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A favor to ask re: music stuff


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I have been assigned a task to put together a "demo reel" of sorts of my music. For those who don't know and haven't spotted my annoying samples in the past, I like to make classical/soundtrack-y music.


I would like this to look good so I want my best stuff put in there. The reel needs to be between 1 and 2 minutes long so obviously only clips of my songs will go in there.


I have my own opinions on which songs I think are my best and which aren't, but in this case, I'd really appreciate outside opinions.


So, if anyone is really really (I mean *really*) bored, I was wondering if they would be so kind as to browse through my songs (while avoiding looking at my goofy picture) and give me feedback as to which of the songs are best suitable for my "reel".


You can post it here or you can shoot me a PM. It doesn't matter.


Oh, here's the link: A Link.


Thank you. ???

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I went through all of them (I had a hobby of MIDI composing in the past) and here's the ones I like better (in appearance order):


- Forest at Day I

- City at Day II

- Asceran Track I (the most ambitious though it'd benefit of a better arrangement)

- Last Hope

- Ninde's Song


By the way, it seems to me that you make massive use of slow strings and pads in most of your pieces. But not much male voices, which I would expect in epic/evocative tunes. Any particular reason?

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.


You seem to enjoy the slower sounding stuff. :blush:


As for your question: would love to implement male voices in there...or more voices period. On that issue it's just a matter of my equipment and the fact that I am not fond of the instruments for those that I currently have. When I had access to a studio a summer ago, I was able to come up with a few pieces using these, however my home studio just doesn't have it. If/when I decide to invest in such a workstation, you will probably hear more of that from me.


And yeah, you could probably tell, but I don't often do MIDI compositions: I use direct line ins/mixers.

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I've listened to most of them (about 10 I've not listened to - there's a surprisingly long total playtime). The ones I liked best are below:


Five Years


Forest at Day

City at Day II

Town Day I

Asceran Track 1

Leaving It All Behind


Background Flute68


Last Hope

Sarah's Song 1

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