to agree with you or with Morpheus or anyone else on everything. Which file should check for? How reliable would be if you want to catch enough cases? And yes, that would actually check if the mod is installed instead of just being extracted, but why would that be an advantage? Is it worth it? It's an honest question, I don't know. I don't put mods in the game if it's not to install them. Anyway, I'll try to just not say more on the thread, as I think I don't have more to contribute. Cheers.
  8. I can't see the future, but given the past experiences I think it's fair to expect that all the dust will settle, and your work will still shine brightly. Also, let me say that I've seen quite cool stuff happen when modders have been collaborating. From jastey and Lauriel with the SoD mods, you and Morpheus562 with Crucible or now you and Lava, CamDawg and DavidW with the IWDspells, a bunch of people with the fixpacks and the many tweak mods, etc., etc. etc. Definitely everyone should work on their own terms, but I just want to use the opportunity to say "thanks" to everyone that is making cool stuff, and remind that there is a lot of silent people who don't often spend the time to post on forums but appreciate this ecosystem, flawed as it might be. Cheers.
  9. There are things which are reasonable to criticize and comment, but if you do so, do it right, for the sake of being constructive and hopefully solving problems instead of risking making them worse. You are not forced to anything. You can change the mod yourself to prevent the installation incompatibility. You were able to pinpoint the lines, so just comment them out or remove them. Mods by definition read and write in your hard drive. Don't run anything that you don't trust or don't like. But saying that a mod "dares to check your hard drive" is not a fair statement to me. Checking the whole tp2 file seems it was motivated to not having to check for N components, specially if the mod has not reached 1.0 and is still not giving stability of component numbers or labels. Again, to be clear, I'm not saying that there is nothing to criticize, or that I agree with everything that happened, etc. I'm just hoping, for now, to reach an "agree to disagree" between parties that lowers hostilities.
  10. FWIW, I think there is already a mod that makes the Equalizer a bow (I thought aTweaks or TnT, but no... I can't find which one).
  11. Quite a long list of tweaks! Kudos. I'll probably use some soon.
  12. While I'm fairly busy with other IE stuff, I'd like to update my guide for mods on Linux as well to include something extra and make it hopefully a bit clearer as well. You just link to it, so it's entirely on me, but feel free to ping me when you want to make a v2, so I get a bit pressured to update it myself.
  13. Holy crap, I'm so hyped by all this mods. It's amazing the work that you release. Kudos!
  14. Understandable, and surely not what I'd do, but consider this: after the whole incident, Morpheus562 was blocked by Angel, and Angel said that he could do without his reports (and I understand Angel in him saying so). After all that happened, it is reasonable to say that it is a way to make very clear to the user that the author of Tactics Remix doesn't accept bug reports if another certain mod is involved. Again, not saying that it's what I'd do, but still, if you want to just alter those lines on your own copy to install both mods, you can do it. And while we are at it, I have to add something more. Let's start by clarifying and emphasizing that I don't want anyone to leave, and hopefully everyone who has left returns some day. I mean it. Not every person has to talk or collaborate with each other, though. And it's important because of what I'm gonna say next. If someone thought that me asking for users to modify Tactics Remix' source code was asking too much... I would like that people to see how Graion Dilach treated some user for not knowing how to use the command line. Or many other occurrences in which mean things were said by him for no freaking reason. And I have to vent on this, because same that Angel has taken a hiatus since that incident (something that I'm very sorry to read about), I also had my own anxiety problem, and it was because I had to "bite my tongue" on some harsh comment from Graion Dilach, this time on me, that made me feel awful. I did not want to reply back to avoid conflict. Instead, I took all the burden on myself. That had me two weeks avoiding any IE space to avoid reading him. That was over, but months after that, I have to admit my selfishness, because I felt relieved when he had an argument with someone else on the IE Discord that I still don't understand, and left (last community he was on, as he was out of G3 for a while). Now, I stand by my above paragraph, and it will be better if he wants to return. To sum it up, people do all sorts of mistakes, and those often hurt people, or make things more complicated. It would be better if we could just get along together without issues and get over those mistakes, but that's not easy, and takes effort (very precious effort for a hobby). It's easier to block people, withdraw collaboration, ask for their account to be nuked, or do things in ways that other deem eccentric, petty, selfish, etc. Just try to not throw gasoline into the fire. I've seen comments in this thread and on Discord (and not only the G3 Discord) that IMHO are not helping. Any one sided reading of this is gonna be unfair, and since things have happened spread out in different places, over time, and sometimes even in private messages, I'll wager that not even the people who have the most involvement have read 100% of it (though are surely the most informed ones, and are the ones chiming in the least, so maybe the rest of us should just not say much?). Cheers.
  15. Some years ago I started making an AI script, and I wanted to have the basic syntax highlighting for the BAF format. I've started a repo, and added some files to make it a proper skeleton of a set of vim plugins, aiming also for highlighting weidu, but totally forgot to commit anything to it besides the license. Woops. I've found out today, so I've committed what I have, which is just the BAF support. I think I'll add also the basic keywords for TP2 files, etc. I suppose no one else is using Vim (Neovim in my case), but here it is: https://github.com/moebiusproject/vim-infinity-engine https://gitlab.com/moebiusproject/vim-infinity-engine Let me know if anyone wants to collaborate, or has any advice on extracting the keywords for syntax highlighting from somewhere. I don't remember how I did get the list of script triggers, but today I got the script actions grepping and manually editing a bit the files in the IESDP repo (yay for the move to structured YAML!).
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