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Tyris Flare updates to v9 with EET install fix!


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Nice mod, installed by accident of course 😜 I mean really nice, had so much fun with her ;pppp


All right, tweaked her to kenasi/mage and she is like a female version of Weimer's Solafein in terms of how op she can be, no joke. 

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I think I found a bug: Fate Spirits can't summon her if EET is installed. To test this, launch the game in TOB and see for yourself.

Not sure if it's a bug with Tyris rather than EET (or their converting tool), though, as Fate Spirits don't summon Angelo and some other mod-introduced characters either.

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25 minutes ago, Anton said:

I think I found a bug: Fate Spirits can't summon her if EET is installed. To test this, launch the game in TOB and see for yourself.

I need more information before I agree it's a bug. EET's fate spirit summoning is more restricted than it was in BGII:EE. The questions are: -did you start a new ToB game? Did you play from SoA to ToB, but never had her join the group in SoA? What exactly do you mean with "can't summon" - will the spirit not do it or is the reply option for her missing completely?

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Yep. Clean install, no mods except EET and Tyris.

// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~EET\EET.TP2~ #0 #0 // EET core (resource importation): 1.0 RC12
~EET_END\EET_END.TP2~ #0 #0 // EET end (last mod in install order) -> Standard installation

Chose TOB Campaign, Fate Spirit couldn't summon her. Without EET, she appears in TOB just fine.


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