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Search Map: lowest line not reachable (does not get displayed, not scrollable)


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I have the problem that the lowest line is not reachable in the search map (DLTCEP v7.4, even though the screen shot was taken with an older version). Below the line that is only shown half, there is another one where I cannot scroll to, and therefore cannot edit. I tried to use the "shifting grid" bug to my advantage but to no avail. :)


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Oh, really? I was hoping it would be possible to expand the window a bit to have the whole bmp visible.


btw: the grid is not moving if I scroll, at least I couldn't detect anything, just to let you know.

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I noticed the same thing with the right colum (depending on the map zize).


But jastey, you CAN EDIT the lowest line : just clic the mouse half between the line and the DLTCEP grey screen and you "write" the correct color number.

With your "#14 line", you can even replace the area with the floodfill command.

I have filled a lot of search an light maps this way. At the very beginning, it was quite annoying, but with practice, it has become very easy, if not comfortable. ;)

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Thank you, Gwendolyne. But I can only edit the line that is shown half. If I try to edit the line that is completely hidden below, I do not succeed in changing the numbers because of the scroll bar I always hit then. The lowest line (not shown at all) seems to be outside the editable window.

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