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Gibberling Poobah
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About theacefes

  • Birthday November 21

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  • Interests
    Reminding people that I worked on the Banana mod.
  • Mods Worked On
    Auren Aseph, Sarah, BG2 Alternate Soundtrack, Enchanters Portrait Pack, Shadowhand, a bunch of other stuff.

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  1. Thanks for updating this @jastey!
  2. Just me I'm afraid. As for the rating probably looking at a T or M, due to language mostly. And thanks for the kind words, it means a lot.
  3. Hey all, Over the last 2 years I've been working with some friends on a video game. Second Star is a sci-fi adventure RPG - a modern mash up of 90s adventure games with more modern storytelling and RPG elements. We have a free demo out on Steam and have been working nonstop to make a fun, interesting game with exploration, puzzles, and a fully voiced cast of characters. We've been bootstrapping this ourselves but today we launched our Kickstarter to raise money to fund the voice acting. I'm the director as well as the composer and if you've liked any of my work here or just appreciate my weird sense of humor, please consider backing or sharing with people you know who might like this. Thanks! - Kat (ace) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dyscordion/second-star
  4. Congrats! Looking forward to giving this a try.
  5. The music files will be added as part of the mod. The separate soundtrack download is just for listening so you don't have to install those anywhere.
  6. Kulyok's Branwen is a wonderfully documented NPC that shows you how to code dialogues and which ways to do it. http://www.pocketplane.net/mambo/index.php?option=content&task=blogcategory&id=113&Itemid=84
  7. You want to make sure you're transitioning to the correct dialogue file (maybe a different NPC). So maybe it's not CHAIN as a concept causing the error but how its being implemented. (Sorry if that's unhelpful - if you want to post code we can look at it too)
  8. If you want your mod to be compatible with the vanilla games, you may want to consider using CD_STATE_NOTVALID since it will work in both EE and non EE editions.
  9. Ahhh, ok. I'm personally not a big strategy gamer myself so apologies for forgetting an entire genre lol. I love my PC and if a game is available on PC I will get it on there before console, though I do own the consoles for their exclusives.
  10. *Coughs mummy dust, adjusts ancient bones.* Welcome.
  11. That's right! It makes me sad when I think how cool Andromeda could have been. Though I've yet to play a game where procedurally generated world made the game better, not a shallow ocean of content. NMS - I tried it and got a refund on Steam after the update. Honestly, I found it boring and frustrating. Some people love it I'm sure. I remember the Facebook DA games too and those were fun. I also liked the tablet ME3 game. There is so much potential out there for these franchises but I just don't think Bioware has the vision to carry it through the way fans would like. DA (spoiler alert) has had an overarching plot though, albeit most of it came together at the end of Inquisition and later, Trespasser. The hints were spread throughout the games and I felt the writers and world designers did a good job with it. I'd be surprised if it's a sequel in the way the Mass Effect trilogy had 1, 2, and 3 , since you always play as a different protagonist.
  12. My understanding was Trespasser was led by Patrick Weekes, not Gaider, though I'm not sure if the latter had a hand in it or not. Weekes is still with Bioware, is leading DA4, and the folks leading the new Dragon Age have been with the company for a while. Having spent over 100 hours in Anthem I can say that the game is par for the course for looter shooters/games as a service, where you're entertained for the first 30 hours with so-so campaign and then you're expected to grind the rest. It's not good but it's not as bad as game journalists like to declare. There is a very good article, though I'm not sure how true it is, where Anthem's development is picked apart and some light is shed on why it is what it is. Andromeda was made in 18 months by a C team that was in leadership hell for a good chunk of its development. That they were able to cobble a story together at all is impressive. I personally would like to see Dragon Age end with 4. Bioware has never finished a series well, starting with Baldur's Gate (Throne of Bhaal was nowhere near the quality SoA and Bg1 were). I wish they would make the Mass Effect remaster cash grab, wrap up Dragon Age, and maybe consider starting something new, even if it's another genre. Sadly, I think DA4 will end up being a gorgeous game that probably can't wrap up all the storylines in a way that will make the majority of the fandom happy. And if Bioware tries to do their Game as a Service thing with it, it'll probably be yet another buggy as hell game. The nice thing about all this is that there ARE other studios who write and develop RPGs better than Bioware.
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