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Tyris Flare updates to v9 with EET install fix!


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Nice mod, installed by accident of course 😜 I mean really nice, had so much fun with her ;pppp


All right, tweaked her to kenasi/mage and she is like a female version of Weimer's Solafein in terms of how op she can be, no joke. 


I think I found a bug: Fate Spirits can't summon her if EET is installed. To test this, launch the game in TOB and see for yourself.

Not sure if it's a bug with Tyris rather than EET (or their converting tool), though, as Fate Spirits don't summon Angelo and some other mod-introduced characters either.

25 minutes ago, Anton said:

I think I found a bug: Fate Spirits can't summon her if EET is installed. To test this, launch the game in TOB and see for yourself.

I need more information before I agree it's a bug. EET's fate spirit summoning is more restricted than it was in BGII:EE. The questions are: -did you start a new ToB game? Did you play from SoA to ToB, but never had her join the group in SoA? What exactly do you mean with "can't summon" - will the spirit not do it or is the reply option for her missing completely?


I installed EET, Angelo and Tyris, started a new TOB campaign and couldn't summon either. I'll try with an even smaller install of Modmerge, EET and Tyris only and report.


Yep. Clean install, no mods except EET and Tyris.

// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~EET\EET.TP2~ #0 #0 // EET core (resource importation): 1.0 RC12
~EET_END\EET_END.TP2~ #0 #0 // EET end (last mod in install order) -> Standard installation

Chose TOB Campaign, Fate Spirit couldn't summon her. Without EET, she appears in TOB just fine.



Oh, and in case it's important: she does show up in the lists, both normal and as romance partner. The Fate Spirit just says her line does no longer connect with mine. And Angelo has the same problem.


Anton described what it is about above: no choice to summon the NPC at the Fate Spirit for a newly started ToB game in EET. It's up to you to decide whether you need this or not.

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