cmorgan Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 Still working on some stuff behind the scenes for forum setup and Beta status, but I had some time this week between rehearsals et al., so here is another blog/exploration and the resulting banters for the ToB portion. The banter that inspired the idea CODE /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira and Ajantis) */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) InParty("c#ajantis") Global("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob18b1 ~[ARAN] You look a mite pensive, Jaheira. What be draggin' you back down th' distant foggy paths o' memory?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> was, those few short years ago.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] So, tell me a story, eh? Ajantis never does tell all th' ins an' outs o' what th' glory days were like. You an' he started out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I would not describe them as glorious. But they did have their charm. == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I can see it now. <CHARNAME>, all wrapped up in swaddlin' clothes, wavin' <PRO_HISHER> arms wild-like an' bein' chased by a horde o' gibberlings.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] The waving of arms, perhaps. But no swaddling clothes. == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, was there somethin' right special from th' first, or did th' whole romance thing wi' those two spring up just when they be wanderin' around Amn smitin' evil an' generally doin' good?~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Just wonderin', on account o' it seems a mite fast to get married if they don't have a mite bit more to th' story.~ == BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") OR (2) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell. Or not to tell, Aran. Not mine.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") OR (2) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, nothin' ventured, nothin' gained, I guess. Don't blame a lad for some simple curiosity.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I know it were not all teacups an' roses, but I'd give a blighted fortune to have seen th' whole Iron Throne thing from your perspective, instead o' from th' front lines fightin' Chill an' Blacktalons.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I... I have many memories I would not repeat. But I am glad that I can think back on them, and see where we are now.~ EXIT The way this is written leaves the meanings deliberately open to interpretation. Jaheira does not indicate whether Ajantis was part of things when the party encountered him while dodging ankhegs, or if he was brought in when Chateau Irenicus fell on everyone. Does Jaheira approve? Is she affirming a beautiful friendship that has lasted all the way through the three games, or saying "I should have killed <CHARNAME> while he was younger and less powerful", or if multi-romance cheats are on, is she saying "He's mine, really, but you have to ask him why he spends all that time with Ajantis"? Well, given Jastey's careful coding, that last one is extremely unlikely, but you get the general idea, I think. On Aran's side, he could be just asking about the Glory Days, or he could be scoping out a potential rival, or he could be a little bit bitter that PC and Ajantis are married and he has no chance. Voila - a nice little banter for role-players to have some fun with, just highlighting inter-NPC relationships. I like it. So, how can we play with this idea and make it more situationally aware? How would the same questioning on Aran's part change, and the responses change, if it wasn't Jaheira and Ajantis, but Jaheira and Imoen? Or Jaheira and Gavin, while Gavin is romancing PC? Or better yet, if Jaheira and PC are in a romance, and since Aran was not around for Khalid at all, there is the opportunity for Foot In Mouth™ to strike... Data Gathering: NPCs that make it from BG to ToB I may have missed one or two, but this what I have found for currently available mods that add BG NPCs to SoA/ToB from BG -> BG2 (whether expanding on an existing BioWare™ character dialog or not). Most of these are mute during ToB, but allow a player to bring them along anyways. A few are still working on developing ToB content. And a few actually do go on into ToB. For future-proofing, we will just deal with all of them, so that if someone ends up expanding one of the two Branwen projects, or something similar, acknowledgment is already in place. Jastey's Ajantis = InParty("c#ajantis") WoundedLion's Branwen = InParty("WLBRAN") Lennon's Branwen (Perils of Branwen) = InParty("DL#BWN") Tortured Souls' Coran = InParty("Coran") Kulyok's Coran = InParty("O#Coran") Edwin (+- Laufey's Romance mods of him) = InParty("Edwin") Headbanger's Eldoth = InParty("M#Eldoth") Berelinde's Gavin = InParty("B!Gavin2") Imoen (+- LordM's/TCDale's Imoen Romance) = InParty("Imoen2") Minsc = InParty("Minsc") Lava Del'Vortel's (Aerie-Be-Gone) Quayle = InParty("QUAYLE") Vlad's Shar-Teel (BGTNeJ2) = InParty("Sharteel") darthsabe's Shar-Teel (German-only mod) = InParty("shartel") Lava Del'Vortel's Skie (Polish-only mod) = InParty("Skiedv") Kulyok's Tiax = InParty("O#Tiax") Talon's Xan = InParty("TLXan") Kulyok's Xan = InParty("O#Xan") Domi's Kivan = InParty("P#KIVAN") Viconia = InParty("Viconia") octavian's Yeslick (German-only mod) = InParty("Yesli") Now, for your mod, you may need to go further than just figuring out the DV (and in a few cases the mods are only available in certain languages, which would require some special handling and the services of a good and willing translator), but for my purposes, all I want is to allow a simple reference. I'm not writing lines of dialog for these NPCs here, I am letting the conversation acknowledge the "When I was a Lad in Candlekeep", or "Back in the Day™" references. The advantage to this is we can acknowledge the presence of one of these Cradle-To-Grave or Full Bhaalspawn Saga NPC's without worrying about whether or not the mod in question is installed. Since only the DV is referenced, there is no need to check for the existence of dialog files or .cre; nothing will crash if Branwen is not installed. It will just never run, because the check for InParty() will return false if none of the joined NPCs have that DV. The inspiration is a common enough conversational occurrence, where the "new guy" can ask what it was like back on the Sword Coast. This is a great banter for Jaheira, as she has the mothering/mentoring approach; there is a bonus, too, as the talk could become a little ticklish if she and PC are in a romance. And if any of the other Constant Companions were, well, even better. This kind of conversation could be made into a whole series of talks, but that rapidly becomes very complicated. Theoretically, she is the best character to ask about the long-long term story-arc romances - herself (the changing roles from married mentor/mother figure to widow to lover), Domi's Kivan, Berelinde's Gavin, Jastey's Ajantis, Kulyok's Xan, Laufey's Edwin romance addition, and Viconia. A full treatment of any of these would be an independent set of talks way beyond our purview, mostly because writing that kind of dialog means interpreting events through Jaheira's eyes. I would argue that was next to impossible to do, given that each of these romances can play out in so many different ways, even the BioWare ones. So we leave it open, as a side banter, bringing the subject up and then dropping it, allowing the player's imagination to fill in the backstory and re-interpret the dialog as it fits in their game. Now we have a choice - set up a bunch of independent banters which fire independently, or set it up as one big CHAIN. Individual banters all closed off with the same variable seems safest for folks with multi-romance cheats on. The top true one will play, the rest will be skipped. Or we can simply set up a more general idea in a single CHAIN. To acknowledge their presence as a sideline in another banter is an easy enough thing to do, if we leverage CHAIN to check for their presence as a party member in one fell swoop... CODE == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c#ajantis")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("WLBRAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("DL#BWN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Edwin")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("B!Gavin2")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Minsc")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("QUAYLE")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Sharteel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("shartel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Skiedv")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Tiax")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("TLXan")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Xan")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("P#KIVAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Viconia")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Yesli")~ THEN ~[ARAN] PLACEHOLDER~ On the doubles, like Talon's Xan and Kulyok's Xan, or we don't have to worry. Anyone trying to install both versions of these mods is going to have an odd game anyways. So we can safely assume that players will only install one or the other, and not get double entries from the CHAIN construction presented. At least, we can safely say that they are going to have far worse challenges in their game then getting replicated lines! To screen out all 20 possibles, a code snippet: CODE !InParty("c#ajantis") !InParty("WLBRAN") !InParty("DL#BWN") !InParty("Coran") !InParty("O#Coran") !InParty("Edwin") !InParty("M#Eldoth") !InParty("B!Gavin2") !InParty("QUAYLE") !InParty("Sharteel") !InParty("shartel") !InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("O#Tiax") !InParty("TLXan") !InParty("O#Xan") !InParty("P#KIVAN") !InParty("Yesli") To keep multi-romancer's banters short, we could set up a priority order, first putting the basic banter up. We could use the screen set up just above this to allow the basic banter to play, unless someone else in the party we recognize as coming in from BG content. Then we could follow up with a set of independent banter variants that can play if one of the Romanceables are present, and finally top it off with a catch-all net for the non-romanceables. That means lots and lots of banters. Wait a minute... There has to be a more efficient way. What if we played with CHAIN and EXTERN, instead of writing a ton of independent banters? Some of the elements will be the same, some will be different - let's see if we can break things up and organize them with some common elements delegated to CHAIN snippets. Initial Layout - Jaheira and the Constant Companions CODE /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Baseline */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob18b1 ~[ARAN] You look a mite pensive, Jaheira. What be draggin' you back down th' distant foggy paths o' memory?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> was, those few short years ago.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] So, tell me a story, eh? You never do tell all th' ins an' outs o' what th' glory days were like. You started out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge.~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling CODE CHAIN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling ~[JAHEIRA] I would not describe them as glorious. But they did have their charm. == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I can see it now. <CHARNAME>, all wrapped up in swaddlin' clothes, wavin' <PRO_HISHER> arms wild-like an' bein' chased by a horde o' gibberlings.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] The waving of arms, perhaps. But no swaddling clothes.~ END IF ~Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-askjaheirarom IF ~!Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-askjaheirarom ~[ARAN] Well, was there somethin' right special from th' first sight o' <PRO_HIMHER>, or did th' whole romance thing wi' you two spring up just when you be wanderin' around Amn smitin' evil an' generally doin' good?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I was deeply in love with Khalid. I am still deeply in love with Khalid. After his death, it... it became complicated.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] Blighted hells... I done put my foot right in it. Look, I meant no harm. I was just askin' on account o' you an <PRO_HIMHER>, you seem to fit right together. Xvim's Spit, I just stuffed both feet right up my mouth.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] A habit which I find I must constantly remind you to curb.~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobbanterfinish CODE CHAIN BJAHEI25 c-arantobbanterfinish == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] Well, nothin' ventured, nothin' gained, I guess. Don't blame a lad for some simple curiosity.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I know it were not all teacups an' roses, but I'd give a blighted fortune to have seen th' whole Iron Throne thing from your perspective, instead o' from th' front lines fightin' Chill an' Blacktalons.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I... I have many memories I would not repeat. But I am glad that I can think back on them, and see where we are now.~ EXIT CODE Block 1 > Block 2 > ROM > Block3 > Block 4 > NOROM >>>>>>>>>>^ We broke this up into funny, odd little bits so that we can avoid duplicate states when we start expanding to include the outside references. Basically, we lay out the pastry, and allow the fillings to change based on the party composition. If the romance is active, we have a diversionary block; if not, we skip to the end. Adding Possible Romances; Jaheira with Ajantis, Gavin, Xan, Kivan, Imoen, Viconia, and/or Edwin Setting this up as single banters with only a few possible comments referencing other NPCs, so Multi-Romancers don't get a laundry list of every single active romance variable, is relatively simple. The first one with an active romance fires, the rest are skipped. As a sample of this idea: CODE /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Ajantis */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) InParty("c#ajantis") Global("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob18b1 ~[ARAN] You look a mite pensive, Jaheira. What be draggin' you back down th' distant foggy paths o' memory?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> was, those few short years ago.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] So, tell me a story, eh? Ajantis never does tell all th' ins an' outs o' what th' glory days were like. You an' he started out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I would not describe them as glorious. But they did have their charm.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I can see it now. <CHARNAME>, all wrapped up in swaddlin' clothes, wavin' <PRO_HISHER> arms wild-like an' bein' chased by a horde o' gibberlings.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] The waving of arms, perhaps. But no swaddling clothes.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") !Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, was Ajantis th' same knightly protector, runnin' around smitin' things an' tellin' <CHARNAME> th' honorable course o' action, no matter how dangerous it be?~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, was there somethin' right special from th' first, or did th' whole romance thing wi' those two spring up just when they be wanderin' around Amn smitin' evil an' generally doin' good?~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Just wonderin', on account o' it seems a mite fast to get married.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story, Aran. It is not mine to tell.~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobbanterfinish But we already have the base banter above. Let's leverage EXTERN and the ability to add transitions from CHAIN states based on variables to make things more efficient, reducing the amount of state duplication: CODE /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Baseline */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob18b1 ~[ARAN] You look a mite pensive, Jaheira. What be draggin' you back down th' distant foggy paths o' memory?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> was, those few short years ago.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] So, tell me a story, eh? You never do tell all th' ins an' outs o' what th' glorious days were like. You started out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge.~ END IF ~!InParty("c#ajantis")~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling IF ~InParty("c#ajantis")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobajantis CODE APPEND C-ARN25B IF ~~ c-arantobajantis SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, Ajantis be as bad as you. He has naught in th' way o' good juicy gossip, just tales o' honor an' such. I think he were a companion back on th' Trade Way, before you all headed southwest.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END END CODE CHAIN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling ~[JAHEIRA] I would not describe them as glorious. But they did have their charm.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I can see it now. <CHARNAME>, all wrapped up in swaddlin' clothes, wavin' <PRO_HISHER> arms wild-like an' bein' chased by a horde o' gibberlings.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] The waving of arms, perhaps. But no swaddling clothes.~ END IF ~!Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-askjaheirarom IF ~Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobajanticeromance CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobajanticeromance ~[ARAN] I always wanted to know if was there somethin' right special from th' first, or did th' whole romance thing wi' those two spring up just when they be wanderin' around Amn smitin' evil an' generally doin' good?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Ajantis does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-askjaheirarom ~[ARAN] Well, was there somethin' right special from th' first sight o' <PRO_HIMHER>, or did th' whole romance thing wi' you two spring up just when you be wanderin' around Amn fendin' off challenges to th' Balance?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I was deeply in love with Khalid. I am still deeply in love with Khalid. After his death, it... it became complicated.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] Blighted hells... I done put my foot right in it. Look, I meant no harm. I was just askin' on account o' you an <PRO_HIMHER>, you seem to fit right together. Xvim's Spit, I just stuffed both feet right up my mouth.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] A habit which I find I must constantly remind you to curb.~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobbanterfinish CODE CHAIN BJAHEI25 c-arantobbanterfinish == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] Well, nothin' ventured, nothin' gained, I guess. Don't blame a lad for some simple curiosity.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I know it were not all teacups an' roses, but I'd give a blighted fortune to have seen th' whole Iron Throne thing from your perspective, instead o' from th' front lines fightin' Chill an' Blacktalons.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I... I have many memories I would not repeat. But I am glad that I can think back on them, and see where we are now.~ EXIT OK, two swapped-in parts of the conversation. And edits in [CHAIN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling] to make sure that if Ajantis' romance is active, the Jaheira romance commentary is skipped. Even Aran wouldn't poke Jaheira if Ajantis and Jaheira are both in a romance with PC! He would be wondering what kind of crazy person has reverse-engineered the BioWare™ romance and Jastey's extremely detailed coding, and calling his agent for a new gig. So, let's add some more. To save space, let's just build the snippets. I didn't write them this way. Originally, I sketched out all of the banters as individual ones, all variations on the theme. But let's see if we can edit them in: Ajantis CODE /* Add to baseline: !InParty("c#ajantis") // to the transition leading to EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling IF ~InParty("c#ajantis")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobajantis */ CODE APPEND C-ARN25B /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Ajantis */ IF ~~ c-arantobajantis SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, Ajantis be as bad as you. He has naught in th' way o' good juicy gossip, just tales o' honor an' such. I think he were a companion back on th' Trade Way, before you all headed southwest.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END END CODE /* add to BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling : IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") !Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobajantisromance */ CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobajanticeromance ~[ARAN] I always wanted to know if was there somethin' right special from th' first, or did th' whole romance thing wi' those two spring up just when they be wanderin' around Amn smitin' evil an' generally doin' good?~ == C-ARN25B IF ~Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Just wonderin', on account o' it seems they were a mite fast to get married.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Ajantis does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish Imoen CODE /* Add to baseline: !InParty("Imoen2") // to the transition leading to EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobimoen */ CODE APPEND C-ARN25B /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Imoen */ IF ~~ c-arantobimoen SAY ~[ARAN] Imoen must have been a sight to see, an' a blighted tough one to keep up with, back on th' Sword Coast. I can imagine she kept everyone on their toes. Glory, conquest, an' pink accoutrements for all, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END END CODE /* add to BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling : IF ~InParty("Imoen2") !Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) !Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("Imoen2") OR(2) Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobimoenromance */ CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobimoenromance ~[ARAN] Not to put too fine a point on it, but... well, I don't quite get what th' two o' them have as a relationship. On th' one hand, Imoen be like a sister to <PRO_HIMHER>. On th' other, I done seen how <CHARNAME> looks at Imoen, an' there be little o' sisterlyness, eh? It be hard to hide that they be right close together more'n most folks what be married. Did they always be this way?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Imoen does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish Viconia CODE /* Add to baseline: !InParty("Viconia") // to the transition leading to EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling IF ~InParty("Viconia")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobviconia */ CODE APPEND C-ARN25B /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Viconia */ IF ~~ c-arantobviconia SAY ~[ARAN] I think Viconia met up wi' you way back, but I'm not blighted likely to get no stories from her. Not that I'd believe them anyways, or listen, or even ask that spiderspawn bitch naught.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END END CODE /* add to BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling : IF ~InParty("Viconia") !Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) !Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("Viconia") OR(2) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobviconiaromance */ CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobviconiaromance ~[ARAN] When did <CHARNAME> get all bent up over th' Shar-kissed drowess, anyways? I mean, were it just animal attraction at first, an' then some kind o' power struggle, or did she set right out to seduce <PRO_HIMHER> right away?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. Given your obvious hatred of Viconia, I would be discreet, and leave them alone.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish Edwin CODE /* Add to baseline: IF ~!InParty("Edwin") // to the transition leading to EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling IF ~InParty("Edwin")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobedwin */ CODE APPEND C-ARN25B /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Edwin */ IF ~~ c-arantobedwin SAY ~[ARAN] I done heard rumors what put Edwin an' <CHARNAME> together far back on th' Sword Coast. I don't rightly believe anythin' he claims fully, on account o' that overweanin' ego o' his, but I think he claims all th' glories o' old were his doin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END END CODE /* add to BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling : IF ~InParty("Edwin") !Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobedwinromance */ CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobedwinromance ~[ARAN] Th' two o' them, Odesseiron an' <CHARNAME>... were they like to spark right from th' beginnin', or did they decide to become insufferable together later on?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. I do not doubt that Edwin will gladly boast of their relationship.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish Gavin CODE /* Add to baseline: !InParty("B!Gavin2") // to the transition leading to EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling IF ~InParty("B!Gavin2")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobgavin */ CODE APPEND C-ARN25B /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Gavin */ IF ~~ c-arantobgavin SAY ~[ARAN] Gavin be a right good lad, but I can't get much in th' way o' glory stories out o' him. I think he done met up wi' you early on, eh? That must o' been somethin', wanderin' into dangerous territory wi' a healer what might trip over his own two feet if th' wind blows th' wrong way. ~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END END CODE /* add to BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling : IF ~InParty("B!Gavin2") !Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("B!Gavin2") Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobgavinromance */ CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobgavinromance ~[ARAN] An' when did Gavin start gettin' so close to <CHARNAME>? Were it gradual, or instant-like? Love at first sight back by th' Temple he says he worked with back near Beregost, or did he have to batter at th' gates, so to speak?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Gavin does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish Xan CODE /* Add to baseline: !InParty("O#Xan") // to the transition leading to EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling IF ~InParty("O#Xan")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobxan */ CODE APPEND C-ARN25B /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Xan */ IF ~~ c-arantobxan SAY ~[ARAN] You have to help a lad out, here. Xan jut looks at me wi' that morose expression o' his an' shakes his head. A Moonblade weilder, a Harper, an' <CHARNAME>. Hells, that must o' spawned quite a few stoories an' glories.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END END CODE /* add to BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling : IF ~InParty("O#Xan") !Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("O#Xan") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobxanromance */ CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobxanromance ~[ARAN] I don't rightly see what <PRO_HESHE> seen in him, y'know. All that doom an' gloom an' angst. But they spark an' confer like they was attached at th' soul, or somethin'. When did <PRO_HESHE> fall for Xan, anyways?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Xan does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish Kivan CODE /* Add to baseline: !InParty("P#KIVAN") // to the transition leading to EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling IF ~InParty("P#KIVAN")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobkivan */ CODE APPEND C-ARN25B /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Kivan */ IF ~~ c-arantobkivan SAY ~[ARAN] Kivan don't say much about those days. He just looks at those hands o' his, flexes them a mite bit, an' gets a far-off look in his eyes. A powerful one like that on your side, you all must o' made quite th' play for glory.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END END CODE /* add to BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling : IF ~InParty("P#KIVAN") !Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("P#KIVAN") Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN c-arantobkivanromance */ CODE CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobkivanromance ~[ARAN] Did <PRO_HESHE> fall for th' ohtar right away, or were it more gradual? It seems all a mite bit complicated, it do. Kwentra i'narn, mellonamin.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Kivan does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot. And 'ohtar' translates as 'warrior'. Kivan is far more than that.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish And there we have it. We'll tuck the integrated product at the end of all this. Secondary Level - Non-Romances; Jaheira with Branwen, Coran, Eldoth, Minsc, Quayle, Shar-Teel, Skie, Tiax, or Yeslick OK, now we have a different challenge to solve. Do we really want this first banter to drag on and on, referencing anyone who might be present, or are we going to be happier with short, targeted choices? There is an additional challenge to that - only one of those romanceables is going to play, and if there is one of them available we want the banter to reference them, not someone who is not seen as quite as important. So let's opt-in the romanceables with the banter above, and then if none of them is InParty, the "just friends" NPCs can get a crack at being included. CODE /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(13) InParty("WLBRAN") InParty("DL#BWN") InParty("Coran") InParty("O#Coran") InParty("M#Eldoth") InParty("Minsc") InParty("QUAYLE") InParty("Sharteel") !InParty("shartel") !InParty("Skiedv") InParty("O#Tiax") InParty("TLXan") InParty("Yesli")~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob18bmob ~[ARAN] You look a mite pensive, Jaheira. What be draggin' you back down th' distant foggy paths o' memory?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> seemed, those few short years ago.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("WLBRAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("DL#BWN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I don't rightly trust that Eldoth fellow to tell th' tales. For a bard, he be a mite bit on th' silent side. But I suppose he might have seen a fair bit.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Minsc")~ THEN ~[ARAN] My bet be Minsc has not changed much.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("QUAYLE")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Quayle about th' old days, but somehow I suspect I'd be listenin' to a blighted hells o' a long story. I just want some o' th' juicy bits.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Sharteel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("shartel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Elfred, or Eddoth, or whatever th' bard what she moans about were named.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Eldoth treated her right bad, but she just loves him anyways. Or hates him. Guess it depends on th' day.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Tiax")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Somehow I think th' conversation wi' Tiax would be about how he solved th' whole Iron Throne crisis in spite o' havin' all o' you along, eh?~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Yesli")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Yeslick has one hells o' a hollow leg, but no matter how much he drinks he don't spill naught in th' way o' good stories.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] An' you, you be th' worst o' all. You never do tell all th' ins an' outs. My boon companions, startin' out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge, an' you hold back on th' tales o' glory.~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling With this last one, we still have a possible recognition of Jaheira's romance with PC placed at the end of c-arantobgibberling. And there we have it, except for a few final things: integration and uadjustment in the first banter, and a test install to see where tildes are missing, code is misspelled, and most of all if all the CHAIN transitions are in need of readjusting/reordering/cleanup.
cmorgan Posted October 1, 2011 Author Posted October 1, 2011 Well, I forgot weighting - as written above and installed in that order, the global "c-arntob18b" will be set and the second banter never has a chance to be evaluated, because I did not set enough conditions on the primary dialog. So instead of looking for the Non-Romanceables, let's swap, and turn them into the catch-all banter, to be evaluated only if none of the regular romanceables are in play. That means only a very few folks will ever see the second, but we have certainly given them a shot. Cleaned up a bit; APPEND C-ARN25B /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Ajantis */ IF ~~ c-arantobajantis SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, Ajantis be as bad as you. He has naught in th' way o' good juicy gossip, just tales o' honor an' such. I think he were a companion back on th' Trade Way, before you all headed southwest.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Imoen */ IF ~~ c-arantobimoen SAY ~[ARAN] Imoen must have been a sight to see, an' a blighted tough one to keep up with, back on th' Sword Coast. I can imagine she kept everyone on their toes. Glory, conquest, an' pink accoutrements for all, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Viconia */ IF ~~ c-arantobviconia SAY ~[ARAN] I think Viconia met up wi' you way back, but I'm not blighted likely to get no stories from her. Not that I'd believe them anyways, or listen, or even ask that spiderspawn bitch naught.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Edwin */ IF ~~ c-arantobedwin SAY ~[ARAN] I done heard rumors what put Edwin an' <CHARNAME> together far back on th' Sword Coast. I don't rightly believe anythin' he claims fully, on account o' that overweanin' ego o' his, but I think he claims all th' glories o' old were his doin'.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Gavin */ IF ~~ c-arantobgavin SAY ~[ARAN] Gavin be a right good lad, but I can't get much in th' way o' glory stories out o' him. I think he done met up wi' you early on, eh? That must o' been somethin', wanderin' into dangerous terrritory wi' a healer what might trip over his own two feet if th' wind blows th' wrong way. ~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Xan */ IF ~~ c-arantobxan SAY ~[ARAN] You have to help a lad out, here. Xan jut looks at me wi' that morose expression o' his an' shakes his head. A Moonblade weilder, a Harper, an' <CHARNAME>. Hells, that must o' spawned quite a few stoories an' glories.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Kivan */ IF ~~ c-arantobkivan SAY ~[ARAN] Kivan don't say much about those days. He just looks at those hands o' his, flexes them a mite bit, an' gets a far-off look in his eyes. A powerful one like that on your side, you all must o' made quite th' play for glory.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling END END /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Romanceables */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(7) InParty("Viconia") InParty("c#ajantis") InParty("Imoen2") InParty("Edwin") InParty("B!Gavin2") InParty("O#Xan") InParty("P#KIVAN")~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob18brom ~[ARAN] You look a mite pensive, Jaheira. What be draggin' you back down th' distant foggy paths o' memory?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> was, those few short years ago.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] So, tell me a story, eh? You never do tell all th' ins an' outs o' what th' glorious days were like. You started out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge.~ END IF ~!InParty("Viconia") !InParty("c#ajantis") !InParty("Imoen2") !InParty("Edwin") !InParty("B!Gavin2") !InParty("O#Xan") !InParty("P#KIVAN")~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling IF ~InParty("Viconia")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobviconia IF ~InParty("c#ajantis")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobajantis IF ~InParty("Imoen2")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobimoen IF ~InParty("Edwin")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobedwin IF ~InParty("B!Gavin2")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobgavin IF ~InParty("O#Xan")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobxan IF ~InParty("P#KIVAN")~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobkivan CHAIN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling ~[JAHEIRA] I would not describe them as glorious. But they did have their charm.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I can see it now. <CHARNAME>, all wrapped up in swaddlin' clothes, wavin' <PRO_HISHER> arms wild-like an' bein' chased by a horde o' gibberlings.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] The waving of arms, perhaps. But no swaddling clothes.~ END IF ~InParty("Jaheira") Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-askjaheirarom IF ~InParty("Jaheira") !Global("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("Viconia") OR(2) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobviconiaromance IF ~InParty("Viconia") !Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) !Global("ViconiaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobajantisromance IF ~InParty("c#ajantis") !Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("Imoen2") OR(2) Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobimoenromance IF ~InParty("Imoen2") !Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) !Global("ImoenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("Edwin") Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobedwinromance IF ~InParty("Edwin") !Global("EdwinRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("B!Gavin2") Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobgavinromance IF ~InParty("B!Gavin2") !Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("O#Xan") Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobxanromance IF ~InParty("O#Xan") !Global("O#XanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish IF ~InParty("P#KIVAN") Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobkivanromance IF ~InParty("P#KIVAN") !Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CHAIN C-ARN25B c-askjaheirarom ~[ARAN] Well, was there somethin' right special from th' first sight o' <PRO_HIMHER>, or did th' whole romance thing wi' you two spring up just when you be wanderin' around Amn fendin' off challenges to th' Balance?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I was deeply in love with Khalid. I am still deeply in love with Khalid. After his death, it... it became complicated.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] Blighted hells... I done put my foot right in it. Look, I meant no harm. I was just askin' on account o' you an <PRO_HIMHER>, you seem to fit right together. Xvim's Spit, I just stuffed both feet right up my mouth.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] A habit which I find I must constantly remind you to curb.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobajantisromance ~[ARAN] I always wanted to know if was there somethin' right special from th' first, or did th' whole romance thing wi' those two spring up just when they be wanderin' around Amn smitin' evil an' generally doin' good?~ == C-ARN25B IF ~Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Just wonderin', on account o' it seems they were a mite fast to get married.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Ajantis does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobimoenromance ~[ARAN] Not to put too fine a point on it, but... well, I don't quite get what th' two o' them have as a relationship. On th' one hand, Imoen be like a sister to <PRO_HIMHER>. On th' other, I done seen how <CHARNAME> looks at Imoen, an' there be little o' sisterlyness, eh? It be hard to hide that they be right close together more'n most folks what be married. Did they always be this way?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Imoen does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobviconiaromance ~[ARAN] When did <CHARNAME> get all bent up over th' Shar-kissed drowess, anyways? I mean, were it just animal attraction at first, an' then some kind o' power struggle, or did she set right out to seduce <PRO_HIMHER> right away?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. Given your obvious hatred of Viconia, I would be discreet, and leave them alone.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobedwinromance ~[ARAN] Th' two o' them, Odesseiron an' <CHARNAME>... were they like to spark right from th' beginnin', or did they decide to become insufferable together later on?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. I do not doubt that Edwin will gladly boast of their relationship.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobgavinromance ~[ARAN] An' when did Gavin start gettin' so close to <CHARNAME>? Were it gradual, or instant-like? Love at first sight back by th' Temple he says he worked with back near Beregost, or did he have to batter at th' gates, so to speak?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Gavin does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobxanromance ~[ARAN] I don't rightly see what <PRO_HESHE> seen in him, y'know. All that doom an' gloom an' angst. But they spark an' confer like they was attached at th' soul, or somethin'. When did <PRO_HESHE> fall for Xan, anyways?~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Xan does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobkivanromance ~[ARAN] Did <PRO_HESHE> fall for th' ohtar right away, or were it more gradual? It seems all a mite bit complicated, it do. Kwentra i'narn, mellonamin.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] That is their story to tell, Aran. If Kivan does not wish to tell you, and <CHARNAME> says nothing, then I certainly cannot. And 'ohtar' translates as 'warrior'. Kivan is far more than that.~ EXTERN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish CHAIN C-ARN25B c-arantobbanterfinish ~[ARAN] Well, nothin' ventured, nothin' gained, I guess. Don't blame a lad for some simple curiosity.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I know it were not all teacups an' roses, but I'd give a blighted fortune to have seen th' whole Iron Throne thing from your perspective, instead o' from th' front lines fightin' Chill an' Blacktalons.~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I... I have many memories I would not repeat. But I am glad that I can think back on them, and see where we are now.~ EXIT /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Non-Romanceables */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(13) InParty("WLBRAN") InParty("DL#BWN") InParty("Coran") InParty("O#Coran") InParty("M#Eldoth") InParty("Minsc") InParty("QUAYLE") InParty("Sharteel") !InParty("shartel") !InParty("Skiedv") InParty("O#Tiax") InParty("TLXan") InParty("Yesli")~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob18bmob ~[ARAN] You look a mite pensive, Jaheira. What be draggin' you back down th' distant foggy paths o' memory?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> seemed, those few short years ago.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("WLBRAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("DL#BWN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I don't rightly trust that Eldoth fellow to tell th' tales. For a bard, he be a mite bit on th' silent side. But I suppose he might have seen a fair bit.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Minsc")~ THEN ~[ARAN] My bet be Minsc has not changed much.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("QUAYLE")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Quayle about th' old days, but somehow I suspect I'd be listenin' to a blighted hells o' a long story. I just want some o' th' juicy bits.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Sharteel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("shartel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Elfred, or Eddoth, or whatever th' bard what she moans about were named.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Eldoth treated her right bad, but she just loves him anyways. Or hates him. Guess it depends on th' day.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Tiax")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Somehow I think th' conversation wi' Tiax would be about how he solved th' whole Iron Throne crisis in spite o' havin' all o' you along, eh?~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Yesli")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Yeslick has one hells o' a hollow leg, but no matter how much he drinks he don't spill naught in th' way o' good stories.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] An' you, you be th' worst o' all. You never do tell all th' ins an' outs. My boon companions, startin' out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge, an' you hold back on th' tales o' glory.~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling Now, the "mob" banter leads back to the same state used in the Romanceables section, but if the mob banter fires, nothing will evaluate true until you hit Jaheira. So, mission accomplished.
cmorgan Posted October 1, 2011 Author Posted October 1, 2011 ...And, successful install. Let's take a look at what this "CHAIN" stuff really does, as re-translated by WeiDU into the more traditional coding. This part of the CHAIN: == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> seemed, those few short years ago.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("WLBRAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("DL#BWN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I don't rightly trust that Eldoth fellow to tell th' tales. For a bard, he be a mite bit on th' silent side. But I suppose he might have seen a fair bit.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Minsc")~ THEN ~[ARAN] My bet be Minsc has not changed much.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("QUAYLE")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Quayle about th' old days, but somehow I suspect I'd be listenin' to a blighted hells o' a long story. I just want some o' th' juicy bits.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Sharteel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("shartel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Elfred, or Eddoth, or whatever th' bard what she moans about were named.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Eldoth treated her right bad, but she just loves him anyways. Or hates him. Guess it depends on th' day.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Tiax")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Somehow I think th' conversation wi' Tiax would be about how he solved th' whole Iron Throne crisis in spite o' havin' all o' you along, eh?~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Yesli")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Yeslick has one hells o' a hollow leg, but no matter how much he drinks he don't spill naught in th' way o' good stories.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] An' you, you be th' worst o' all. You never do tell all th' ins an' outs. My boon companions, startin' out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge, an' you hold back on th' tales o' glory.~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 c-arantobgibberling sets up the following in a decompiled BJAHEI25.d: IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 132 // from: SAY ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> seemed, those few short years ago.~ /* #86875 */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 165 IF ~ InParty("shartel") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 164 IF ~ InParty("Sharteel") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 163 IF ~ InParty("QUAYLE") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 162 IF ~ InParty("Minsc") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 161 IF ~ InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 160 IF ~ InParty("O#Coran") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 159 IF ~ InParty("Coran") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 158 IF ~ InParty("DL#BWN") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 157 IF ~ InParty("WLBRAN") ~ THEN EXTERN ~C-ARN25B~ 156 END and the following in the decompiled C-ARN25B.d IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 156 // from: SAY ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ /* #86850 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 165 IF ~ InParty("shartel") ~ THEN GOTO 164 IF ~ InParty("Sharteel") ~ THEN GOTO 163 IF ~ InParty("QUAYLE") ~ THEN GOTO 162 IF ~ InParty("Minsc") ~ THEN GOTO 161 IF ~ InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 160 IF ~ InParty("O#Coran") ~ THEN GOTO 159 IF ~ InParty("Coran") ~ THEN GOTO 158 IF ~ InParty("DL#BWN") ~ THEN GOTO 157 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 157 // from: 156.12 SAY ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ /* #86850 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 165 IF ~ InParty("shartel") ~ THEN GOTO 164 IF ~ InParty("Sharteel") ~ THEN GOTO 163 IF ~ InParty("QUAYLE") ~ THEN GOTO 162 IF ~ InParty("Minsc") ~ THEN GOTO 161 IF ~ InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 160 IF ~ InParty("O#Coran") ~ THEN GOTO 159 IF ~ InParty("Coran") ~ THEN GOTO 158 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 158 // from: 157.11 156.11 SAY ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ /* #86851 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 165 IF ~ InParty("shartel") ~ THEN GOTO 164 IF ~ InParty("Sharteel") ~ THEN GOTO 163 IF ~ InParty("QUAYLE") ~ THEN GOTO 162 IF ~ InParty("Minsc") ~ THEN GOTO 161 IF ~ InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 160 IF ~ InParty("O#Coran") ~ THEN GOTO 159 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 159 // from: 158.10 157.10 156.10 SAY ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ /* #86852 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 165 IF ~ InParty("shartel") ~ THEN GOTO 164 IF ~ InParty("Sharteel") ~ THEN GOTO 163 IF ~ InParty("QUAYLE") ~ THEN GOTO 162 IF ~ InParty("Minsc") ~ THEN GOTO 161 IF ~ InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 160 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 160 // from: 159.9 158.9 157.9 156.9 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly trust that Eldoth fellow to tell th' tales. For a bard, he be a mite bit on th' silent side. But I suppose he might have seen a fair bit.~ /* #86853 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 165 IF ~ InParty("shartel") ~ THEN GOTO 164 IF ~ InParty("Sharteel") ~ THEN GOTO 163 IF ~ InParty("QUAYLE") ~ THEN GOTO 162 IF ~ InParty("Minsc") ~ THEN GOTO 161 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 161 // from: 160.8 159.8 158.8 157.8 156.8 SAY ~[ARAN] My bet be Minsc has not changed much.~ /* #86854 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 165 IF ~ InParty("shartel") ~ THEN GOTO 164 IF ~ InParty("Sharteel") ~ THEN GOTO 163 IF ~ InParty("QUAYLE") ~ THEN GOTO 162 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 162 // from: 161.7 160.7 159.7 158.7 157.7 156.7 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd ask Quayle about th' old days, but somehow I suspect I'd be listenin' to a blighted hells o' a long story. I just want some o' th' juicy bits.~ /* #86855 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 165 IF ~ InParty("shartel") ~ THEN GOTO 164 IF ~ InParty("Sharteel") ~ THEN GOTO 163 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 163 // from: 162.6 161.6 160.6 159.6 158.6 157.6 156.6 SAY ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ /* #86856 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 165 IF ~ InParty("shartel") ~ THEN GOTO 164 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 164 // from: 163.5 162.5 161.5 160.5 159.5 158.5 157.5 156.5 SAY ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ /* #86856 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 165 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 165 // from: 164.4 163.4 162.4 161.4 160.4 159.4 158.4 157.4 156.4 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Elfred, or Eddoth, or whatever th' bard what she moans about were named.~ /* #86857 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 IF ~ InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth") ~ THEN GOTO 166 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 166 // from: 165.3 164.3 163.3 162.3 161.3 160.3 159.3 158.3 157.3 156.3 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Eldoth treated her right bad, but she just loves him anyways. Or hates him. Guess it depends on th' day.~ /* #86858 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 IF ~ InParty("O#Tiax") ~ THEN GOTO 167 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 167 // from: 166.2 165.2 164.2 163.2 162.2 161.2 160.2 159.2 158.2 157.2 156.2 SAY ~[ARAN] Somehow I think th' conversation wi' Tiax would be about how he solved th' whole Iron Throne crisis in spite o' havin' all o' you along, eh?~ /* #86859 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 IF ~ InParty("Yesli") ~ THEN GOTO 168 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 168 // from: 167.1 166.1 165.1 164.1 163.1 162.1 161.1 160.1 159.1 158.1 157.1 156.1 SAY ~[ARAN] Yeslick has one hells o' a hollow leg, but no matter how much he drinks he don't spill naught in th' way o' good stories.~ /* #86860 */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 169 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 169 // from: 168.0 167.0 166.0 165.0 164.0 163.0 162.0 161.0 160.0 159.0 158.0 157.0 156.0 SAY ~[ARAN] An' you, you be th' worst o' all. You never do tell all th' ins an' outs. My boon companions, startin' out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge, an' you hold back on th' tales o' glory.~ /* #86861 */ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~BJAHEI25~ 120 END So, the advantage of using CHAIN in this instance is that it does all this heavy lifting for you, letting WeiDU do the initial path, then check to see if the next variable is valid, then the next, etc.
RavenBlack Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 Chosen of Mystra has an Alora mod out, I think her tag's CMAlora though I am honestly not sure. You have to help a lad out, here. Xan jut looks at me wi' that morose expression o' his an' shakes his head. A Moonblade weilder, a Harper, an' <CHARNAME>. Hells, that must o' spawned quite a few stoories an' glories.~ "Xan just looks", "A Moonblade wielder", and "quite a few stories". Gavin be a right good lad, but I can't get much in th' way o' glory stories out o' him. I think he done met up wi' you early on, eh? That must o' been somethin', wanderin' into dangerous terrritory wi' a healer what might trip over his own two feet if th' wind blows th' wrong way. ~ "wanderin' into dangerous territory". You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ "th' more things change th' more things change" doesn't really make any sense to me either.
cmorgan Posted October 3, 2011 Author Posted October 3, 2011 Darn it! I forgot Alora! (Shows you how many times she has been in my party in BG, let alone in BG2...) I'll go take a look. Got the reapirs, will integrate tonight - thank you! On the how th' more things change th' more things change. I was trying for a Coran Chaoticism, since the original is "the more things change, the more things stay the same". But let me think that one through and come up with something more entertaining, and less awkward.
cmorgan Posted October 3, 2011 Author Posted October 3, 2011 /* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira Back in The Day : Non-Romanceables */ CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B a4273 ~[ARAN] You look a mite pensive, Jaheira. What be draggin' you back down th' distant foggy paths o' memory?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",1)~ == BJAHEI25 ~[JAHEIRA] I am simply remembering how this all started. How young <CHARNAME> seemed, those few short years ago.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("WLBRAN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("DL#BWN")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Branwen was mutterin' somethin' similar just a bit ago. Judgin' by th' amount o' "Tempus this" an' "Tempus that", she weren't so sure things have gotten better.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Coran")~ THEN ~[ARAN] You Tel'Quessir must be connected somehow. Coran were sayin' somethin' yesterday about th' wondrous Cloakwood, an' how th' more things change th' more things change. Didn't rightly make no sense to me.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I don't rightly trust that Eldoth fellow to tell th' tales. For a bard, he be a mite bit on th' silent side. But I suppose he might have seen a fair bit.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Minsc")~ THEN ~[ARAN] My bet be Minsc has not changed much.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("QUAYLE")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Quayle about th' old days, but somehow I suspect I'd be listenin' to a blighted hells o' a long story. I just want some o' th' juicy bits.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Sharteel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("shartel")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Shar-Teel were around back then, I think, but she don't seem to like me much. Comes wi' havin' to wear a codpiece, I guess.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Skiedv") !InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Elfred, or Eddoth, or whatever th' bard what she moans about were named.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Skiedv") InParty("M#Eldoth")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd ask Skie, on account o' she loves a good piece o' gossip, but then I'd have to get through all th' chatter about silks, an' that bastard Eldoth treated her right bad, but she just loves him anyways. Or hates him. Guess it depends on th' day.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("O#Tiax")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Somehow I think th' conversation wi' Tiax would be about how he solved th' whole Iron Throne crisis in spite o' havin' all o' you along, eh?~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("Yesli")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Yeslick has one hells o' a hollow leg, but no matter how much he drinks he don't spill naught in th' way o' good stories.~ == C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("CMALORA")~ THEN ~[ARAN] Alora just looks at me an' giggles, so no help there.~ == C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] An' you, you be th' worst o' all. You never do tell all th' ins an' outs. My boon companions, startin' out early enough to know <PRO_HIMHER> when a few kobolds were a right difficult challenge, an' you hold back on th' tales o' glory.~ EXTERN BJAHEI25 a4256 Alora added, after recheck, and repairs integrated. And the "duh" factor again - we have one that fires for romanceables, one that fires for all the others - I forgot to take out the conditions on the second one when I added them to the first. So, to keep it to two variants, we removed the OR(14) InParty("CMALORA") InParty("WLBRAN") InParty("DL#BWN") InParty("Coran") InParty("O#Coran") InParty("M#Eldoth") InParty("Minsc") InParty("QUAYLE") InParty("Sharteel") !InParty("shartel") !InParty("Skiedv") InParty("O#Tiax") InParty("TLXan") InParty("Yesli") Now, the banter engine will shuffle through the available banters, and come up with only two. If there is a romanceable Full Saga NPC, that one will fire. If not, then the second one, the "no problem if no one but Jaheira and Aran are in the party but if someone who is a Full Saga NPC is then we allude to them being part of things" banter fires. SetGlobal("c-arntob18b","GLOBAL",1) closes both variants, so only one plays in a game.
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