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Let's talk SWtOR!


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My next potential time is Sunday if you ladies can make it. :)


I played a lot today, re-equipped my young Trooper, finished Coruscant, run Esseles for the heck of it (well, actually hoped for an orange shield) than pvP'd my little heart out :)

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Aw, geez, I'm sorry. I completely missed this.


(And you didn't have to get me anything, Kuylok! Gah, I feel guilty now. I never get you guys anything when I'm late.)


Sunday should be fine with me. :) 10AM EST still okay?



As of right now, my goals are get to 5(5?- the expansion raising the level cap is coming out this month) in Rift with my cleric, then work on my BG1 mod. After that, I'll decide on NWN2 modding/BG2 modding/IWD modding (the idea of making a party of evil characters to go with an evil PC as Kuylok's BG1NPC's go with a good/neutral character is really tempting...). While doing this, write Exalted fanfiction about a bunch of superpowered teenagers running away from school to go Adventure and promptly ruining their lives.


(...That's just what I do. Because Exalted totally needs teenage meltdowns on top of superpowered meltdowns.)


Do you get the cool stronghold items from regular runs of a flashpoint, or only from expert/nightmare mode runs? Because some of them are sort of tempting.

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I'm ready for Sunday 18. I should write a note to myself. :)


I get cool stronghold items, but mostly other people get them. Yesterday I was on a HM Lost Island(I think) run, my first one, it was fairly easy with me being half-180 geared and a good healer, and we got two cryotanks - but unfortunately, the tank won both of them :D (she said it was for her guild stronghold). I once had a Cademimu missile drop, but I gave it away. Did get a Czerka Sunrise banner and kept it. Saw a rakata palm/Selkath Solar thingy, but lost the rolls(tacticals).


On normal mode runs, I sometimes see drops from bonus boss, but that's pretty much it.


(A party of evil chars is great! But only if they don't betray you in the end, and they're loyal and essentially caring! But, of course, evil. Uh-huh, Kulyok, your idea of evil is probably just being nasty to other people.)

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Sunday at 8 am/10 am/6 pm - will do. I think Bayar is still taking up most of the space in that Alderaan super-tiny cantina :) I totally did not work in the yard yesterday, instead played with my baby-Trooper, and had lots of fun in PvP (except learning in sheer frustration that he has a wrong generator for his tanking. duh). Also, got an invaluable tip on placing AoE spells - to put it on target as opposite to the ground, one just have to double-tap the key-bind button! That option is enabled under combat settings. YAY! faster 'Death from the Above" and the Freighter XS Flyby. Trooper is now L20, and I have to decide if I want to respect into Assault (DPS) for a few levels as suggested by the bestest builds EVAR that give the most pluses. Well, at least I have a generator for it. :)


Slept in today, so this is 'no' on finishing Makeb this week. Kira's climbing tonight, PTI tomorrow and then we are off to Edmonton Friday afternoon. I'll be lucky to find time to check GTN!


Evil, but lawful evil... kindda makes it hard to play a loveable rogue in that set-up :) Dunno, betrayals of the PC are kindda overdone, but they can be at a knife point with other characters in the party, I suppose, and decimate and torture and rape the population at large. Not that I ever trusted Jaesa with her witch hunting, even though she endlessly assured me of her loyalty. Dunno, evil, cartoonish evil, Gregor Clegane psychopathic evil... all kinds. But I have a feeling most people don't take well to playing side by side with real evil.

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Eheheh, if I did evil, they'd probably be pretty evil. None of this Viconia 'I may have killed people in my backstory (after they burried me alive and probably raped me) but the most evil thing I do in game is play mindgames with a male CHARNAME and flirt with someone I'm not interested in a while' (don't get me wrong, I *like* Viconia- but this is the gal who says seriously 'I'm sorry Kivan and I never understood each other' with actual emotion after he spends all his time threatening her in BG1). More like, say, the Practical Incarnation in PS:T (possibly the most evil character that comes to mind in a video game, even if he has a LN alignment (I don't buy that for a second)) or DS Agent from SWTOR. Smart, clever, ruthless, has their own goals that probably overlap with yours but things could get dicey, and generally leaves you wondering.


(And, yeah, probably a generic psychopath ala Monty or Krogan to round out the group, because not everyone can have high mental scores.)


No betraying the main character, though. First, because that's dumb (said character would then have the PC and four others beating the heck out of them) and deprives the PC of, you know, a character. And second, because why the hell would you want to work for the bad guy in IWD? I could easily write characters betraying you in IWD2, as the twins do have a compelling argument for a planetouched character, but IWD? Nah.


But that's still only an idea. An idea, I tell myself.


(I started writing dialog already, gods help me.)


RIFT. First, 50! Must get 50!

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Zenith is actually well written as a character with his own goals. I really like his 'you can have the Galaxy, as long as I get Balmorra" kindda thing. It is hard to buy that he stays with the PC though. I don't remember the IWD at all, tbh, but what could be an agenda there? a local power-grab? I wouldn't mind a simple brute as an evil character, something like Pierce/Korgan. There is not enough simple chars like that. Luckily, murder is supplied by the game with great abandon... Actually, if you are writing a party, making it a gang structure, with a lieutenant, and a treasurer, and a priest, and a con-man kindda thing might help to make it more believable that they stick to the PC. I also have a weakness for those ancient evil characters, steeped in some long-forgotten sins, like Khem (and that quasi-elf whose name I don't remember but who was thoroughly cool in the White Luck Warrior). Will also give PC a leeway maybe to get as far as neutrality....


Totally going to do more DS Stuff on my Agent. No more Nice Girl stuff.

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Yes, I liked it too, but I thought it was Jah. Corso's soundset is derivative. He also quotes Rocky. :)


Ladies, does anyone know how to toggle on that darned marker over an opponent? I keybound one of them (gold star) to "L" but after a selected an enemy and pressed "L"... nothing happened. No marker over the head. (Sigh) So noooob.


Oh, I managed to get the first Taris datacron on my Trooper, in the Pub Resettlement. I couldn't believe I made the jump without falling. Really lucky! Bio, ye maketh us weep.

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Yeah, that's a Jaheira line, not a Branwen line.


The plot for IWD is pretty simple: basically, Belhifet is an extraplanar jerk who is causing all the bad stuff that is forgotten by the plot (tree melting! Do we care? Only in the first half of the game) and a cleric of Tempus saves the day by hurling himself in to a portal to Baator. It's... not the best plot in the world, honestly. I consider it by far the weakest of the Infinity engine games, and of Black Isle's games. But I suppose it works for general dungeon slaying.


Continuing my quest for pants in Rift. It is a difficult quest, but I try. I will persevere.

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Ah, now I seem to vaguely recall the Tree in Kuldahar or something to that extent. I just remember it being super pretty and having a haunting music score.


I played Dragon Age for a few minutes yesterday. It is an entirely different experience than SWTOR. The dialogue that actually feels deep, the artwork... I don't feel like this game can be played like SWTOR, it really needs time and attention and a relaxed state of mind. And, I was scared by the idea that I need to learn new mechanics and gear up, and stuff.


SWTOR'ed a little this morning on me young Trooper w/o personality but in possession of good looks. Still stuck on Taris (though I solo'd H4+ only 6 levels over, lol on Coruscant (since I was going for that Jedi Temple easy datacron anyways). I need to speed up his Taris experience, as I want to get to Nar Shaddaa at L22, and he is almost there.


In reading news, Locke-Sabetha is getting to the point of tedious. Locke is a Mary Sue, but his feelings for Sabetha are getting sickeningly mush. Luckily, the plot finally moved almost to the point when it takes place in the now for the most part, and Jean gets some screen time too. 'Cause it was always Jean for me :)


See you ladies on Sunday, Alderaan Cantina!

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No mechanics in DA at all. :) Playing it right now: you just set difficulty to easy and right-click every mob exactly once. Well, unless you play a mage, then it's spamming 1-9 in any order, just like SWTOR's class story.


Speaking of SWTOR, I'm having absolutely horrible lag issues. :( Work computer pings the thingy quite nicely(80-90ms), but my home computer loses 3 packets out of three, and both ping and traceroute show a hell of a lag(with spikes, at that). Since this morning, it's been a nightmare. Will try to bother my provider, probably, though a part of me thinks SWTOR is at fault. And it's Friday night, which means the provider's tech support will disappear over the weekend. GRRRRR. Don't know what to do, since I obviously can't complete a single flashpoint with this lag. :( Sigh. I'll post again, but if it continues, Sunday's probably off.

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I think you might be seeing the consequences of the Strongholds unlock for the population at large. There are posts in the CS forum on Bio about Progenitor. It could be they braced the NA servers, and now EU is feeling the heat. Or, worse, the entire system is getting overloaded. Let's see if they manage to put the fires out by Sunday. I know I left this morning without travelling to Taris from Coruscant because I couldn't click the map to travel.

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