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Where are Khalid and Jaheira?


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Vanilla BG1 + TotSC with BG1 Tweaks. I installed the "send npcs to an inn" component as well and started a new game. At some point (during the Cloakwood chapter) I temporarily kicked out Jaheira and Khalid, then sent them to Friendly Arm Inn.


I can't find them there.


It had worked well with Minsc + Dynaheir, Yeslick, Kivan and Coran, but Khalid and Jaheira just vanished. I don't have a backup save at a point where they were still in my party. Are they lost forever? Can I use the console and bring them back? Thanks.

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Which version of BG1 Tweaks are you using? There was an instability with the component in v1 that, hopefully, was fixed in v2.


Have you checked the location where you kicked them out? I have had that happen with Minsc/Dynaheir in v1.

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Which version of BG1 Tweaks are you using? There was an instability with the component in v1 that, hopefully, was fixed in v2.


Have you checked the location where you kicked them out? I have had that happen with Minsc/Dynaheir in v1.

v2. Downloaded it less than a week ago.


I actually kicked them just outside Friendly Arm Inn. I was done unloading my wands inside, and I thought it would be a convenient time as I was about to go back to the forest and pick up Eldoth for his Skie quest.


They're nowhere to be found inside/outside the inn.

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[i actually kicked them just outside Friendly Arm Inn.

Do you, by chance, have Dark Side of the Sword Coast installed? I'll verify the readme, but it rewrites the FAI outside area completely as soon as you finish the Cloakwood chapter.

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Do you, by chance, have Dark Side of the Sword Coast installed? I'll verify the readme, but it rewrites the FAI outside area completely as soon as you finish the Cloakwood chapter.

Nope. No mod besides BG1 Tweaks. And here are the components I've installed (blatant copy/paste from the debug log):






SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Force All Dialogue to Pause Game


SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Send BioWare NPC's to an Inn (DavidW/Zed Nocear) (BETA)








SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking


SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Unlimited Potion Stacking


SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Unlimited Scroll Stacking


SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED NPCs can be angry about reputation but never leave (Salk)


I tried creating one jaheir6 creature and one khalid6, but they came with their default equipment (not that I care) and gave me their initial greeting instead (that I'm worried about). I didn't want to mess up the game so I reloaded.

Thanks for taking time with this, by the way.

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SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED NPCs can be angry about reputation but never leave (Salk)

When you dropped them from the party, how did they respond? I've had NPC's give an angry response and leave with this component. Someone else had it happen with BG2 Tweaks as well.

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When you dropped them from the party, how did they respond? I've had NPC's give an angry response and leave with this component. Someone else had it happen with BG2 Tweaks as well.

Khalid gave me his usual "I don't think Gorion would approve, but you should forge your own path, etc" speech. Nothing odd there. Neutral/evil party members give angry responses when I kick them out (20 reputation), though.

At first he was standing there like he always does, waiting for pickup. I told him to go wait inside, he said alright and wandered off with Jaheira. I didn't go in to check; it had worked pretty well so far and I didn't feel the need.

I'm done with the mines and in the city at the moment. Checking back every so often to see if anything has changed - no luck.

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Is it the first time you've kicked them out of the party since they joined? I know that I've had them disappear automagically to FAI (IIRC) first time I kicked them out, and afterwards they behaved normally. Not that helpful, but still :S

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Khalid gave me his usual "I don't think Gorion would approve, but you should forge your own path, etc" speech. Nothing odd there. Neutral/evil party members give angry responses when I kick them out (20 reputation), though.

At first he was standing there like he always does, waiting for pickup. I told him to go wait inside, he said alright and wandered off with Jaheira. I didn't go in to check; it had worked pretty well so far and I didn't feel the need.

I'm done with the mines and in the city at the moment. Checking back every so often to see if anything has changed - no luck.

Do you have someone good aligned in your party? If so, kick them out and see what happens then let me know. Also, did you get any dialog from Jaheira, or just from Khalid?


@Dakk - Just to be certain, you were playing vanilla BG1 and using the Send BioWare NPCs to an Inn component? I haven't had much feed-back about the mod, and this component is still considered BETA.

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Do you have someone good aligned in your party? If so, kick them out and see what happens then let me know. Also, did you get any dialog from Jaheira, or just from Khalid?

Yeah, all of them are good aligned at the moment. I went back outside Friendly Arm Inn, dropped Alora on the exact same spot and sent her in. When I went in to check, she was there.

I wonder, where exactly in the inn are Khalid and Jaheira supposed to stand? The spot I recruited them is reserved for Minsc and Dynaheir, I think.

Is it the first time you've kicked them out of the party since they joined? I know that I've had them disappear automagically to FAI (IIRC) first time I kicked them out, and afterwards they behaved normally. Not that helpful, but still :S

Nope, it was at least the second time. BUT I hadn't sent them to an inn before. They just stood in spot until pickup. The first time I sent them to an inn, I lost them forever.

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I wonder, where exactly in the inn are Khalid and Jaheira supposed to stand? The spot I recruited them is reserved for Minsc and Dynaheir, I think.

They should be just south of the stairs to the upper levels. Check there and let me know if they are. And thanks for the observation. I'll look at the codes for both pairs and change their locations.

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They should be just south of the stairs to the upper levels. Check there and let me know if they are. And thanks for the observation. I'll look at the codes for both pairs and change their locations.

They aren't there. I guess they're gone for good. Oh well.

Thanks a lot for the attention; I appreciate it. Unless I can come up with a method to recreate them properly, I'll just pick up Kivan and Coran and be on my way.

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I tried creating one jaheir6 creature and one khalid6, but they came with their default equipment (not that I care) and gave me their initial greeting instead (that I'm worried about). I didn't want to mess up the game so I reloaded.

Thanks for taking time with this, by the way.



You can use CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("khalid2") or jaheir2 to recreate them (replace 2 with 4 or 6 if those are closer to your level).

He tried...

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Yes, I figure using the console doesn't bring your companions back but rather creates clones and I wasn't sure if it would cause complications.

Anyways, I've just finished that walkthrough and rolled a new one, so I can lay this to rest. Thanks again for the replies.

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