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Thief/Mage/Cleric Kit - How do I make one?


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Hey everyone, Cinnamon here! (Also known as Icecreamtub on Baldur's Gate Forums)
Pleasure to make your acquaintance(s)!

Edit: For Baldur's Gate 1 & 2: Enhanced Edition or maybe possibly even the IWDification Mod? Seems like the latter might be easier to manage? Dunno!

I'm a little familiar with Near Infinity but never touched Kits. I know it's been a pretty requested feature and I apologise if I'm digging up a long buried topic;

Curious what the best way or doable way to create things like Thief/Mage/Cleric and Mage/Druid would be? (even if the latter means editing Avenger)

I'm not entirely asking how to make something as seemingly complicated as Thief/Mage/Cleric Triple Multi (Since if it was doable, we've had 20 or so years to do so?) 

Anything is fine. Cleric/Thief with Mage spells in Priest is probably the most doable - I would just like to know what is doable and what's closest-case.

All replies appreciated, thank you Gibberlings Gang!

Have a wonderful day!

P.S. I'm not all that great with Mods and Modder language, so please be patient with me but I am definitely very passionate and eager to learn, even if takes more years to get the hang of it!

Edited by Cinnamon
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Thief/Mage/Cleric and Mage/Druid would be classes, not kits, so it's only possible in iwd2 or with GemRB (I sometimes test with a sorcerer/monk). But yeah, not much interest in this in general.

Everyone gets access to innate spells, so I guess adding fake spellcasting would be possible that way, however, like with modifying cleric books to also have arcane spells, there is a namespace limit involved. So I doubt a whole spellbook could be hacked in that way.

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6 minutes ago, lynx said:

Thief/Mage/Cleric and Mage/Druid would be classes, not kits, so it's only possible in iwd2 or with GemRB (I sometimes test with a sorcerer/monk). But yeah, not much interest in this in general.

Oh, my apologies for the mistake! 

What exactly is GemRB?

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Druid/mage can be done as a cleric/mage kit if you use a sphere system instead of the game's default divine spellbook mechanism. The Faiths & Powers mod ships with druid/mage, druid/thief, and ranger/druid kits. 

C/M/T, on the ither hand, is more or less impossible to faithfully recreate. Best you could do is a C/T with some added wizard spells and extra spell slots, and an experience penalty. 

Edited by subtledoctor
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Oh my gosh it's my favourite person everrrrr! Hey Doc \o

Aww man... Would've thought it was somewhat doable by tacking onto Cleric/Thief but I guess Class changes are a lot more complicated.

Just how did Beamdog get around to making Shaman and the likes anyways?

I'll look into the Druid/Mage Mods though.

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14 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Just how did Beamdog get around to making Shaman and the likes anyways?

Half complete control over the systems give them the ability to add classes... that kinda fit the current files, and so they did. See the axe being able to be usable by druids if one just removes the added .itm effect.

Now, the fact that kits and class are different, doesn't make the druids impossible to make, like subtledoctor said, one can completely remake a druid kit from a cleric classed character. How much one wishes to revamp the games subsystems is a question one needs to ask. See, the game features class "exclusive" "strongholds", that can quite easily remade to allow a cleric subkit to gain one same as the druids. It's same for excluding the kits access to the cleric stronghold. It can be done or not.

The spell access is easy to add to the kit... but it's quite hard to exclude spells from the cleric subkitted druid.

And the special skills, like polymorph into animals and elementals is easy to add... but again, it's harder to exclude the turn undead ability for example. See one can disable the button, but that doesn't make it go away, it just makes it non-player controllable... but if you use a AI script that makes the cleric use their turn undead ability, it still works.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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On 8/12/2019 at 7:24 PM, subtledoctor said:

C/M/T, on the ither hand, is more or less impossible to faithfully recreate. Best you could do is a C/T with some added wizard spells and extra spell slots, and an experience penalty. 

Not sure why I read this as "not doable" when it said C/T with Mage spells and experience penalty is doable...
How does one do this? I'd like the class to be available o:

Also been playing the Druid/Mage Mod... Uhh, how do I install it without it messing up all the tables and just giving out the class? Me big dumb

On 8/12/2019 at 7:35 PM, Jarno Mikkola said:

Half complete control over the systems give them the ability to add classes... that kinda fit the current files, and so they did. See the axe being able to be usable by druids if one just removes the added .itm effect.

Now, the fact that kits and class are different, doesn't make the druids impossible to make, like subtledoctor said, one can completely remake a druid kit from a cleric classed character. How much one wishes to revamp the games subsystems is a question one needs to ask. See, the game features class "exclusive" "strongholds", that can quite easily remade to allow a cleric subkit to gain one same as the druids. It's same for excluding the kits access to the cleric stronghold. It can be done or not.

The spell access is easy to add to the kit... but it's quite hard to exclude spells from the cleric subkitted druid.

And the special skills, like polymorph into animals and elementals is easy to add... but again, it's harder to exclude the turn undead ability for example. See one can disable the button, but that doesn't make it go away, it just makes it non-player controllable... but if you use a AI script that makes the cleric use their turn undead ability, it still works.

Oh, yeah, right of course. Duh me... Dunno why I thought we have the same tools. My head is really empty sometimes, I swear.
Ah, yeah, the tickboxes of giving Cleric/Druid Axes and Bows, woo woo!

Oh, I see. I think I do, anyway. 

What do are you typically defining as hard to exclude spells from a Cleric book to be more in line with Druid?

Sounds just like I expected it. It's using a class as access but that doesn't mean we are able to freely remove toolbar options, I imagine the way a lot of this works is by re-skinning stuff. 

I should probably put my hands more into making an isometric game than looking to make Mods, maybe... It's so limited and restricting and often gets me hot and bothered thinking about how I, not only have to learn all the basics and beginner's code of conduct, as well as craft things more in mind of a 2-3.5 edition but also the limitations the engine has set... As well as the fact we, as earlier stated, don't have the exact tools to make it work the way it could be intended to do so. I'm envious they freely added Shaman & a freakin' Bear Class, they're so cool and I'd love to utilise those classes, not only as making my own but also something like Ranger/Shaman Multi-Class... However the hell one combines Ranger/Druid and keeps the spells as Sorcerer style. Pfffft. Sounds like hell.

Pfeh. >.>

Thanks for all the discussion and help so far! Apologies if my responses are super delayed, I never really was much of a forumite and honestly just keep forgetting these hubs exist for whatever god forbid reason. I mean, maybe I shouldn't be too hard on myself... I'd go insane from all the F5ing, checking back constantly and taking glances at e-mails on phone... But, I'unno, impatience and all that... 


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