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Playing Music in Areas


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To add your own songs, just install the ACM and MUS files in the same fashion as is done with the vanilla tracks and add an entry to the songlist.2da file. Then you can connect the ID of the new soundtrack to the appropriate song slot within the ARE file.


You can find more information about the songlist here.

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sorry if I post this in your thread, but it's kinda related..

How to prevent the music from an area overlapping the music you play from script using PlaySong(n)?

After some seconds, the music of the current area stops my custom music and overlap

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Sol: Yes, you will likely not run out of songlist slots on EE.

Saradas: You use StartMusic to play area music, (PlaySong works only in dlg, i think).


EE allows one to set the area music with SetMusic, otherwise, you have at least 5 totally unused slots in every area. You need to patch an area for that.

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Thanks for the reply, Avenger. I merely need to start a song for the duration of a cutscene, I don't need to patch an area to always play that music.

Using PlaySong(n), the track plays for 5 seconds and then fades out to give space to the soundtrack of the area

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Thanks for the reply, Avenger. I merely need to start a song for the duration of a cutscene, I don't need to patch an area to always play that music.

Using PlaySong(n), the track plays for 5 seconds and then fades out to give space to the soundtrack of the area


An area has 10 slots, of those only 3 are used by the engine. You definitely have to patch the area if you want to use StartMusic. If you don't patch the 3 used slots (combat, night, day), then it will be played only when you used StartMusic.

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The problem is the cutscene is triggered by my npc script, thus the area where it will start is unpredictable. I made many tests today, but using PlaySong(n) the music either fades out after 5 seconds or does not start at all :|

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Unlike StartMusic(), which is global, PlaySong() decays quickly if the view point is moved away from where it was when the action had been executed. Use MoveViewPoint()/MoveViewObject() first to fix the camera and only then use PlaySong(). Dialog mode can also change the view point, disrupting music if an actor is more than 25%-50% of LoS away.

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