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More translation help please!


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Hey all,


I'm wrapping up v2 of the G3 IWD1 Tweak Pack, and I'd like a hand from one or two of the more linguistically-able forum visitors to translate a handful of strings...


I could use the strings translated into French, German, Russian, Polish and Spanish. There's only a few of them, as you can see:


~Restore IWD Loading Screens~


~Staff, Club, and Sling Sellability~


~Wear Multiple Magical Protection Items Together~


~Assorted Fixes~


See, that's not many. Thanks a lot! :)

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~Restore IWD Loading Screens~


~Wiederhergestellte IWD Bilder während des Ladens~


~Staff, Club, and Sling Sellability~


~Verkaufbare Stäbe, Knüppel und Schleudern~


~Wear Multiple Magical Protection Items Together~


~Möglichkeit, mehrere magische Schutzgegenstände zugleich zu benutzen~


~Assorted Fixes~


~Zahlreiche Verbesserung~


Would be my suggestions in plain Swahili. I hope that helps.

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More translations for my fellow countryman :)


=== Polish ===


~Przywrócenie ekranów wczytywania z IWD~

~Możliwość sprzedawania kijów, maczug i proc~

~Jednoczesne noszenie wielu magicznych przedmiotów ochronnych~

~Mieszane poprawki~

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Andyr, if you see a bunch of vowels with tildas and dots and what not above them, the browser does not translate Cyrrilic for thee properly. I am sending you the doc file as well. t's real weird writing in Russian again. Hmm... I wonder if I am misspelling anything? Let any rusophon around correct me at will :)


~Восcтановить загрузочные экраны из Долины Ледяных Ветров~

~Посохи, дубинки и пращи на продажу~

~Носить несколько волшебных защищающих изделий одновременно~

~Сборная солянка поправок~

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Guest Pilferer


~Восcтановить загрузочные экраны из Долины Ледяных Ветров~

~Посохи, дубинки и пращи на продажу~

~Носить несколько волшебных защищающих изделий одновременно~

~Сборная солянка поправок~


А как такой вариант?


~Возможность продавать простые посохи, дубинки и пращи~

~Возможность одновременного ношения нескольких магических предметов~

~Разнообразные исправления~



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A bit too long with "vozmojnost'" togo, "vozmojnost'" sego - it kills the bussinesslike and 'to the point' style of the original... 'Beatles for sale' was translated into Russian as 'na prodaju' so I used that allusion, instead of that weird 'sellability', since Russian is less flexible with verbalization than English.


your second alternative sounds to my ear even a bit less of a spoken language than mine, plus it lost the original 'protective'.


the third one is as valid as mine, just a bit less colorful. Another version I thought of, and which is probably the closest to the original in both wording and length is "Popravki Assorti"

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