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Assigning a new strref to a value in weapprof.2da


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Instead of writing your new proficiency string on top of the "Bastard Sword" strref [with STRING_SET], you should assign your string its own strref and update the value stored in weapprof.2da.

I've only ever looked at weapprof.2da in NI and I only see text there - I didn't even realize it contains strrefs. I suppose NI must automatically translate them? (I think this issue tripped me up once a few months ago.)


Would I do something like:


COPY_EXISTING ~weapprof.2da~ ~override~
     REPLACE_TEXTUALLY 25000 @100


Or would I need to first RESOLVE_STR_REF, get the result, and pass that into the text replacement? Something like,

SET %bsword% to RESOLVE_STR_REF @100
COPY_EXISTING ~weapprof.2da~ ~override~
     REPLACE_TEXTUALLY 25000 %bsword%

I just need a little help in implementation, since it involves a technique I'm not familiar with.

Little help?

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Out of curiosity, why bother with the COUNT_2DA_COLS? Why not just do SET_2DA_ENTRY 8 2 1 or whatever?

Well, it's easier to make example out of... as you have to know the subject, aka he had probably used the same code previously and likes to use the same (example) code (he has in his work)...
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Out of curiosity, why bother with the COUNT_2DA_COLS? Why not just do SET_2DA_ENTRY 8 2 1 or whatever?

There's no way to know in advance how many columns are in the file, since it depends on how many kits are currently installed. If you set the required column count to num_cols, then the data in your array will be indexed with rows starting at 0.


If you set the required column count to some number less than num_cols, then you'd have to calculate what row your array data starts at and offset your row indices by that amount. The only time I would set the required column count to something other than num_cols is when I'd set it to (num_cols - 1) in order to include the column labels. In that case, any code dealing with the array data row indices would be offset by 1 (e.g. loops would start at 1 rather than 0).

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Interesting. My practice til now (because I didn't know about the COUNT_2DA_COLS function) was to simply use 1 as the column count for files where the # of columns may change.


E.g. right now I'm getting precisely the same result from

COPY_EXISTING ~weapprof.2da~ ~override~
...as from
COPY_EXISTING ~weapprof.2da~ ~override~
  COUNT_2DA_COLS num_cols
  SET_2DA_ENTRY 10 2 num_cols RESOLVE_STR_REF (@100)
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