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Shaman Spell Selection

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1 hour ago, southfla79 said:

What file controls which spells show up for Shamans during their spell selection?

Isn't it just determined by priest type? You can test it out by adding an old spell with a general or druid priest type to an empty slot (e.g. in a non-modded BG2EE game, make a copy of Bless to empty sppr115 and watch it immediately show up in a newly generated shaman's spellbook, same as a druid or cleric).

Edited by Bartimaeus
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There isn't one. There's the .spl files that do this, along with another than remove files that would be selectable... and the .spl file has a choise of allowing clerics or druids to use them, and yes, a Shaman is a druid-sub type.

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Not type, per se, but it's down to the exclusion flags.  Any spells that:

  • have the 'priest' primary type,
  • have filenames starting with SPPR an ending with [1-7][01-49],
  • do not have the druid class exclusion flag checked, and
  • are not listed in HIDESPL.2da

...are available to be learned by shamans.  That same group of spells will automatically populate a druid's spellbook, if the druid is high-enough level to cast them, every time the druid levels up.  The same group of spells applies to both shamans and druids; you cannot set different spells to be available to druids vs. shamans unless you monkey around with some things.

Edited by subtledoctor
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