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SubtleMods: 5E Spellcasting Rules Conversion

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1 hour ago, Enigmajazz said:

I feel like this code from the semi_spontaneous function appears to be wrong as mem_spell should be row 1 not row 0 which is the index


(This and the following aren't part of the quote, but I couldn't fix the formatting in editing. Or delete my posts.)

No, that code is fine. The trick here is that the READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW and READ_2DA_ENTRY commands only reads rows that have at least "cols" entries. The header row has one fewer entry than the data rows, so it gets skipped. Then READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER only uses the table built by READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW, so it's working from a table without the headers. If you want to read from the header row, you need a READ_ command that uses a smaller number for its "required column count" parameter. Which this code never does, so it's only looking at the actual data.

Edited by jmerry
Couldn't fix bad formatting
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Edit: I misread what I was replying to.

I can see no difference between the divine and arcane code apart from the fact that divine seems to try and read both index and mem spell from the same column. I'm still struggling to understand how what looks like reading the same entry twice as below can give a different outcome, as these lines are directly below each other:

READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER ~r2en_zclons~ row 0 prev_ind

         READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER ~r2en_zclons~ row 0 mem_spell


I may be missing a lot as I'm new to reading weidu code so I apologize for my ignorance.

Edited by Enigmajazz
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Well, yeah it looks like a typo. Thing is, if I “fix” the typo I’m pretty sure it will cause problems for cleric/mages. Problems that I fixed some time ago. There are actually two typos there, which effectively render that block of code irrelevant; but the mod works without that code, so better for it to be irrelevant or gone rather than working. My guess is, those values used to be correct, but then the rest of the mod changed and that block didn’t so they look wrong now. And the fact that the block of code causes no errors meant my attention was never called to it. 

Also sometimes I change code or make it irrelevant, but leave it in place. That way if my change is problematic, it is easy to revert. I know that’s a bad habit but I’m not a coder so I don’t really care… (sorry, not sorry ;) )

Edited by subtledoctor
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I know that’s a bad habit but I’m not a coder so I don’t really care.

I think you meant, "I'm a coder in charge of my vast code bases who didn't expect others to read his code and be questioned on its intricacies."  After all you've made for WeiDU, you're a coder now, doc!

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Hello, first want to say I love this mod to death, was never big on Vancian-style casting.

However I'm running into a problem where a quarter of my memorized spells disappear while the spells slots on spells I do have left seem to have doubled.

It's probably something on my end but I don't know what.  I am running a few mods, mostly the Tweaks mod and the Nostalgia Pack, along with EEX and Bubbs.  I'm not sure if it's an installation order (I installed 5e last which I think it was supposed to do?).  I've been troubleshooting and it seems to pop up randomly whenever I cast a spell.

Any advice or suggestions you might make would be a big help, thanks.

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I got an install error with M&G (v5.3)'s bard overhaul. Nothing else installed:

ERROR: cannot convert kit_is_row or %kit_is_row% to an integer
ERROR: [d5zltwz.spl] -> [override/d5zltwz.spl] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [kit.ids] -> [override/kit.ids] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
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That's unlikely to be the problem. Installing on a game with unmerged SoD doesn't tend to cause mod installations to error out; instead, they install but the new override files don't properly override the SoD content so you get a garbled play experience. Since this mod does add a small amount of game text, it's not one of those rare mods that'll fully work on an unmerged SoD.

So ... the mod should probably have a merge check before it tries to change anything. If you can prevent user error from causing problems without too much trouble, it's worth doing.

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Doc, when you say 5e Casting has a recognized spell limit of 899, does that account for ALL spells in the game - including ones PCs never use or that aren't part of the SPxxxxxx.spl nomenclature?

Also, if we use SR + IWDification, how many spells does that consume?


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7 hours ago, Endarire said:

when you say 5e Casting has a recognized spell limit of 899, does that account for ALL spells in the game - including ones PCs never use

It’s the max number of spells that can be in the 5E system. Spells that are not usable by PCs need not and should not be in the 5E system. 

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On 6/6/2023 at 10:09 AM, Connelly said:

I got an install error with M&G (v5.3)'s bard overhaul. Nothing else installed:

ERROR: cannot convert kit_is_row or %kit_is_row% to an integer
ERROR: [d5zltwz.spl] -> [override/d5zltwz.spl] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [kit.ids] -> [override/kit.ids] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

Fixed in version 1.20.

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