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P&P Celestials v9 Now Available

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49 minutes ago, TotoR said:

It seems that I arrive after the battle... a PR have been done some times ago (https://github.com/Gibberlings3/PnP_Celestials/pull/4) and it is waiting for the head chief @CamDawg for approval.

Ah, well it seems I was too late with figuring it , I was going to offer code for the fix. FWIW I know Bartimaeus can tend to change things around in his IRR/SRR more often than others, so some more flexible code to handle potential future adjustments in IR(R) might look like this:

COPY_EXISTING ~rods04.itm~ ~override/ca#monrd.itm~
  SAY NAME1 @303
  SAY NAME2 @303
  WRITE_BYTE 0x18 (THIS BAND `BIT2) // removes droppable flag
  WRITE_ASCII 0x22 ~S1~ // long sword
  WRITE_LONG 0x60 3
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR silent = 1 STR_VAR match_resource = rods04 resource = ~ca#monrd~ END // pick up any self-targeted 324/318s
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR silent = 1 match_opcode = 233 match_parameter2 = 109 parameter1 = 3 END
  LPF ALTER_ITEM_HEADER INT_VAR header_type = 1 dicenumber = 1 dicesize = 8 thac0_bonus = 3 damage_bonus = 3 identify = 0 END
    LPF CLONE_EFFECT INT_VAR silent = 1 match_opcode = 177 match_parameter1 = 144 parameter1 = 188 parameter2 = 5 END // Slay vs earth elemental
    PATCH_FOR_EACH to_hit IN ~1~ ~2~ ~3~ ~4~ BEGIN
      LPF CLONE_EFFECT INT_VAR silent = 1 match_opcode = 177 STR_VAR match_resource = EVAL "GOLEHIT%to_hit%" resource = EVAL "CA#HIT%to_hit%" END // to hit bonus vs earth elemental
          COPY_EXISTING ~GOLEHIT%to_hit%.eff~ ~override\CA#HIT%to_hit%.eff~ // to hit bonus vs elemental - earth
            WRITE_LONG 0x1C 188
            WRITE_LONG 0x20 5
    PATCH_FOR_EACH dam_bo IN ~3~ ~4~ ~5~ ~6~ ~7~ ~8~ BEGIN
      LPF CLONE_EFFECT INT_VAR silent = 1 match_opcode = 177 STR_VAR match_resource = EVAL "GOLEDAM%dam_bo%" resource = EVAL "CA#DAM%dam_bo%" END // dmg bonus vs earth elemental
          COPY_EXISTING ~GOLEDAM%dam_bo%.eff~ ~override\CA#DAM%dam_bo%.eff~ // dmg bonus vs elemental - earth
            WRITE_LONG 0x1C 188
            WRITE_LONG 0x20 5
    LPF CLONE_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 177 parameter1 = 188 parameter2 = 5 STR_VAR match_resource = smitgol1 END // vs earth elemental
    LPF CLONE_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 55  parameter1 = 188 parameter2 = 5 END // vs earth elemental


That will work with both IR and IRR, and still continue to work in the future if those mods set the to-hit bonus anywhere between +1 and +4, and the damage bonus anywhere between +3 and +8.

49 minutes ago, TotoR said:

Compatibility with SR is a huge headache and seems not really possible : Creatures Stats differs, spells known differs and are not balanced as SR, descriptions are no more accurate... So my current statement seems good in fact.

However, and technically speaking, PnP Clectials can be installed after SR.

I don't think it's that big a deal... the onus is not on you to conceptually make them work as SR intends celestials to be. I think it's fine to have it such that installing this after SR will obliterate SR's changes to the spells, but in a way that leaves things clean and working well for players who intentionally choose to obliterate those SR spells.

To that end, I changed the .SPL patches near line 570 of the Celestials .tp2 file to this:

COPY_EXISTING ~spcl923.spl~ ~override~  /* Paladin Innate spell to summon deva through invis and invulen creature */
  WRITE_LONG 0x50 63829
  WRITE_LONG 0x34 1
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 177 STR_VAR resource = ~ca#inv1~ END
COPY_EXISTING ~spcl935.spl~ ~override~  /* blackguard Innate spell to summon fallen deva */
  WRITE_LONG 0x50 63831
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 177 STR_VAR resource = ~ca#fdeva~ END
COPY_EXISTING ~sppr726.spl~ ~override~  /* Cleric spell to summon deva through invis and invulen creature */
  WRITE_LONG 0x50 63829
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 177 STR_VAR resource = ~ca#inv1~ END
COPY_EXISTING ~sppr727.spl~ ~override~  /* Cleric spell to summon fallen deva */
  WRITE_LONG 0x50 63831
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 177 STR_VAR resource = ~ca#fdeva~ END
COPY_EXISTING ~spwi923.spl~ ~override~  /* Wizard spell to summon planetar */
  WRITE_LONG 0x50 63232
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 177 STR_VAR resource = ~ca#plan~ END
COPY_EXISTING ~spwi924.spl~ ~override~  /* Wizard spell to summon fallen planetar */
  WRITE_LONG 0x50 63237
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 177 STR_VAR resource = ~ca#fplan~ END


That makes the same op177 patches that the mod does now, and also sets the spell descriptions to the original unmodded descriptions (since PnP Celestials seems to be intended for use with those original descriptions).

Edited by subtledoctor
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49 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

Ah, well it seems I was too late with figuring it , I was going to offer code for the fix. FWIW I know Bartimaeus can tend to change things around in his IRR/SRR more often than others, so some more flexible code to handle potential future adjustments in IR(R) might look like this:

it as been added, it is never too late when it is better...

49 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

also sets the spell descriptions to the original unmodded descriptions


Thank you !

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Guest morpheus562

Running into this error: "Cannot append column-wise because there are 11 lines in 7eyes.2da but I was only given 10 things to append"

Updating functions.tph to account for SNARE_ARROW resolves the error:


    COPY_EXISTING ~7eyes.2da~ ~override~
      SPRINT mind ~*~
      SPRINT sword ~*~
      SPRINT mage ~*~
      SPRINT venom ~*~
      SPRINT spirit ~*~
      SPRINT fortitude ~*~
      SPRINT stone ~*~
      SPRINT snare ~*~
        COUNT_2DA_COLS cols
      SET cols = cols - 2
        SPRINT mind ~%destination%~
      END ~\1~
      REPLACE_EVALUATE ~\(^EYESWORD[ %TAB%].+[ %TAB%]%source%[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]\)~ BEGIN
        SPRINT sword ~%destination%~
      END ~\1~
      REPLACE_EVALUATE ~\(^EYEMAGE[ %TAB%].+[ %TAB%]%source%[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]\)~ BEGIN
        SPRINT mage ~%destination%~
      END ~\1~
      REPLACE_EVALUATE ~\(^EYEVENOM[ %TAB%].+[ %TAB%]%source%[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]\)~ BEGIN
        SPRINT venom ~%destination%~
      END ~\1~
      REPLACE_EVALUATE ~\(^EYESPIRIT[ %TAB%].+[ %TAB%]%source%[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]\)~ BEGIN
        SPRINT spirit ~%destination%~
      END ~\1~
        SPRINT fortitude ~%destination%~
      END ~\1~
      REPLACE_EVALUATE ~\(^EYESTONE[ %TAB%].+[ %TAB%]%source%[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]\)~ BEGIN
        SPRINT stone ~%destination%~
      END ~\1~
      REPLACE_EVALUATE ~\(^SNARE_ARROW[ %TAB%].+[ %TAB%]%source%[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]\)~ BEGIN
        SPRINT stone ~%destination%~
      END ~\1~

    APPEND_COL ~7eyes.2da~ ~$ $ %cols% %mind%    %sword% %mage% %venom% %spirit% %fortitude% %stone% %snare%~



Edited by morpheus562
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5 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

Running into this error: "Cannot append column-wise because there are 11 lines in 7eyes.2da but I was only given 10 things to append"

Updating functions.tph to account for SNARE_ARROW resolves the error:

SNARE_ARROW may or may not be present in any given game. In fact any number of mods may append rows to 7eyes.2da, so a function that appends a column to it is going to have to do a lot more generalizing about how many rows there are.

OTOH other mods that are installed later won't know that this mod added columns, so the end result is that the file will not have a uniform number of columns and rows. I just glanced at my copy and this is the case. In-game, my spells that utilize this table seem to be working fine, so the engine doesn't seem to mind mismatched row lengths. (Similar to CLAB .2da tables.) In which case, rather than using APPEND_COL, maybe the best idea for this mod would be to selectively extend the particular rows it needs to extend. (Seems like it is the EYESPIRIT row?)

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