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Installorder with BGT


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At first thanks for your revision mods. :)


Do you recommend an installation order with the both revision mods or is it not important in which order we will install them, like


1.) BG2 Fixpack

2.) Item Revisions

3.) Spell Revisons

(next mods)




1.) BG2 Fixpack

2.) Spell Revisons

3.) Item Revisions

(next mods)



Greetings Leomar

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To my knowledge it should be something alike:


(Megamods etc.)

1.) Item&Store mods

2.) othermods...

3.) BG2 Tweakpack

4.) Item Revisions

5.) Spell Revisions

(next mods)


But I might be wrong on the 4-5, but...

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From Spell Revisions Read Me:


"In general, it should be installed after BG2 Fixpack and before AI enhancing mods. Install it before all mods that change spells unless you want their version."


In my personal installation, Spell Revision is pretty much up, close to the BG2 Fixpack.

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Both Spell Revisions and the main component of Item Revisions should be installed quite early on. It is the additional optional components of Item Revisions that should be installed quite late as they can be considered tweaks (yes, we are trying to confuse as many people as possible). I don't think it matters whether SR or IR goes first, but Demi would know best.

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Actually except for the few recommendations specified in the readmes (e.g. SR goes before AI enhancing mods, and any tweak which affects items or spells should be installed after IR's main component or SR respectively) I think there shouldn't be any problem regarding installation order.

Personally I've installed them at the very end, after Tweak Pack itself and just before SCS, but installing them early on is probably the way to go




I don't think it matters whether SR or IR goes first, but Demi would know best.
Indeed, it doesn't matter whether SR or IR goes first.
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Guest jastey*

Either I misread, or does the mod that gets installed first makes the changes that will stay? I thought the mod installed last is the one which changes will be in the game.

What didn't I understand or is this related ot the WeiDU-deinstalles-and-installs-everything-upon-installation of another mod thing?

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I thought the mod installed last is the one which changes will be in the game.
That's how it is.


What didn't I understand or is this related ot the WeiDU-deinstalles-and-installs-everything-upon-installation of another mod thing?
In that case it was because one of the mods that was installed had a .tp2 file that required one of the other mods to be uninstalled...

Specifically the BiggTweaks that was almost the last mod to be installed at the time and Imoen Romance that was installed almost at the start. I thing it was a trial for WeiDUs Biffing process that was never deprecated, so it might miss fire.

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A customized version of GMinion is included in Spell Revisions, superceding the original.


Do not install GMinion together with Spell Revisions.

Exactly. I'll add custom scripts to IR's creatures too (Valhalla's berserkers, Kitthix, ...), for some reasons I forgot to do that for V1.
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Is the mod "Improved Horns of Valhalla v1.2" included in IR or could one install IR and Improved Horns, together?
IR's Horns are exactly like the ones from that mod, except that the summoned creatures last longer and use the actual enrage innate ability instead of "simulate" it via equipped effect. There has been one report of them turning hostile at the end of the rage (probably because of the shared wtasight script which is patched by most mods), thus I'll add a custom script in IR V2.


Until then, you can safely install "Improved Horns of Valhalla v1.2" over IR if you want to make sure to avoid that possible issue.

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I think, the informations in the first posts are outdated.

Item Revisions should be installed before Spell Revisions, now.


How you recommended to install it with BGT. In the readmes stands the following:


Item Revisions

The mod has been tested and may be installed over BGT, though the main component does not attempt to change all items in the BG1 portion of the game as it does in BG2.

Spell Revisions

The mod has been tested and may be installed over BGT/Tutu if desired.

You say over BGT and that means this:


- BG2 Fixpack


- Item Revisions

- Spell Revisions


But is it possible in this way:


- BG2 Fixpack

- Item Revisions

- Spell Revisions



Now I know you have balanced with Item Revisions some BG1 Items, too. But with the last install order, we don't get these BG1 revisions.


This stands in the BGT Compatibility readme and we follow this advice all the time:


Installation tips

-if you want to play a mega-modification containing BGT-WeiDU, it is recommended that you install the other modifications first (The Darkest Day, Shadows Over Soubar, Tortured Souls, Check the Bodies, Region of Terror, Never Ending Journey, The Big Picture), then BGT-WeiDU, but you can actually install all the related modifications in any order

-if you want to play the mega-modification with BGT-WeiDU and other modifications, follow the tip above, and then install other modifications on top

-if you want to play BGT-WeiDU without the mega-modification but with other modifications, install BGT-WeiDU first before installing other modifications on top (unless otherwise stated)

So the installation order without the revision mods looks like this:


- BG2 Fixpack

- big BG2 Mods



If we put the Item Revisions after BGT, the IR will overwrite the big BG2 mod items.


I've read, that you will expand your BG1 item revisions. Is it possible, to put this in a separate component in the future? So we can install it as follows:


- BG2 Fixpack

- Item Revisions (main component)

- Spell Revisions (main components)

- big BG2 mods


- Item Revisions (BG1 items)


- Spell Revisions (SCSII fiends hot fix)

After BG2 Tweaks

- Item Revisions (global changes)


Greetings Leomar

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