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Possible Aerie/Chanelle bug?


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AerieRomanceActive setting to 1 for any PC of any race is not Romance Encounters-specific, so I don't see any point. It's a glitch in the original game we will not be correcting. But I'll see if adding AerieMatch=1 variable fixes the issue on our end.
Or "Gender(Player1,MALE)", for example.
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Gender(Player1,MALE) may not be as good, since there're multiromancing scripts, Mirrabo's Imoen and possibly other stuff(including the_bigg's experiments, but let's not go there) which make Aerie flirt with/romance the female PC.

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On the other hand, having read about berelinde's issues with vanilla game(sorry - I haven't noticed the post right away), I guess expanding jastey's suggestion and adding a gender check for Chanelle for all three girls is better. If another mod makes Aerie romance with the female NPC real, they'll likely write their own reaction, and accounting for roleplaying value of multiromance scripts is rather silly of me.

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This isn't a Chanelle thing it's actually a Solaufein thing but it encounters the same Aerie Romance Active situation so I thought it would be best to put it here.

After the Solaufein encounter with my female PC, I got Aerie's interjection instead of Anomen's. Anomen's response did not come up at all.


Just to see Anomen's reaction, I killed Aerie before the encounter, saw his response about Sola (I really hope the poor boy isn't counting or good at math.) and then resurrected Aerie.(Solved my problem but might be a tad extreme. :()

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