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Let's talk SWtOR!


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I really should go and do those ten bounties - I haven't gotten a single one on Red Eclipse yet. :) But it seems such a waste to do them on level 55 characters, and that's all I'm playing now. :(


I keep buying decorations - I'm afraid I have a looong way to go yet. Jukeboxes, underworld bar, etc, etc. And I haven't yet bought a single centerpiece. So I continue buying, crafting and GTN-ing. Mats really cost a lot now - a part of me thinks I should sell raw mats, but I don't play enough levelling chars to have that much. If any of you do, though, it's a sure way for the win. :)


Went through another Rakata(yawn) and HM Cademimu(yay!). Cademimu was my first, and I was pretty much a drag for the group - we wiped twice on the Ortol and once on the first boss. But thankfully, we got through, I got the tactics(and asked if anyone wants me to pay their repair bill), and we even downed the bonus boss. I won the decoration, but gave it up - I felt that as a newbie, I was half-carried through the fp, though I did do good damage.


Anyway, then I went through Manaan on Republic with my sentinel with a less proficient group, and that was a nightmare. Well, we did get through, but when three chars have 30k hp, dps is low... well. I ended up tanking and naturally, we wiped twice on the second boss. Fortunately, one of the members left, and the new merc was another experienced one, so I didn't need to tank(tankinel, ha!), and we got through just fine in the end. I still want to do Rakata on my republic char, but I want to do it as daily, so I always log in for a random flashpoint first.


Our guild's going strong, but I still need to do my part(got to 30k points yesterday, so I'm doing ~10k a day, but one guy did over 100k and another - nearly 200k). Sigh, turns out they already conquered Balmorra without me, so I'll have to take my alt and make her join a #1 guild for Balmorra when it starts to be up for grabs.


Other than that, things are going all right. I do need to get more mats to sell them on GTN, they're expensive as hell now. :D


Oh, and people - don't buy vacartyls! That **** thing cost 800cc to unlock on the whole account - even orobird only costs 200c, and the new hyatii(or something) - only 60cc. Also unlocked mantellian suit for 200cc, since it's the new Mira.



aaaaaand - what about the weekend?


(Btw, I'm on vacation for the next two weeks, which means I won't be visiting/posting on the forums often, probably. I'll be in the game, though, so I can make it on weekends).

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Hi folks :) Heh, you really don't have to do anything you don't want - I think that's the golden rule! Looks like you figured out by far better occupations for your L55s than running BH contracts. If we are not doing a shared game this weekend, I will try to hook up with my Guild to do one of the FPs from the FA. One of the guildies who'd chat with me yesterday told me that they would want the Vent on Manaan which scared the pants off me. And I still need tons of bounties, grr!


I am making credits off and on Harbinger, but the prices of the mats are not as stable as on your server, and most went down the drain fast (all the fabrics, predictably). L9 blue mats are cheaper than dirt ('cause everyone grinds for the purples), and even L5 and 6 are down to 500-700 ranges. I am back to selling L1 mats by whatever reason &, obviously, purples when I get lucky. Purples are really hard on L9. I have yet to see a hit on Beryllius! Like ever! And that's on 10000 AP Kaliyo and Treek. (Le sigh). Even stop getting Corusca and Mytag gems. Investigations are the only ones I have any luck with (now I jinxed it, I suppose).


Thank you for the heads up on the varactyl! I decided not to spend credits on anything that is not gear-related anyway, since my credit accumulation is slow, and I have a couple of chars to put MK-9s on.


The week was a wash so far. Did one contract yesterday with Eric, messy as all hells - I can't remember a single thing on how to fight my sage. When they refunded my skills, I was sooo tempted to rework her as a Balanced Sage... but figured Eric would not like it. So, once a Seer.... but was a really crappy Seer as I mentioned. Started doing the bounty on my Van, pulled a quick warzone while at it, we've lost, so still needed 1 for the daily, and then... the server disconnected before I finished either the bounty or the zone. I was too tired to re-log in, so... not much accomplished. At least I rebound my Sentinel in what I thought to be a somewhat similar fashion to my Mara - 'cause blessed Bioware uses all those different names and symbols for Imp and Pub. I still have a Pyro and the IA not keybound, hopefully the rest are.


This morning on the bus, I read Kwerty's fresh guide on Assault Specialist Vanguard (Lynch's last chapter was too heavy for me + flashbacks are starting to irritate me, so I gave it a break). Was humbled, and was reinforced in my decision to stick to a tank and stay the hells away from advanced PvE content. There is no way in hells I can possibly do a rotation that can be thought of as a 4x3x5 cube or something. I am good with staying a very mediocre player... honestly. Part of me thinks that it will be prudent for me to never even buy the expansion and just quit the game once they increase the level cap. The end game is taking off to the direction I dislike anyway, intended for people who want to fight hard battles in groups.

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You reallyreally don't need Vent on Manaan. It's easy enough:

- first boss, only attack the enemy that doesn't have a shield

- second boss, don't stand in puddles, kill the adds, and run FAR away as soon as the boss starts casting Flow.

- third boss, every time an orange fire circle appears, everybody run to it, and guide the boss to it. Kill the adds after the boss is in fire.


(And if you have over a million on several chars, buy a 180 hilt/barrel for the main hand. Seriously. It, like, doubles your damage).


You do need a good group for Manaan - like two people with 39k xp, though. So you might want to ask to be carried by your guildies, but I'd do Korriban and Tython first, because of the story. You really don't want to do Manaan first, because spoilers.


Okay, here's a guide how to get purple mats for grade 9, like, 1/4 of the time:

- never choose missions which cost less than 3000.

- if all your remaining missions cost ~2000, move to another stronghold: the missions will shuffle and you'll be able to choose again.

- always put Treek on the mission that costs 3745.

- if you have a character with a critical bonus to Underworld Trading(for example), utilize him! I always utilize Vector in 3745 missions, because he has Diplomacy Critical boost.

- Never run those highly expensive slicing missions, they don't crit often at all, and blue mats are garbage.


(EDIT: if you want purples on other tiers, well, obviously, Rich missions only - 640 for Tier 2, 935/1045 for Tier 3, 1440 for Tier 4, 2340 for Tier 5, 1780 for Tier 6(no rich, alas)).


Blue and purple mats aren't the rage this week, anyway. You got to watch the conquest objectives! This week it's War Supplies, which means you can sell all your green mats for quite some credits. Heck, genetic anomalies and electrum cost close to 3000 - somebody's making a killing out there. (I'm not, I've not got enough mats, alas.)


About the tank: wait, wait. I myself suck at fighting hard battles in groups, and I would NEVER play a tank - this is, like, the hardest and most responsibility-heavy class in the game! It requires you to know everything. And it's the worst class for PvP, ever - nobody wants you. It's terrible as a solo class, too, because of some very slow damage(well, you saw that in bounties). Then why stick to a tank?

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Yeah, that's how I run the missions, but I guess, just not enough bulk yet to see the crits.


Actually, it's fine in PvP, if you guard the nodes and you get a lot of medals for taunts and guards, and in arenas and Huttball. And I don't intend to do any Flashpoints on him, just the PvP and Class story. I basically give up on the challenging PvE content. I don't have the mettle for it. If he starts sucking in PvP as a tank, I can try DPS for a bit to see if I like it better, but I have plenty of DPS to chose from.


EDIT: Oh, yeah, I am looking for the 180 barrel for my PvE MH but they went up in price, from 1.5 mln to 2 mln. I need to do credit transfers from all the alts to my GS (leaving 500 thou on each of the low levels) to see how much credits I have.

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I should be able to do Sunday, as long as no emergency pops up. 10AM EST?



On my fun adventures in other games, been playing Rift. Have two 'roles' (you can buy like, 12 of them); the first is my dr00d soloing build, my second is my purifier healing build. On whim, I decided to do a dungeon, and said I could do either DPS or HEAL. First dungeon, I was DPS, and I happily meleed and set my pet on everything. At the end, the tank/leader asked if we wanted to go again, and everyone said okay- and the default role asigned me to HEAL. I asked the other person who could heal (a mage healer) if he wanted to dps or heal, and he said whatever, so I said I could switch over.


The purifier, at least at this level, has no group heals and no heal over times. It's just two heals (one with a long cooldown) and then wards/shields I can put on people (ONE THAT IS ON FIRE) that sort of 'absorb' the damage. I'm in the party with a mage healer/necromancer, a bard of some sorts, a tank that uses a lot of fire, and some dude with a flamethrower.


We do the second dungeon fine, and decide to do a third, and the tank is like 'HAI WE'RE DOING GREAT, can I switch to DPS?'. And everyone else is like 'Sure!' while I'm like 'omg, I am going to fail horribly'. Yet somehow, between putting fire wards on everyone and setting all the enemies on fire, we actually survive this.


No one dies in all the five dungeons we do. (Dungeons are shorter then flashpoints, but it was a weekend so everyone had a ton of time.) So eventually everyone's like 'What preset are you using?' and I'm like 'I don't know, I just made it up!' and they're all like '...Really?' and it comes out that everyone but me has max level characters and has been playing this game forever while I'm like, newb among newbies and have no idea what I'm doing and all of them are telling me I'm an awesome healer and to keep on with it.


So now I'm using it as my PVP build, and it's actually going quite smoothly. Fun game.



(Yet despite all this, I STILL HAVE NO PANTS. (Um, graphic -wise. There's something in my pants slot. SIGH.)

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Ha-ha, sounds good. We can try Revan, but I don't think I am equipped enough & that might spoil the fun - I'd rather keep my mind on the story with Revan. Alderaan Bounty sounds good! So, 8 am my time, Alderaan Cantina.


Last night one of the guild folks ask if anyone wanted to help him out with the Battle of Ilum, so I decided what the hells, and we ran the first one between him (Guardian), Doc, my Gunslinger and Treek, and the second one I brought Eric's Guardian along with Treek as our healer. No wipes, no mess. Sure the kid was L53, and we both were L55, still felt good to finally see the story of Darth Malgus what there was. I also won a roll on a purple crystal formation! Unless it can be sold for over 100,000 credits, I am putting it in Zenith room!

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I'm just glad everything is okay. Best wishes to your family.


(And you two still got me out of being dragged out shopping with my mother, which may be a fate worse then death, so I have no complaints.)



I started dreaming about that NWN2 mod I sort of want to write but really don't want to code. Argh!

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I am with Twani - glad everything's Okay :) I am about to start weeping if anyone says 'bounty' but Eric is dragging me into another kingpin & then he wants a reg one... But i got the bowcaster. Lol. I will need a break after this!

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We were very lucky my aunt's just had a stone(and not something cancer-related), so, she's going to have a small operation. The irony is, I've got a small vacation starting today, so now I can play virtually 24/7, but you can't. So, I'm going to hope for the next meeting(and hope you're enjoying the bowcaster, Domi!)


Twani: I think it might sound like cheating, but you can find a coder for your mod, I mean, for the boring parts. That's what jcompton and SisterV did with me and Nalia/Angelo, after all. I can't code for NWN2, though, alas. :)


Still, I thought an apology was in order, so I sent you something small via in-game mail. Twani, your Darth Sion set should now be complete and open in collections with belt/gloves/boots. :D And, Domi, I totally didn't know what you'd like(we three have a very different taste in clothes, after all), so I got you a mint green hawkeye crystal. It's not exactly green, but it's as close to normal green as it gets. And, yes, it, too, opens via collections. :)



(Nothing really interesting to report, except that I'm decorating full-time, and my guild is probably going to be #1 again, though I haven't done all that much).

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Hey, you are being silly, you totally did not have to! :) But thank you, I will have to try it as a combo with my hot pink (erm.. magenta) one :) Mara is becoming even more tempting! Also, I am taking tomorrow off, so I am game for anything starting after 7:45 am my time (after I take my kiddo to school) if it is doable for you, ladies.


We did a kingpin on L20/21 Pyro/Snips no problems, no wipes. Yay! And this morning I took my baby Trooper through the wrap up of his Coruscant story and a bounty, so he is finally L19 and I have to visit the hot girls Garza and Jaxo on Coruscant, and park him for a re-equip. Too bad Jaxo is his last major flirt judging from the flirting tables. :( I am now too lazy to finish the rest of Coruscant on him, lol. All those Planetray Check-ups & heroics 4+, meh. For my girl Tishujen,


I finally bought the 180 skill barrel for 1.3 mln. It was just so much cheaper then they normally are that I thought it would be a bad idea to miss. Gotta get back to Makeb and also see which MH is better in the PvP: Obroan or 180. I hear it both ways....

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Wow, finally the barrel! :DNow you just need a full 180 set with relics... I spent the day playing my lovely evil JK and various alts - did the weekly on Belsavis Section X for the rep, and got my Sniper through another FP. Ranged DPS are so much better, it's amazing!


As for heroics, yeah, did them only once, and afterwards - only in conquests. There're some nice ones, though - like Jedi&prisoners on Tatooine for the Empire, or some H2 I can solo. But mostly... yeah.


Good luck for PvP!


Tomorrow is an off day for me, too, so just let me know when I should do anything(8am your time is 18 pm my time, right?), and I'll do it!


Speaking of crystals, I finally switched all endurance crystals on Treek(I use the same crystal - you can take it from your collection multiple times; it was copper endurance, the cheapest) to power ones. She can't hold aggro otherwise on level 50+ - I deal too much damage, and my shadow's threat reducing mechanism doesn't work, because, well, takes us out of battle entirely. So, tanks indeed need some power.

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