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V7 Bugs I've found

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First, OMG THANK YOU! This mod rocked, right up until the last bug I encountered, which was kind of a deal breaker for one of my characters =/


(I can't play the game unmodded, because I have this OBNOXIOUS bug I can't find a way to fix that causes all of my characters' attack sounds to sound like a beetle attacking =( )


So, I started my party with a Cavalier, a Bezerker I dual classed into a Cleric, a Fighter/Mage, an Avenger druid, a swashbuckler rogue, and a sorcerer.


First bug that I encounter: Avenger druids can wear studded leather armor, even though they're not supposed to be able to. (Easy for me to just not exploit)


Second bug: At random (frequently when I minimized the game, 'cuz I multi-task too much) the text would get scrambled to where I would have to save and quit, then re-start the game in order to correct it.


Third bug: The shield spell did not provide ANY immunity to Magic Missle cast by Imbued Weights. I didn't test it against regularly cast magic missle spells, but I'd wager the bug exists there, as well.


Fourth bug: When you go to quit a game, instead of the normal 3 options for any infinity game, you only get "Quit" and "Save". Normally there's a cancel option there >.>


Fifth bug: (The one that broke the game for me =/) whenever my Avenger Druid shapchanges (weather it be winter wolf, boring beetle, sword spider, fire salamander, or baby wyvern), she *cannot* shift back to her natural form. Not even after re-loading the game. The shapeshift-natural form ability seems to be completely broken. Not sure how much use it will be, but she was a level 7 half-elf druid.



Hope this bit of feedback helps!

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Second bug: At random (frequently when I minimized the game, 'cuz I multi-task too much) the text would get scrambled to where I would have to save and quit, then re-start the game in order to correct it.


That happened to me also. Only difference is that I didn't have to restart the game. I just kept alt-tab:ing and it fixed itself after few tries... sometimes 2 was enough, sometimes 20 wasn't.


Didn't think it's issue with this mod since I've had issues with other games also when using alt-tab.

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First bug that I encounter: Avenger druids can wear studded leather armor, even though they're not supposed to be able to. (Easy for me to just not exploit)

This is fixed in 7.13.


Third bug: The shield spell did not provide ANY immunity to Magic Missle cast by Imbued Weights. I didn't test it against regularly cast magic missle spells, but I'd wager the bug exists there, as well.

Imbued wights use regular magic missiles, so it would not have worked. This is fixed in 7.13 for the shield spell and for the three items that provide Shield as well.


Fourth bug: When you go to quit a game, instead of the normal 3 options for any infinity game, you only get "Quit" and "Save". Normally there's a cancel option there >.>

This is presumably a GUI issue and beyond what I can fix. David?


Fifth bug: (The one that broke the game for me =/) whenever my Avenger Druid shapchanges (weather it be winter wolf, boring beetle, sword spider, fire salamander, or baby wyvern), she *cannot* shift back to her natural form. Not even after re-loading the game. The shapeshift-natural form ability seems to be completely broken. Not sure how much use it will be, but she was a level 7 half-elf druid.

I banged my head against this for some time and couldn't figure it out, only to discover that it was probably the first thing I should have checked: the return-to-human spell is set as level 0 so it does nothing.


This might be a converter issue, as spin122 is set as level 10 in IWD. I've written a regexp to move any level 0 spell to level 1.

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