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Posts posted by Shaitan

  1. What a releavement that I managed myself :)


    I headed straight for Ajantis after I collected Jaheira, Nalia, Gavin & Khalid.


    One question: will Ajantis leave me for good if I do stuff he doesn't approve, or will it rather be a rising tension/discussion and then after a warning or two he'll leave?


    He starts with 400k xp, is that coded to be equal what the PC has or is it stationary?


    I'll let you know if I find anything, thanks in advance for creating this :)



  2. Hi


    Trying Ajantis for the first time in BG2. I had troubles freeing Ajantis, but succeded after af couple of hours frustration :p


    Looking foreward to see where he brings me (I'm only trying the friendship path, as I'm romancing Gavin :)



  3. I think you're right about the flirt, nothing wrong there, just a shy Gavin :)


    I go for the romance. That's my plan anyway :) Thanks for all the efforts giving us Gavin in both BG1+2+the Throne.


    Moving can be both good and frustrating. We also is about to move within a month or so.



  4. I don't really know wether it is a problem or not, but Gavin often fires his "there is something entirely compelling about you" dialogue. I've still get other dialogues however, so just curious if it was intended.


    Thanks for Gavin, how's Gavin ToB faring?



  5. Hi berelinde,


    My party delievered back Joseph's Greenstone Ring to the widow, but instead of loosing the ring from the inventory (it was on Jaheira) it appeared in Gavin's inventory. Will you have a look?



  6. If it's possible to do the quest-less, "light" ToB Ajantis(i.e. like ten romance talks, five friendship ones, thirty interjections, repeat of committed flirts, one banter for each NPC and Gorion Ghost dialogue), I'd say it might be worth it. I mean, romance is the meaty part so many girls want, right? And the rest just want a non-silent ToB Ajantis. But that's just me

    No it's not only you :) I'd like that too.



  7. Dire Charm

    As previously mentioned, I'd like to make it work as per PnP, making the target go berserk, but I have to find out if this could mess with the AI.

    Cool, I missed that.



    What do you think of reducing its AoE from 30 to 20 feet as per PnP? Would that be an advantage (more controllable in case the caster is struggling to not hit his allies) or not (in case there's no vulnerable ally to worry about)?

    Great, that would reduce the sequencer "exploit" a bit.


    Flame Arrow

    Am I the only one who think this spell starts really too much weak (at 5th lvl it only does 4d6 fire dmg to 1 target) and ends up slightly too powerful (a 3rd lvl spell inflicting 20d6 dmg?)? What about having the caster get more arrows sooner (e.g. 1 arrow every other 2 lvls above 1st, or 1 arrow every 3 lvls?) and then cap a little bit earlier (9-12th lvl)?

    I use it a lot, sounds ok with me, but OTOH it isn't really necessary. Remember the starting scene after Chateaux Irenicus.


    Haste & Slow

    Using custom secondary types we'll finally be able to make these two spells cancel each other correctly. I'm also thinking about a possible solution to make Slow really halve apr to all those classes with only 1 attack (aka all non-warriors), as the opcode itself doesn't reduce their apr to 1/2.



    Lightning Bolt

    Assuming I cannot make it work as per PnP, this spell has to be THE "1 target damaging spell" of choice on this lvl. Is the current dmg output and its progression fine? Does Flame Arrow still outshine it? :) Any other suggestion?

    Fine as it is.


    Protection from Missiles

    Quite a few players reported this spell to be really too much powerful, especially within BG1. Should I nerf it by making it grant immunity only against non-magical missiles as per vanilla, but granting a huge AC bonus vs missiles?


    It has also been suggested to make it scale with caster lvl, but doing that is kinda problematic (I have to create/add a bunch of pro files and patch all ammos and throwing weapons), especially if I also have to take into account mod-added items.

    I didn't find it too powerful in BG1 (with SCS?SR). I don't think it should scale with level.


    Skull Trap

    Leaving aside that I'd really love it to work as per PnP (the skull is placed upon a conjured skeleton, and explodes when hit) but I can't do that, I'm simply thinking of making it not affect undead creatures (as per PnP) as it inflicts negative energy damage.

  8. Deafness

    This is the worst 2nd lvl spell imo (Detect Alignment cannot even be called a spell imo), and I cannot tolerate that it's lower lvl cousin, Blindness, is ridiculously more powerful than this. Any suggestion? Adding small AoE (at least it would bypass II)? :)

    A aoe would indeed help, why souldn't it bypass II? Perhaps that would mend Deafness a bit, but still I'm not sure I'd use it. At least in BG2.


    Detect Invisibility

    This spell won't dispell Improved Invisibility effects anymore (making II's +4 AC much more reliable and effective), but it will reveal invisibile creatures (those under II too) and it will allow to target them normally (aka the reason we don't need spell removals to have that ugly AoE to bypass II). It will also revela creatures using the new Etherealness spell.

    Very nice.


    Ghoul Touch

    Again, touch spells are my worst nightmare...but this time around I think this one is really understimated. It pratically is a Celestial Fury on stereoids if it wasn't for its low enchantment lvl.

    Perhaps I should use it then :D


    Ray of Enfeeblement

    Is it fine as it is? :D

    I love this spell as it is. And I like SCS using it too. It's one of my favs at this level.


    Stinking Cloud & Web

    Am I the only one who think their AD&D school assignment makes no sense? They should be conjurations as per 3E imo.


    For balance reasons I'd make multiple Web effects not stack, but I know there isn't a consensus on this.

    Agree on both accounts.
  9. Chill Touch

    Touch-like spells are my worst nightmare. I haven't received much feedback on this spell, and I guess it's because it's still highly underused...am I wrong? Assuming we agree this spell has to work as a weapon-like spell, should we make it improve with caster lvl?

    Underused, as in I never use them...


    Color Spray

    Is its stunning effect too powerful? Should we replace it with a less debilitating effect? If yes I'd suggest a daze-like effect (cannot attack nor cast spells for 1 round).

    I'd go with the daze-effect.



    Chromatic Orb

    If ToBEx really allows SI-like spells to work with contingencies/triggers I may expand this spell to let the caster decide the color (aka the secondary effect) of the orb.

    Yay, that is good!



    Because of its small AoE its effects should trigger at least once every 3 seconds instead of every round to make sure opponents walking over its AoE will trigger them at least once (this is especially crucial for its slow-like effect). The save to avoid falling on the ground may get a +2 bonus.

    Fine with me, though the +2 bonus isn't crucial.


    Other 1st lvl spells

    Is there anything else you'd want to discuss?


    For example Blindness was OP till not long ago, but now that SCS makes True Seeing "cure" it and that IR V3 revised potions allows non-priests to cure it I think this spell may be fine as it is.

    Hmm ToBex is messing with Blindness, does that affect V3 Blindness?


    I really don't like Protection from Petrification, but there's little I can do about it, unless we agree we can remove it to make space for Ice Dagger.
    I use it heavily in BG1, as my main protection against gazeattacks. So beware removing it.


    Another spell I really don't like is Friends (aka cheap discount on stores and nothing else because dialogs don't care about you CHR), but I guess I have to live with it.
    Quest Pack have made use of Friends in Burglary Of The Bookkeeper. But that could perhaps be circumvened?



  10. Zal (sp?) the fastest dart thrower in the world in the BG1 part loses his bracers of archery. Isn't those bracers pretty much tied to him/this encounter?


    On the other side the randomizer is a great supplement to BG1, not knowing which items to find around is making the game a new experience. Thanks for the hard work.



  11. So the ADHW's nature of not being magic damaging spell is not enough for you, right? It's because your precious mages with advanced AI prefer to cast it on Mordies (thus exploiting a bug) or what?

    I don't think I'll dignify that with an answer.

    I'm shure you don't. By the way, "dignify"? Man, are you some megalomaniac or something? ???

    I don't think "dignify" and megalomaniac can be connected such, so lacking words shouldn't cause assaults like that. Not very nice.

  12. Skull Trap vs Fireball has always been a pain to handle. The former has same casting time, higher dmg output in the long run (it was simply INSANE before SR/SCS nerf), better dmg type (magic instead of fire), and can be used as a delayed trap. The advantages of Fireball are its long range and larger AoE (large unfriendly AoE isn't always a good thing, but it works well with a long range spell), but I'm not 100% sure they are enough to make it on par with Skull Trap (though its shorter range can seriously limit its use in many circumstances imo)
    Yeah the shorter range of Skull trap is very limiting. It's however still better in comparison to fireball IMO, but I don't see any need to change it further as of now.
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