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scripting a change from single-class to multiclass

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What I would like to do:

Start with a single-class thief; invoke a script to become a mage/thief; have the thief level stay the same and the wizard level be at 1, so I can use the "level up" button to bring my wizard level up to where it should be.

What happens now:

Let's say I do this as a 4th-level thief.  The ChangeClass action makes me a mage/thief, as expected, and my XP gets split between the two classes, as expected.  But, the engine only sees the multiclass as a mage/thief, and not as a thief/mage.  Since I was 4th level in my first class before, it makes me a 4th-level mage; and it sets my new second class to be 1st level, which means I'm now a 1st level thief, and I can level up to 4th again, getting more thief skill points and another proficiency.

I need the script to set my levels at 1/4, not 4/1.  Something like,

[set class 2 to match current level of class 1]
[set class 1 to level 1]

Anyone know whether that is possible?

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Easy, you just allow one kind of character to get the specific class combo. This is how the Hidden kits did it.

And that kind of character can actually demand that they are already a dual class char, in specific order and all that... and yes, a non-human can be dualed, so that won't be a problem either.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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1 hour ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

Easy, you just allow one kind of character to get the specific class combo. This is how the Hidden kits did it.

And that kind of character can actually demand that they are already a dual class char, in specific order and all that... and yes, a non-human can be dualed, so that won't be a problem either.

Unfortunately dual-classing cannot be scripted.  (I've been lobbying for such a thing for about 10 years, now.)

I suppose I could make a thief kit, which only allows dual-classing to wizard.  The player could dual-class to wizard, then a spell would be applied that would summon a creature, which would run a script, which would check for (Class=13 and OriginalClass=4 and Kit=this_kit), and that would... no, wait.  Once you are dual-class, the script cannot make you multiclass.  Because, that thing that I lobbied for for 10 years was never done.

Damn.  This is frustrating.  I was sure this down to my lack of knowledge of scripting, not to hardcoded impossibility.  Foo.

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Not the actual script, obviously, but you should get the idea. Don't remember what the stat's actual name is, make sure to check stats.ids

IF Global("level",0) Level(1) RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("level",1) END

IF Global("level",0) Level(2) RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("level",2) END


IF Switch("level")

RESPONSE #1 ChangeStat(Level2,1) DestroySelf()

RESPONSE #2 ChangeStat(Level2,2) DestroySelf()




Edited by Ardanis
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Hm, unfortunately that doesn't seem to work.  If anyone has any ideas, or sees something wrong with this script, I'm all ears.

EDIT - got it working!!  Fantastic.  Only issue now is, you get full HP in your first class up to the moment you change to multi; and then when you catch up in the level of the new class, it gives you 1/2 HP for each level (the way multiclasses do).  So you end up with extra HP.  So I have to chop the character's HP in half when activating the switch.  I wonder what the easiest and most indelible way to do that is...



Edited by subtledoctor
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4 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

I wonder what the easiest and most indelible way to do that is...

Well, the SCS NPC component does alike this by providing an min 1 hp item and setting the HPs to zero or the like, the mod before Level 1 NPCs did similar ... you could do the same.

It's drawbacks are possible and probable incompatibility... without a given install order and knowing that it might be coming. As L1NPCs and the SCS NPC component don't consider each others... which can lead to fun fun fun. Like unkillable chars, forever leveling up chars etc.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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Actually, since we’re talking about single-class kits to start, and the mod is EE-only, I think I’ll just cut the hp rate of the initial kit. 1d4 instead of 1d6 for the thief; 1d6 instead of 1d10 for fighter/rangers. Something like that. You’ll have gimped skills, gimped proficiencies, and seriously gimped hit points... until you convert yourself into the multiclass kit. Then you will be made whole, and proceed from there as a proper multiclass. 

(The point of this is to play a multiclass kit, from the single-class menu, and have it work on SoD/SoA/ToB starts where you are already level X. Still won’t be totally perfect... but good enough as far as I’m concerned.)

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