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Sending Deder Arkanis Canderous Osprey etc to an Inn.


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In my previous installation, I sent the party from the Candlekeep Training Room to an Inn. (The Friendly Arms).

I can no longer do this. :crazyeyes:


Is this due to a change in the mod or something else?


I am now using the latest version.


If it is due to a change in the mod, is there any way that I can again get them to go to the Friendly Arms as I missed them ever since I switched from the vanilla game to Tutu.

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afaik, EasyTutu and BG1NPC both considered this a bug made possible by the Tutu port of BG content, and Macready fixed it in EasyTutu, and we checked to make sure it had no opportunity to occur on BG1NPC.

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I, uh, think that this is technically a bugfix, as you aren't supposed to send illusions to wait for you in an Inn...


Have you tried SCS' variant, or has that been fixed?




I thought that it was only the enemies that were illusions in the training room. It doesn't say in the script that they are illusions.


Unfortunately the SCS variant has also been "fixed".


Is it possible to get hold of the "unfixed" version anywhere as unfortunately I don't have a copy of the version that I did have.

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Why not just create them as multi-player characters and use the multi-player kick-out dialogue component of the G3 BG2 Tweakpack?

I was thinking of doing just that and then thought that perhaps I could enter the world of modding and create a mod that satisfies Macready's thoughts that they could be illusions.

After the death of Gorion the real characters could be found outside Candlekeep.

They had come to warn Gorion of the ambush but were too late and now offer to help.

I would want to add a bit more to their character though.

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Maybe I should try something a little simpler for my first mod, particularly as I have found my old files on a memory stick which has enabled me to replicate my old set-up. :crazyeyes:

I would be interested to know what the easiest sort of mod is to start with?

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After the death of Gorion the real characters could be found outside Candlekeep. They had come to warn Gorion of the ambush but were too late and now offer to help. I would want to add a bit more to their character though.
I mentioned something like that a while back. You'd have to account for Arkanis and Deder showing up in the Candlekeep catacombs later as the only "real" characters (everyone else is a doppelganger).
I would be interested to know what the easiest sort of mod is to start with?
At one time, I might have said store mods, but if you want to do those properly, you have to create bitmaps for your item graphics, then turn those into BAM files, then make .itm files that reference those BAMs, then write descriptions, then put the items in stores or on creatures, then code the whole thing in the .tp2 file, so they really aren't that easy. Maybe it's easier to start with some simple dialog and work your way up from there, though I find dialogue modding to be a bit unintuitive.
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After the death of Gorion the real characters could be found outside Candlekeep. They had come to warn Gorion of the ambush but were too late and now offer to help. I would want to add a bit more to their character though.
I mentioned something like that a while back. You'd have to account for Arkanis and Deder showing up in the Candlekeep catacombs later as the only "real" characters (everyone else is a doppelganger).
I would be interested to know what the easiest sort of mod is to start with?
At one time, I might have said store mods, but if you want to do those properly, you have to create bitmaps for your item graphics, then turn those into BAM files, then make .itm files that reference those BAMs, then write descriptions, then put the items in stores or on creatures, then code the whole thing in the .tp2 file, so they really aren't that easy. Maybe it's easier to start with some simple dialog and work your way up from there, though I find dialogue modding to be a bit unintuitive.

Looks as if either "great minds think alike" or "fools seldom differ". I don't know which category I come under. :crazyeyes: Perhaps you could enlighten me.

Since the characters have already been created, it seems to me that it is only the dialogue that needs to be altered, one of the things that you said is one of the easiest things to change, or am I being too simplistic?

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Since the characters have already been created, it seems to me that it is only the dialogue that needs to be altered, one of the things that you said is one of the easiest things to change, or am I being too simplistic?
Well, yes, it is easier relatively in that you only have that one file type (dialogue) to deal with, rather than all sorts of them I mentioned for store mods. But I wouldn't call dialogue modding 'easy' - I myself don't really understand it (though that is probably no indicator :crazyeyes:). Still, there are plenty of people around here who know a lot about it, and plenty of tutorials.


The good thing is you don't necessary have to know anything about modding to get started, as you can just write your dialogue in a text file and worry about coding it later.

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