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iOS port of GemRB (iPad/iPhone)


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Hi Boys


Installed IWD II on my Ipad yesterday. (Yes, in addtion to BGT and IWD 1 :) )


Graphics are just gorgeous. Noticed a few issues worth mentioning :


. no intro animations when launching GemRB (no Wizard of the coast etc)

. can't pause the game, clicking on the globe does nothing

. display issues with character life points

. popup not displayed properly, see shot below (no widescreen mod installed)

. pressing characters icon long enough does nothing, should open character window

. and of course same issue noticed in IWD 1. No warcry in combat, no combat music (reported this to Avenger already)


The rest seems to work the same as BGT and IWD 1. Obviously will need to play around further.



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IWD2 is very much a WIP. The only thing you listed that sounds even remotely iOS specific is the "long press" (i assume you mean right click)


I dont have IWD2 so i can't really look into it, but if it works with the PC build of gemrb then something is up.


Click and hold should always perform a right mouse down event then either immediately send a right mouse up or if you are clicking on IE_GUI_GAMECONTROL (should be the viewport only) and you arent in a target mode (no icon above actors head) then right mouse up is delayed until you release your finger. Even if clicking the character icons returned IE_GUI_GAMECONTROL you should still achieve a right click event on finger up provided you held for the requisite amount of time (0.5 sec)


EDIT: there is a small possibility the sound/music stuff is iOS (rather Apple as it effects mac too) specific. if it is the same problem the mac has then it will be fixed next build. im skeptical of this being the case as BG2 does not have the sound issues on iOS where it does on the mac. Either way IF it is due to that problem then it will be fixed.


Maybe you should examine the logs for OpenAL errors.

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Wip is work in progress right ?

I thought GemRB was designed for emulate infinity engine no matter what. Is IWD 2 really that different ?


Indeed I meant long press, equivalent of right click on PC. No matter how long I press the character icon the window won't open.

Combat sound issues are shared by both IWD 1 and IWD 2. And you are right no similar problem with BGT. this issue is a real pain in the ass if you ask me.


I will try and find these openAL errors but can you give me a hint on where to start looking.



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yes WIP means work in progress


you didn't say if you got the right click on finger up or not; im guessing no. You also didn't specify if you are able to right click the portraits on the PC build.


the open al errors are the same place you look for any other error. the console. search the console output for "openal"

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new build up:


1. fixed memory leak in the audio driver. this leak could easily drive memory usage up substantially over time.

2. fixed an issue with formation rotation mouse up on actor

3. fixed positioning when rotating formations with partial parties

4. disallow formation rotation with single actor

5. made number of fingers for gestures configurable. see new gemrb.cfg

6. removed the ability to scroll the viewport by touching the edge of the screen.

7. no more left click (mouse up) after touching with more than 1 finger.

8. synced with git


IF the same bug affecting OS X is what is causing no sound in IWD2 then that may also be fixed.


I also updated the wiki

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new build up:


1. fixed memory leak in the audio driver. this leak could easily drive memory usage up substantially over time.

2. fixed an issue with formation rotation mouse up on actor

3. fixed positioning when rotating formations with partial parties

4. disallow formation rotation with single actor

5. made number of fingers for gestures configurable. see new gemrb.cfg

6. removed the ability to scroll the viewport by touching the edge of the screen.

7. no more left click (mouse up) after touching with more than 1 finger.

8. synced with git


IF the same bug affecting OS X is what is causing no sound in IWD2 then that may also be fixed.


I also updated the wiki



ok can't really test 1, 2, 4 and 7, but haven't seen any side effects at least

3 is working fine, before releasing finger you see one formation and after releasing marks get rearranged correctly

5 will need more testing, at least the default set up is fine

6 is a nice addition, too many times I faced this bug wihch would move the view to the other side of the map. Glad it's fixed.

8 is odd. In BGT and only BGT I have the record window issue where the game freezes when you enter the menu. I had to grab GUIREC.py from the source to fix this one again



IWD 2 right click on finger up or not doesn't work when you click character icons. It does work fine on the PC build. Double click does work on Ipad though.


And IWD 1 and 2 combat sound issue is still there. Openal returns nothing interesting.

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I wouldn't say 6 was ever a bug since thats how gemrb is supposed to scroll normally. I just failed to realize it was a problem with touch input until one day when i was testing and shot across the map. If you were having problems with it you could have said something and i would have removed it long ago!


8 is probably my fault. I obviously had git conflicts with those files since i had hacked a temporary workaround then when i synced i probably accidentally chose the wrong version of the files to resolve the conflict. I'll recopy them from git.


so does the IWD sound work on PC gemrb?

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I wouldn't say 6 was ever a bug since thats how gemrb is supposed to scroll normally. I just failed to realize it was a problem with touch input until one day when i was testing and shot across the map. If you were having problems with it you could have said something and i would have removed it long ago!


8 is probably my fault. I obviously had git conflicts with those files since i had hacked a temporary workaround then when i synced i probably accidentally chose the wrong version of the files to resolve the conflict. I'll recopy them from git.


so does the IWD sound work on PC gemrb?


My GemRB build ( 0.6.5 ) won't play IWD, only BGT works.

Never succeeded to build windows version myself. But are you saying there's no combat sound on OSX ? Can someone else try on Windows ? Although I'm betting against GemRB on this bug.

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My GemRB build ( 0.6.5 ) won't play IWD, only BGT works.


what is this? do you mean the latest iOS build doesn't play IWD anymore or what? if you are reporting issues you need to tell me errors and console output etc. I don't have any games other than BG2 so don't expect me to trouble shoot for you.


But are you saying there's no combat sound on OSX ?


OS X had some OpenAL driver issues that i have fixed (although not all have been fixed in git yet). these issues weren't affecting iOS aside from the memory leak and hang on exit, but those didn't affect the ability to play audio on iOS.


I don't have IWD so i dont know if there are OpenAL specific problems associated with those. Again you would need to examine the console output to determine what is happening; not just open al errors but look for anything error like. there is a good chance gemrb simply cant find the files or the permissions got screwed up or something.


Bottom line is: when you experience a bug look at the logs to see if there is output associated with it. post the log somewhere that avenger/lynx/myself can read it if there appears to be a problem you cant fix.

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Chill out Syntax, sorry if my last post was confusing. Please allow me to clarify further.


Latest GemRB build for IOS :

. works fine with BGT (except GUYrec.py record window file which you have probably fixed already)

. works fine with IWD 1 (except combat sound issue, will get to that in a bit)

. works not so well with IWD 2 (GemRB not ready yet for this game )


Usually I run my tests on both GemRB for IOS and Windows. I prefer the latter cause logs are cleaner.

Version of GemRB for Windows I have is too old and won't play IWD games, only BGT works. So I'm relying on IOS for IWD.


Now IWD sound bugs in combat.

Initially GemRB won't play character sounds at all. According to Avenger GemRB was trying to cache them. He fixed it. I then reported that combat sound issues (no characters warcry in combat, no dedicated music). Note as well that on Character sound menu, you can't select easily each sound. It selects the one to two steps below, maybe because of the font mod.


It's unfair to say I didn't provide logs on this problem, I posted plenty. but it's true that most of them won't log significant information. I'm willing to try on GemRB for windows as it shows more logs, but can't build one myself. Even tried the recent tutorials posted on the site but failed miserably.


In the meantime I will scan IOS console logs for any hint.

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I don't want to discourage anybody from testing or reporting issues so sorry if i seemed irritated :)


You and jonathan have been the driving force for a number of recent implementations. The incessant prodding lead to many of the touch gesture features, formation rotation, and most recently (tho not yet unveiled) per pixel text scrolling.


the next build (next week) will have several bug fixes and most importantly per pixel scrolling. it wont completely negate the need for putting your fingers in a pencil sharpener :p but it is an important first step toward that point.


I'm going to have to put on my thinking cap and figure out a formula for how scale down the number of pixels to scroll the text by when swiping with your finger. I can see how it is a pain to scroll huge walls of text, as currently, swiping is just like using the scrollbar.

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:) Hurray !! Finally created a windows build synced with GIT. :p


I then launched IWD1, did a combat and marvelled at GemRB's console logs showing a bunch of [OpenAL] error lines. (I'm such a geek ;) )

You guys should now be able to tell what's wrong with this sound issue. I will post them tonight, but wanted to share the good news first.

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Me analysing GemRB Windows logs after many combats in IWD1 and drawing conclusions.

Just stop me when I start saying too much crap.


1. Combat music. GemRB found first file but stops there. I understand it should be reading all the series of B1 sounds

[MUSImporter]: Loading c:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\Icewind Dale\music\B1.mus...[FOUND]

[ResourceManager]: Searching for B1\B1A1... B1\B1A1.acm...[Music]

Playing: B1\B1A1


2. Character not yelling his battle cry

These are the battle cries, so I think the 6 should be replaced by a 0, right ? Also because there are only 40 sounds.

xxxxx03.wav : Battle Cry 1

xxxxx04.wav : Battle Cry 2

xxxxx05.wav : Battle Cry 3

xxxxx06.wav : Battle Cry 4

xxxxx07.wav : Battle Cry 5


[ResourceManager]: Searching for MALE_FIGHTER_4/hemf_65... Tried MALE_FIGHTER_4/

hemf_65.acm MALE_FIGHTER_4/hemf_65.wav MALE_FIGHTER_4/hemf_65.ogg MALE_FIGHTER_4/hemf_65.wav [ERROR]


3. Can't play character sounds in record menu

GemRB should be looking for GFC.XX.Wav, not only XX.wav, right ?


[ResourceManager]: Searching for female_mage_3/.05... Tried female_mage_3/.05.ac

m female_mage_3/.05.wav female_mage_3/.05.ogg female_mage_3/.05.wav [ERROR]

[ResourceManager]: Searching for female_mage_3/.05.wav...[NOT FOUND]

[ResourceManager]: Searching for female_mage_3/.06.wav...[NOT FOUND]

[ResourceManager]: Searching for female_mage_3/.07.wav...[NOT FOUND]

[ResourceManager]: Searching for female_mage_3/.08.wav...[NOT FOUND]

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