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Bug with Truesword of Arvoreen Kit?


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Hi there!

I think that "Truesword of Arvoreen" kit has a bug. When Mazzy joins my party, she has the new abilities introduced by this mod but also the default ones.


I ran into the same bug when trying out Mazzy, with the kitpack installed. I therefore didn't take her back then.


Is it a known bug? Is something being done about it?


It would be good to see it fixed before taking Mazzy in the party again, or I'd rather have the vanilla Mazzy. She's overpowered with 2 sets of abilities, plus it's messy.


In case anyone is still interested, I figured out the problem with Mazzy. One of the spl files is misnamed. There's one called truesword.spl or something similar. It has to be renamed to IKITMAZ1.spl. If Mazzy already has the Truesword kit then it won't work, unless you go and adjust Mazzy's local IKNPCKit variable.


Just starting a new campaign where I will take Mazzy in my party. Will try out your fix. Thanks for the info!

Just discovered this bug in the newest version as well. And no, renaming the file doesn't help, sadly (it just gives me an error that truesword.spl couldn't be found).

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