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Posts posted by Shaitan

  1. I don't think that these mods gonna be compatible.


    I was thinking that myself - at least not conceptually. Before SR came out I used to use Divine Remix also, but that don't seems to get updated anymore. Kudos to NiGHTMARE and the other authors for doing DR and Arcane Remix.


    Perhaps Demi will look closer at these mods in the future - perhaps just to get inspired?



  2. Hello!


    I just saw nIGHTMARE announcing for testers to Arcane Remix, and I also saw this:


    Optional components:


    - Stricter school exclusions (most specialists are restricted from two schools, rather than only one)

    - 8th & 9th level scrolls unusable by bards

    - Scrolls require higher intelligence (two versions: less than spells, and same as spells)


    Could this by any chance

    a) be implemented at all?

    b) If so in a future SR release, as I hope SR v3 is closing in :(



  3. An improved racial enemy would be fine IMO, and as berelinde mentioned: To me also rangers are dex fighters and thus at most use leather armours (light armours).


    BTW any thoughts on limiting spells on C/R?

  4. BG2 Fixpack should now take the pace of Baldurdash in those install orders.


    Ok should I then make a clean backup before or after installing BG2 Fixpack. Are there a date for the next release? Itm seems to be nice work, so :)



    Let me provide a bit of insight into the internal workings of Fixpack releases: the beta was originally scheduled for March 4, but I kept trying to make one last heroic run at the Pending Fixes forum. So while I could offer future release dates, I can assure you that they would be completely meaningless. :D


    For a clean backup, probably after the official patch.


    Great! I appreciate your great work. Thanks for the answer

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