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Will Keldorn Romance ever be an official release?


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Huh. Does anyone else remember back in the old days of the Attic, someone wrote a gay romance mod for Keldorn (but just wrote it- didn't code it)? It involved him falling and turning to Shar after it was revealed Maria's lover had gotten her pregnant and intended to run off rather then have anything to do with the baby. It was a bit sterotypical, and you know, involved one of the greatest paladin's I've ever seen in video games doing stupid (falling) things and definitely had it's downsides... but I remember enjoying the thought of it all the same, though that was years ago.


Mostly because I thought Keldorn was awesome.


Looking forward to this mod and all it entails. I'm still probably going to feel guilty about it, but I'm definitely going to play it when it's released.

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No, I don't remember that at all! Sounds...interesting, tho. :)


I don't see why you should feel guilty with this romance. It is done very well, takes a long time and is very realistic as to the time to grieve and heal. Also, it was Bioware's original intention to have Keldorn and Maria separate but they didn't put it in at the last minute. Berelinde found the original material from Bioware and got a single voiced word that he says sadly upon returning to Charname's party.


You may feel guily, and I thought I would, but I didn't after I saw what Berelinde did with it. I don't know about you for sure, of course, but I think you'll enjoy it and admire how well it is written. The "flirts" are also sweet and he gets embarrassed sometimes.


If you have patience with romances, I think you'll love it.


The gay one has me wondering, tho! Very ambitious and if it was completely written I wonder if it was done well. If so, I'm surprised someone who knew how to code didn't volunteer to help the writer.


As is, I keep hoping Senka's Keldorn Romance over at BWL gets done someday. I can't believe I'd ever prefer it over Berlinde's wonderful one, but it will no doubt be very different and unique. I have every confidence that the work done on it so far is very good. I hope it gets completed someday and doesn't die the all-too-often-death of other mods.

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Twani, I think berelinde had the same feeling about how to do it and not feeling guilty. Because her romance is based on two rules: -no romance with a man that just had his wife thrown in prison (i.e. the "Maria and Keldorn will be reunited" quest path is required), and -it's not the PC or Keldorn or their relation ship breaking his marriage, but the other way around (the braking of his marriage is the prerequisite for the Keldorn romance track to start.)


As Ankhesenpaaten said, there is absolutely no reason to feel guilty for the PC in this concept. (Unless I misunderstood and you were referring to something else.)

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Thank you so much again, Jastey! (And Berlinde for letting Jastey undertake the conversion!) I have played the Keldorn romance through now, twice from start to finish on the Enchanced Editions of SOA and TOB and have no issues to report, as I see now the earlier ones I noticed, were not related to the mod at all.


What a beautiful story, I just love it, again.. thank you so much.

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