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Let's talk SWtOR!


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Wah, my computer brokeeeeee! I am blaming the Sims 4. Stupid Sims. Hopefully I'll have it working by this weekend: for now, I fight with the laptop.


That won't run any games. >.> And I still haven't moved my writing over to onedrive or anything (I know, I know), so it's all on my dead computer at the moment. And I'm not doing work on this crappy laptop.


...Maybe I'll try playing the PSX3. Or the Wii. Or... something.


(More likely, I'll just troll youtube and archive of our own.)



Dragon Age: Orgins really is a pretty good game (and, yeah, if you leave that certain person at the gates, he allows you to martyr yourself in peace rather then totally taking the decision from you). Do you want me to give you fixpack recs? I'd say mod recs, but you should probably play the game before modding blah blah blah. At least, that's what I always tell people. Honestly, I mod games before I finish them all the time... >.> Origins did have a pretty good modding scene. Too bad no one tried modding DA2, really... I think because of the player character being voiced. Eh. I found pretty clothes for Fenris, though, and sometimes I give Isa pants. Pants are good.


(And sometimes I take away Merill's shiny armor, because she mocks Seb's and so I don't get why she gets some.)



See, part of what I like about the IA is battering down stupid terrorist groups, which the Balmora Resistance definitely is (they straight out admit to bombing civilians, and considering the way they're so easily manipulated by like, every class (including lovely Tanno), I can't think them smart). And then I get to play double agent! And then I get to deal with an ancient conspiracy! Definitely in my opinion the best story in the game, especially with how much it ties in to all the other stories. Honestly, I don't think I could seriously play any class but the IA and maybe the Inquisitior more then once again seriously. Sure, I have multiple Warriors/Smugglers, but am I going to actually play them? Hm. >.> I doubt it.


(And I still can't get in to the BH and JC... but I'll keep em anyways.)



The biggest problems with going to prefered from spendy spendy would be the limited character slots and warzones, I think. All other restrictions, I've already bought out of the way. I only run a few FP's a week, and if I did OP's, I imagine it would be the same, and I'm sort of bored of space missions. But losing access to my pretties... hm, that would be sad.



RIFT has like, the best free to play ever! You get practically everything! (Save for expansion stuff.) It's sort of crazy. That's one of the games my friends play and are always trying to drag me to, but... I don't know. I do like the soul-switching so you can be heals/support for groups and then DPS for soloing. And I did have fun with their PVP, but now I think GW2 has the best PVP ever...




I'l figure something out.



Going to try and opperate on mr computer, see if I can make it cooperate.

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Yes, please, for the fixpacks :) I don't want a mod load. I think I will barely be able to do the unmodded game, as long as it is playable, and there is nothing as crucial as Restored Content is to the KOTOR2 (sans which KOTOR2 is basically unplayable).


See, I don't feel that IA 'ties into' other stories, I feel it tramples then under a heavy boot for no reason whatsoever. BalRes was neither stupid, nor manipulated in Consular's, Smuggler's or Knight's story. SW's republic opponents do not have to be retroactively splashed with dirt, why should the IA be so special that for her alone the three other stories have to be dismantled and those other player characters made look stupid and inept?

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I have some mod recommendations for DA:O as well, but I'll save them for when you're done with the vanilla playthrough.


I agree, I wish DA2 would have gotten more mods than what it did, and I wish it got one more patch. Some quests are still broken.


RIFT is awesome, it certainly does have one of the best F2P Models ever.


Now, Bioware, plz fix the issue on The Harbinger, so then Begeren Colony can come back up.

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Form Tait's/Watson's posts it looks like Harbinger is not going be running till tomorrow afternoon - they spoke of the maintenance in the morning, I doubt they will bring servers back till they can do roll-back and whatever they have to do. Honestly, I do not wish them to, before they have fixed it. Better a couple-three days of downtime than lost data. I am still in the sad-sad-sad mode at the thought I could loose yesterday. This morning GTN grind loss I could live with, but yesterday, I want my yesterday! So, it will probably be for the best to leave it alone for a few days and play something else, till it is not so important. Or play one of the chars I did not touch yesterday. Like my Mara.


EDIT: Sheesh, I can't believe that worrying about the damn server is ruining my workday. I better pull my socks up!

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Fixpacking DA:O:


+ http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1120/? - Morrigan Dialog Fix.

+ http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/928/? - Zev Dialog Fix.

+ http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/486/? - Not as important, but gives Sten both specialization points.


For Dragon Age: Awakenings (don't activate these till you're about to start Awakenings, and untick those three fixes when you're doing non-Orgins content)


+ http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1762/? - Prevents you from permanently losing equipment when it's stripped from you.

+ http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/2997/? - Spoilery, but allows companions to do what they're supposed to do instead of the game skipping it.

+ http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3001/? - Allows a companion quest to start if you've already done quests, actually granting her the chance of a happy ending.



As for skin color, Zev is pretty tan, and comes from the equivalent of Italy (with a random Spanish accent). Fenris is also rather tan, and comes from evil!Rome. Alistair is from the English region, on the other hand, and Anders is from angry!Teutonic!Germany, so the paler skin probably makes sense (and Seb is Randomly Scottish, because, well, why not). All do have light hair, though. (There are several appearance mods that give all of them different looks, if you wanted to run around searching for it.)



And see, I don't know. I found the resistance pretty pathetic as a Councilor (then again, I was unimpressed with Zenith- I found him to generally not be too bright, being a politician who killed Imperial children), and downright moronic as Trooper- Tanno Vik steals their men, steals their mission perimeters, and steals their weapons all while they run around doing chicken with heads chopped off lamely going on about how Tanno is great/completely beyond them. The BH also completely leaves them in the dust, and they're pretty pathetic in the Imperial Balmora class mission as well. Some of the terrorists were better thought out: the one on Tattooine was pretty good. The one on Balmora was rather pathetic. I mean, they get betrayed by their basic top commander. That's... not exactly a very good resistance, if you even can consider them a resistance rather then a terrorist group.


And I don't think any other story looks 'stupid'/smeared. Some people are part of a conspiracy, and they're people from all over the class stories. They're enemies of the IA, too. The only class I think that gets smeared with dirt is the Sith Warrior, who gets tied in to being the servant of an omocidial maniac that they can't refuse to server or get out of thanks to the JK story revealing the Emperor's true motives.



Oh, wow, no Viv? I... kind of approve, and was sort of expecting it (and yay, a female companion who is not a love interest!). I was really hoping Blackwall would be bi, but I can deal with it. Of course, it's not my orientation who's getting screwed- I have six options that I'm attracted to, so I pretty much win the world with this list.


Waiting from the spam from both the angry straight guys and the angry gay guys in ten, nine, eight...

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It just sort of occurred to me that I don't need to play Mages. Because, um, Carver's not going to live or die by my Mageness. How odd.


So I'm thinking a female elf warrior to romance Solas, because I've always thought the warrior gal and her casty boyfriend was a cute trope. And then a female elf mage with Cullen because Cullen <3's mages, and I want to be the First to a Dalish clan! I'm gonna be Keeper, Merill! Unlike you!


(beat) Sorry, Merill.


Dorian gets a human mage boyfriend, I think. Sera can have a female... hm... human?... rogue girlfriend. I'll try the female dwarf (probably rogue, because CARTA) for Blackwall.


...I'm going to need to build up a few more Orgins/DAII playthroughs for all these.


I'm not so attached to Joesphine, Cass, and Iron Bull yet. I'll probably try the Qunari for Iron Bull, though I don't know if they'll be male or female. Probably a mage, though, because I want to stick it to the Qun. I'll probably do Jospheine with a gal, I guess. And Cass... I don't know, maybe a Mage to get all snarky at her. She's royalty, so maybe human so I can hopefully take over another country. Taking over countries is awesome.


Actually, maybe I'll just play a female elf mage first, flirt with EVERYONE, and see who of the cast wins me over first. That could be a fun way to do it.

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Thanks, Twani - downloading the DA:O right now. I am going to give SWTOR a rest for a few days till the dust settles. Yeah, if I get anywhere far in the game, I am going to pursue the Elven romance, rather than the Human one.


I don't remember BH doing anything particular on Balmorra, but then again, I generally avoid Balmorra on Imp characters. Did not he try to kill an Imperial general with a Cathar as an opponent? ANyway, I'll see it again soon enough. Haven't done Trooper yet, but will get there eventually too. Anyway, still love my Balmorra, and Zenith, and Numen and just the whole feel of this planet resisting the Empire with all it got, and not bending its neck. And only IA story makes them betrayed by their top commander, that's why I hate it so much. Well, Zenith rose to prominence and sat things straight. :)

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I personally love the elf romance. So, mostly non spoiler warning: when you meet a cute elf who refers to you as a deadly sex goddess, keep him around. That's your target.


(Honestly, Alistair's not bad on a first playthrough. It's more staring at thing's on a second that he gets more... iffy. I generally think he doesn't mean any harm, and by the epilogues, he generally does good for the world, but... ehhhhhhhh.)


On the other hand, both male romances for DAII are lovely (if on complete other sides of the spectrum). I mostly ship them with each other for the delicious foeyay, but I'm one of a few dozen fangirls on that, apparently. They're both adorable and badass at the same time, and, um, both completely crazy dedicated to elimating what they see as 'wrong'. And they hate each others guts and if you hook up with one the other will get all 'GRRR :E' about it, but, hey, boys (if you sleep with all four companions, they all get in to it). It reminds me of BG1NPC project, actually.



...(I should be writing Altan romance stuff. :()

...(Still haven't gotten the Sims 4. So many bad reviews... but... sims!)




Oh, anyway, random!


Spoilers for Fallout: New Vegas, kind of, relating to the Smuggler in SWTOR.



I was playing the game today (I fixed my computer! With a screwdriver!), and goofing off, and I came across Benny. Benny, if you don't know, is the guy who puts two bullets in your head at the very beginning of the game (not that it does much more then piss you off). I needed to get to him in order to break his neck for that two bullets things (BENNY :E)/get some disk, and, what do you know, I had the Black Widow perk. (It makes you do extra damage to men, and be able to seduce them at times- I also have the lesbian perk, because hey, all my character's go both ways, why not.) So the easiest way to get to him? Seduction.


He is so totally like "ARE YOU EFFEN NUTS WOMAN" and you're like "I LIKE DANGER!" and then, yes, you can sleep with the guy who put two bullets in your head and left you to die in a ditch. Seriously.


I think that's even more extreme then sleeping with the guy who stole your ship.


You can then kill him, of course (or let him run off to Ceaser's Legion and get his stupid ass killed), but I just wondered if the inspiration for that whole Smuggler seduction came from FO:NV, because it just reminded me so much of it. I can picture poor Arcade/Veronica making faces like Corso, too.


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It's a completely different game. Um... sort of like how you could start BG2 or TOB through the launcher? Only unlike ToB, Awakenings won't automatically start. You'll have to select it under games you play.


If you have the Deluxe, what you should have... (I think?):

+ Warden's Keep: takes place during Origins.

+ The Stone Prisoner: takes place during Origins.

+ Return to Ostagar: takes place during Origins.

+ Feastday Gifts/Pranks: takes place during Origins.


All of those are add-ons, like... I don't know, Dorn for the EE's. they should be selected and loaded while you're playing Origins.


Then you also have:

+ The Darkspawn Chronicles: an alternate universe where your Warden died and Alistair went on alone to... save the day, kind of? You play as the chaotic evil bad guy. Play it after Origins, if you desire- it's not that interesting.

+ Leilana's song: a backstory chornicle for your bardic companion, that may or may not be true (she tells the story different each time). It technically takes place before Origins, and you play as Leiana, but you should probably play it after Origins to avoid spoilers.


They're sort of separate. Like Black Pits for the EE.


Then there's the 'expansions', which are Awakenings, Golems of Amwhatever, and Witch Hunt. All take place after Origins, in that order. When you start a 'New Game', you'll have a choice which to choose. You can also download standalone modded campagins, sort of like for NWN.

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