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Gibberling Poobah
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Everything posted by CamDawg

  1. There are ways to do it within the mod, but none are good. You could set up the mod to have one 'you must install me component'--think BG1 NPC's main component, except the Tweaks one would do nothing--that all other components would require. If you wanted to uninstall everything, you'd fire up the installer, uninstall that one component, and then quit, which would prompt WeiDU to uninstall all of the other Tweak components for you. The other way would be to have a component that is literally a string of if-component-installed-then-uninstall-it, but then you'd be left with that one component installed and would have to go back and then uninstall it. Plus it could potentially take 10x longer than necessary with WeiDU's onion skin install process--I haven't really played around with UNINSTALL.
  2. Send/attach your debug from the BGT installer. I'd be willing to bet it's probably a macro like ALTER_EFFECT without a silent flag trying to fix something that Fixpack now covers. WeiDU can be a bit... overzealous with the warnings.
  3. setup-cdtweaks --uninstall The --uninstall will get rid of everything installed by a mod.
  4. It's not that blunt--it only 'untraps' region traps if it's a detectable trap (difficulty is 1-99), so stuff like the dead Khalid trigger are unaffected. (Dead Khalid in particular is just a scripted region, not a trap, so it's doubly unaffected.) Alright, this is something I can work with. For whatever reason, the original did not have the same checks (e.g. a detectable trap) for container and door traps. We could do the same for key-required doors. ... and this is done. I did find a small bug where it was writing LONGs where it should have been SHORTs, which may have been causing the additional stupidity. The shaman spell tables are now extended as they should be. Did you have player AI turned on at the time? I can confirm that Beta 4 seem to have fixed the issue where the transition to SoD was nerfing your XP down to 500,000. That is excellent. However, I am experiencing more (possibly indirect) issues with this component. Using Tweaks Anthology Beta 4 and SoD v2.1.63.2, attempting to level up a character past a certain level (usually around 3,000,000 XP) results in you getting stuck in the menus. You are unable to dismiss or complete the level up dialog, and so must quit the game. This seems to occur whenever the character would have been given a choice of HLAs, but the HLA files do not exist in BGEE or SoD so the menus hang. Here is what it looks like in SoD v2.1.63.2. Note that the "Done" button is greyed out and can not be selected. Baldr003.png In BGEE v2.2.66.0, you no longer get stuck in the menus when trying to level up, but there are still no HLAs in the game, so you end up with this fugly screen: Baldr004.png However, these modifications to the level up menus do not seem to have made it to SoD v2.2.66.0, so it still hangs on level up. Even in BGEE v2.2 where you can successfully dismiss the blank HLA menu, transferring your game to BG2EE will not retroactively give you the X number of HLAs you missed in BG1/SoD because of missing files. This isn't good, and it doesn't seem true to the spirit of the Change Experience Point Cap -> Remove completely component. Can Tweaks Anthology do anything about these issues? Including the HLAs from BG2EE should be fairly straightforward, it's modifying the UI that is a bit more complex. Tweaks will now fix lunumab for games that have HLA tables but no HLAs, e.g. BGEE and SoD. Fixed. Yep. It should be a two handed item. Fixed. Done. Also available via config file. to be more precise - BDIMOEN.CRE uses the same DV as any other IMOEN CRE file in both BG:EE and EET. It doesn't matter if you level her up during BG1 or not since BDIMOEN.CRE use stats from the IMOEN.CRE file (level 1) when this component is installed. There should be an exception for BDIMOEN.CRE in this tweak considering she doesn't have any minimum hp items and there is scripted 20 damaged applied to her during SoD Baldur's Gate cutscene. Problem is not unique to EET. Same would happen on vanilla BG:EE+SoD. Dammit, what pack of incompetents coded SoD anyway? Actually this is in the BGT Tweaks, and not in the default BGT-weidu game, so you probably should add the component to be available for BGT too. If it's not already that is. It's now available for BGT. Done. Done. So, the idea here is that the wraith will randomly (edit: not random, the highest number) pick one of the love interests to torment; LovedOne gets set depending on who gets taunted--Aerie is 1, Jaheira 2, Viccy 3, Anomen 4 and Valygar 5 (yes, really). Whoever the wraith selected would have their normal post-wraith freakout talk, and these blocks were designed to have the rest of them quietly skip the freakout and move to the next lovetalk in the sequence. The !0 trigger was basically so that this skip wouldn't fire until you met the wraith at least. This is a better solution though--I had forgotten the new EE romances don't even use this variable, causing the !0 check to fail. This has been redone slightly and I think we should be sorted. Was this on Tutu? Taerom's scripting to reset the armor count also resets the timer, but it wasn't checking for the Tutu version of the item.
  5. Totemic Cernd and Improved Horns of Valhalla both got releases today, mainly for new translations.
  6. If you read nothing else in this post, read this:the v11 series is a massive recode and expansion of v10, and as such, is going to be a series of betas. Once we are satisfied with stability and quality, we will resume regular, non-beta releases with v12. Version 11 Beta 1 of the Baldur's Gate II Fixpack is now available. edit and update: Now it's at Beta 2 I had two very ambitious goals for v11: Modernization. The Fixpack was started over a decade ago, and a lot of the code shows its age. I used to joke that a rewrite of Fixpack would cut its code to a tenth of its current size--as it turns out, it was only about a half. The upshot is going to be much easier maintenance, a series of very useful macros (CD_EXTEND-O-MATIC could probably write about 90% of a new Spell-50 mod, if anyone's so inclined), a lot more flexibility, faster turnaround for new versions, and a much easier to read (and therefore customize to their preferences) Fixpack for players. Expansion. The advent of the Enhanced Editions has been an absolute boon. Having a full team of developers, QA, and a massive influx of players identified a ton of new material to address. This included a number of bugs that Fixpack thought it fixed but really didn't, identification of more content to restore, and just plain old bugs that had just never been noticed much less fixed. It took a long, long time to go through all of my EE notes but v11 is the result. This is easily the biggest shift in the Fixpack's history and inevitably something, somewhere is going to break. Probably many somethings and many somewheres. Hence, v11 will be a series of betas; the next stable release will be v12. Documentation will take some time, so please be patient while I work through it. As for the version's code name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8tfuAa1zHU&t=12s
  7. This is really well spotted. I love it bugs that have been sitting under thousands of player and modder's noses for years. On the upside, it looks like the fix would be to recolor about a dozen, small paperdoll BAMs.
  8. It's not that blunt--it only 'untraps' region traps if it's a detectable trap (difficulty is 1-99), so stuff like the dead Khalid trigger are unaffected. (Dead Khalid in particular is just a scripted region, not a trap, so it's doubly unaffected.) Alright, this is something I can work with. For whatever reason, the original did not have the same checks (e.g. a detectable trap) for container and door traps. We could do the same for key-required doors.
  9. No traps or locks probably hasn't changed since its inclusion from EoU, so I don't think it's suddenly causing problems now. There's not really I lot I can do with 'it bugged some areas'.
  10. I believe so, yes. So far we've only had one bug report for the new beta (BGEE Shar-Teel leaving despite the NPCs never leave component) so I think we're pretty solid at this point. (And since I just said that, cue the 'it set my computer on fire' bug reports. )
  11. Alright guys, sorry beta 4 took so long. A couple of these fixes took much longer than I thought. Download Beta 4: Windows | OS X | Linux Readme Beta 4 Changelog Make Magic Shields Glow had two bugs preventing its installation; it would halt on games without an extended color palette (e.g. non-EE games or without 1pp) and would halt on shields without any colors set, such as IWD's Lyre of Progression Unique Containers was supposed to be available for BGEE, but was omitted from the allowed platforms list for the component The werewolf paws in Shapeshifter Rebalancing now get named explicitly Move NPCs from Baldur's Gate will now be skipped if the SCS version of same is installed. The component will also skip NPCs already moved by similar somponents in the BG1 NPC Project, or skip the component altogether if all three have been moved already. Change Experience Point Cap should now work on Siege of Dragonspear Included workarounds for incomplete 25stweap.2da in Siege of Dragonspear and IWDEE for the various components that touch kits (Enforce PnP Proficiency Rules on Dual-Classed Characters and Expanded Dual-Class Options), though the next patches should take care of this. In general, the component should be more forgiving for incomplete files. Remove Racial Restrictions for Single Classes and Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits will no longer allow non-human monks. Other races do not have monk animations so the engine tends to crash during character generation. Support for shamans has been added to both. If Druids Use 3e Alignment Restrictions was installed after Shapeshifter Rebalancing, which is the likely install order, non-true neutral shapeshifter druids would not be able to use their symbolic paws. On a suggestion from Sam., the component Stores Purchase All Item Types has been added. Minimum Stats Cheat now lets you specify minimums for the six attributes individually. Friendly Random Drops needed a few more fixesThe 'Token Genie' was undead, meaning a cleric could turn or even chunk him. Items with charges should now be handled in a more robust fashion The library for fixing kit.ids as part of should now be up to date for Expanded Dual-Class Options The BG and IWD variants of Alter Weapon Proficiency System should now account for racial bonuses in the EE games Sensible Entrance Points only modifies the Beregost entrance point for BG content on BGT games, as BGT already defines good entrances for the other areas. Updated Italian translation, thanks improb@bile!
  12. OK, I've got Mike's bug fixed, and tracked down the issue with dw#melri. It's Melissan's Ring of Wizardry from Wheels of Prophecy; it's misindexed so pretty much anything that patches it will either fail or make it worse. Yes, looking into this, BGT already defines entrance points for the BG areas so you don't have the 'dump you at a default map edge' behavior. The one change I'll make for BGT will be to move the east Beregost entrance south of Taerom's smithy (it's currently on the road north or Mirianne's house). The other three areas don't need any changes. Typically when you see massive string screwups like this it's a broken tlk/key, installing or changing mods mid-game, or (nowadays) continuing a modded game on a fresh patch. Nothing in Tweaks does, I think, anything terribly dramatic to the tlk file that would result in this. I've tried installing a bunch of stuff on SoD without trouble--I'm sorry, I'm not sure I have any good advice here.
  13. Hmm. The first error in the DEBUG file is an error I've never seen before. It's reporting a mismatch between the key and biff files, which is unusual to say the least. Is this, by any chance, a Siege of Dragonspear game on GOG or Steam?
  14. On vanilla BG1, "Make Magic Shields Glow" now fails with an out-of-bounds read on the file "mpalette.bmp", apparently in BG1 this is only a 4376-byte file and the mod tries to read byte 9248. On vanilla IWD1 it fails too, but with a different error, it says "cannot convert cdcolors_-1 or %cdcolors_-1% to an integer" when copying "lyre.itm". Sorry, no hot fix yet, I currently don't have a clue how this one actually works. :-) If you need the install logs, let me know. Also a question/request regarding "Move NPCs from Baldur's Gate", does this component take into account the similar component "NPC starting locations" from Sword Coast Stratagems (which also moves Viconia and Shar-Teel)? And if not, could it be made to, or at least get skipped if the SCS version is already installed? The SCS version can be detected by the presence of the file "dw#npc_start_loc.mrk" in the override dir. Make Magic Shields Glow had two bugs, both fixed. Also added the mutual-exclusive bits with SCS' Move BG NPCs component. ...and done. Took longer than expected; all of the IE variants use an item type list that's juuuust different enough to annoy me. Fixed. so REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~bg2ee eet soa tob bgt~ @25 EDIT: and in case you missed: According to the following thread, the ToB style Leveling may be obsolete for EE 2.0 and higher: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/49007/level-1-npc For bonus merchants, the readme is wrong--BG2EE ships with them enabled so there's no need for this. As for ToB-style NPCs, it will remain enabled for EEs so it can catch mod NPCs--this is why it's available for IWDEE despite that game having no NPCs by default.. debug https://paste.ee/r/iIizv Could you email me dw#melri.itm from your install? I'll update and check against the new patch, but a DEBUG would be helpful.
  15. Cheers, will get it fixed. There are multiple gem bags, plus Miloch designed it to cover the umpteen bags that can be added by mods (including Tweaks' own component).
  16. I'm always taking requests. I think this should be easy enough, yeah.
  17. Thanks, I have it fixed already, I just haven't bothered to commit yet. You can actually read the numbers of colors available directly from mpalette.bmp, in case a future Two Pixels Production mod introduces a palette with some alternate value.
  18. Cheers. Taking a look, I believe this should be easy to fix.
  19. The IWD problem can be addressed with bounds checking. Can you attach the BG mpalette.bmp here? And yeah, I'll add the skip bit for SCS' component.
  20. Beta 3 is up with some fixes and a handful of new components; see the top post in the thread. I also added a few images to the Tweaks gallery (unique containers, IWD load screens, character colors) to get it up to speed as well.
  21. From the album: Tweaks Anthology

    This component will change the logo on the load screen from the HoW logo (a white dragon, right) to the original IWD logo (Kuldahar's tree, left).
  22. From the album: Tweaks Anthology

    A selection of the new container icons used to differentiate ammo belts, bags of holding, etc. for the unique containers component.
  23. From the album: Tweaks Anthology

    The top row shows how shield and helmet colors work in BG2, where items use fixed colors to match their icon. In the bottom row, you can see how the helmet and shield have assumed the red/green coloring of the character, though they no longer match the item icon.
  24. Sorry, but you are wrong. Why you ask, just add a single kit to the EE game and this won't work. The custom HP tables would indeed be fubar, and that's the prime consideration. Given that Tweaks is one of those late-installing mods it also has an obligation to not piss over previous mods' changes when I can avoid it. The previous code had been bulletproof through multiple versions; it was a classic 'hey, there's an easier way to code this' while forgetting it was originally done that way for a reason.
  25. Unfortunately, this is a hardcoded issue; there's a warning in the Tweaks readme about it. Barbarians are locked to a d12 roll and ignore whatever dice size are set in these files unless you have an EE game or TobEx installed. .
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