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can L1NPC change to class be (re)done in a game already underway?


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Yep, I do have both installed.


I have so many mods installed that I probably didn't notice the potential conflict. I'm sure I must have had both installed before, and FWIW it never broke the game or anything.


In hindsight the combination of the two components seems to be giving me XP that is either matching the PC or roughly equivalent to the average of all the party members' levels. For the current game here's the XP for each party member, when Imoen rejoins in Spellhold:


PC 1,833,704

Ariena 1,496,976

Viconia (F/C) 1,802,650

Kelsey 1,770,147

Nalia 1,786,729

Imoen 1,768,771


For reference sake here are the component descriptions:


ToB-Style NPCs


This component will alter all joinable NPCs to join in the same fashion as Throne of Bhaal, where NPCs immediately level-up upon joining, with a caveat: all creature files are moved down to their lowest experience version, so if you pick up an NPC early enough they will not level upon joining. However, later in the game they will, allowing you to select weapon proficiencies, thieving points, and other goodies from the level-up process.


Joinable NPCs more closely match the PC's experience - Optional


NPCs, upon joining, will have their total experience points adjusted to a value closer to that of the player character. Feedback will display in the game window to let you know what's going on and when it ends so you can let this component do its work. After the experience points have been adjusted, the character will have a one-time-only rest script (so that you may fill their spell slots at your discretion). To use this, make sure that the AI lantern in the bottom right corner of the game screen is activated, select the character, and press R. Return to the main screen and your character will now be rested (and you may turn the AI off if you prefer). This script is self-effacing: it will go away if you rest, leave the area, save the game, change party members, or do almost anything else, so if you want to use it, you'd best do so as soon as the experience points have stopped twitching. As a side benefit, it's easy to ignore if you don't want it.


I installed 'ToB-Style NPCs' prior to 'Joinable NPCs more closely match the PC's experience'.


I loaded the save just after Immy rejoined as Thief 18 to test what happens if I place the cursor of the character and pressing R (with AI lantern on)... and I just get Imoen's character record page.


Being that a bard is not a powerful class, and given that here I reassigned Immy's class from level 11, I went ahead and leveled her up via the CLUA Console to the same XP as the combination of the two mod components had given me. At level 11 at the high end of her spellbook she had but one level 4 spell; and at level 18 she has two level 6 spells. That's a difference that will be felt.


I'm just commenting that for Imoen, specifically, to level-up when rejoining at Spellhold (and for all I know vanilla does it as well) doesn't necessarily make sense from a 'realism' vantage. At least at first glance. She's a prisoner in a mage asylum. Where's she getting all that XP from? But then I recalled that Irenicus seizes control of Spellhold, and she's at his mercy again. I guess we are to assume that Irenicus continues to practice his 'experiments' on her in Spellhold, and maybe in a way akin to fattening the calf for the sacrificial slaughter. Irenicus intends ultimately to drain both the PC and Imoen of their Bhaal essence. And with both Bhaalspawn he has constantly tested their powers, inspecting how much untapped divine power they might have. In one of the Spellhold cutscenes he does say to her "You're almost ready..." So I guess there is a reasonable RP justification for her leveling up, the more I think about it.

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I'm just commenting that for Imoen, specifically, to level-up when rejoining at Spellhold (and for all I know vanilla does it as well) doesn't necessarily make sense from a 'realism' vantage. At least at first glance. She's a prisoner in a mage asylum. Where's she getting all that XP from?
Well, you installed this component:
I installed 'Joinable NPCs more closely match the PC's experience'.
And then you ask how can this be... :mwaha::rolleyes:


Isn't the leg that was cut yesterday still un-attached today? But why?


... know that I am partially just teasing you Lemernis.hug.gif

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Lol, I realize that I installed the component and what it will do. I'm not complaining about anything here, though it might come across that way. And as I said, the vanilla game might well add XP to Imoen when she rejoins (I honestly can't recall). I'm just pointing out that a seeming contradiction occured to me about Imoen getting XP while she is in Spellhold. Namely, what would warrant it in terms of the story? (versus a mod component--see the difference?) But as I mentioned, after thinking on it some more, from what we do know about how Irenicus treats Bhaalspawn, his ultimate goal with them, and the above mentioned cutscene, I do think there is a reasonable explanation for it.

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