DavidW Posted October 9, 2023 Share Posted October 9, 2023 This is an attempt to make handling languages on EE and non-EE games a bit smoother, building on work by @AL|EN (here) and myself (here). You need to put the attached file into the 'lib' subfolder of your mod folder (i.e. mymod/lib). Then, providing (1) you keep your .tra files in 'mymod/tra' or 'mymod/lang' (2) the names of your components, and similar strings used by WEIDU while installing, live in setup.tra (3) you don't want to automatically load any tra files except setup.tra (you're going to load them all using LOAD_TRA and WITH_TRA, and/or use USING and AUTO_TRA) (4) your .tra files are encoded in UTF-8 (5) you wrote the mod in English originally (so all tra files are definitely there in English) all you need to do is BACKUP ~weidu_external/backup/mymod~ AUTHOR "DavidW [insert link to forum page]" VERSION ~[whatever]~ ALWAYS INCLUDE "%MOD_FOLDER%/lib/charset_wrapper.tph" LAF charset_wrapper RET out_path END END AUTO_TRA "%out_path%/%s" LANGUAGE "English" english "test/lang/english/setup.tra" LANGUAGE "Old English" oldenglish "test/lang/english/setup.tra" "test/lang/oldenglish/setup.tra" In case any of (1)-(5) aren't true, you can adjust for them by inputs to the charset_wrapper function, like this: BACKUP ~weidu_external/backup/mymod~ AUTHOR "DavidW [insert link to forum page]" VERSION ~[whatever]~ ALWAYS INCLUDE "%MOD_FOLDER%/lib/charset_wrapper.tph" LAF charset_wrapper INT_VAR from_utf8=1 // set this to 0 if your tra files are encoded for non-EE games and need to be converted to utf-8 overwrite=0 // set this to 1 if you want the function to redo the conversion every time you install a new // component. (I recommend doing this while developing so that changes you make to the .tra files // get caught immediately.) verbose=0 // set this to 1 to get more feedback from HANDLE_CHARSETS STR_VAR tra_path="" // set this to the folder containing your tra files, if it's not 'tra' or 'lang'. It doesn't matter // whether or not you include the mod folder root, i.e. 'mymod/mytra' and 'mytra' get treated the same setup="setup" // set this to the name of the tra file with your component names in, if it's not setup.tra load="" // set this to a list of tra files you want to always be loaded, separated by spaces. (You can include // the '.tra' or not as you like, it doesn't matter) default_language="english" // set this to the language you wrote the mod in RET out_path END END AUTO_TRA "%out_path%/%s" LANGUAGE "English" english "test/lang/english/setup.tra" LANGUAGE "Old English" oldenglish "test/lang/english/setup.tra" "test/lang/oldenglish/setup.tra" Functionally, the main differences with earlier versions are: we copy tra files over to weidu_external/lang/%LANGUAGE% whether or not iconv is run. The main point of doing so is to make sure all the tra files are present, by using default-language versions if they're not present on the desired language. HANDLE_CHARSETS does this automatically, but it is good to have it happen even if we don't need to convert to/from UTF-8. the whole thing only runs once (not once per component), which saves time. Hopefully the interface is a bit easier for novices. Here's the actual function: DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION charset_wrapper INT_VAR from_utf8=1//boolean // set to 0 if your tra files aren't in UTF8 overwrite=0//boolean // set to 1 if you want to regenerate the converted files every run verbose=0//boolean // set to 1 to get more feedback from HANDLE_CHARSETS silent=0//boolean // set to 1 if you don't want to be warned when tra files from a folder in the extra_tra_folders list overlap with the main list STR_VAR tra_path="" // set to where your tra files are (with or without '%MOD_FOLDER%' // if they're not in %MOD_FOLDER%/tra or %MOD_FOLDER%/lang setup_tra="setup" // set to whatever you're keeping your WEIDU installation strings in load="" // set to a space-separated list of any tra files you want loaded default_language="english" // set to whatever language you wrote the mod in extra_tra_folders="" // set to a space-separated list of any additional folders (relative to %MOD_FOLDER%) containing TRA files RET out_path BEGIN // set out path OUTER_SPRINT out_path "weidu_external/lang/%MOD_FOLDER%" // find the tra location ACTION_IF "%tra_path%" STR_EQ "" BEGIN // try to guess 'tra' or 'lang' ACTION_IF DIRECTORY_EXISTS "%MOD_FOLDER%/lang" && DIRECTORY_EXISTS "%MOD_FOLDER%/tra" BEGIN FAIL "charset_wrapper error: %MOD_FOLDER% contains both tra and lang subfolders(!) You need to specify which one you use for your tra files." END ELSE ACTION_IF DIRECTORY_EXISTS "%MOD_FOLDER%/lang" BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tra_path "%MOD_FOLDER%/lang" END ELSE ACTION_IF DIRECTORY_EXISTS "%MOD_FOLDER%/tra" BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tra_path "%MOD_FOLDER%/tra" END ELSE BEGIN FAIL "charset_wrapper error: you didn't specify tra_path and it's not 'tra' or 'lang'." END END ELSE // add '%MOD_FOLDER%' if it's not there already ACTION_IF !(INDEX ("%MOD_FOLDER%" "%tra_path%")=0) BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tra_path "%MOD_FOLDER%/%tra_path%" END ACTION_IF overwrite BEGIN OUTER_SET proceed=1 // always proceed if overwrite=1 END ELSE BEGIN OUTER_SET proceed=1 ACTION_BASH_FOR "%out_path%/%LANGUAGE%" ".*\.tra$" BEGIN OUTER_SET proceed=0 // proceed if out_path is empty END END ACTION_IF proceed BEGIN // set the no-copy array ACTION_CLEAR_ARRAY noconvert_array OUTER_SPRINT $noconvert_array(0) "%setup_tra%" // set the reload array ACTION_CLEAR_ARRAY reload_array OUTER_PATCH "%load% " BEGIN ind=0 REPLACE_EVALUATE "\([^ ]+\) " BEGIN SPRINT $reload_array("%ind%") "%MATCH1%" ++ind END "" END // get extra_tra into an array OUTER_PATCH "%extra_tra_folders% " BEGIN CLEAR_ARRAY extra_tra_array REPLACE_EVALUATE "\([^ %TAB%]+\)[ %TAB%]+" BEGIN SPRINT $extra_tra_array("%MOD_FOLDER%/%MATCH1%") "" END "" END // are we on enhanced edition? // later versions of EE have bgee.lua. Very early versions of BGEE have monkfist.2da OUTER_SET enhanced_edition=( FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME bgee.lua || FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME monkfist.2da ) // are we converting? OUTER_SET convert=!(enhanced_edition=from_utf8) ACTION_IF convert && !FILE_EXISTS "%tra_path%/iconv/iconv.exe" BEGIN OUTER_SET convert=0 WARN "charset_wrapper warning: can't find iconv.exe" END ACTION_IF convert BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT iconv_path "%tra_path%/iconv" // run HANDLE_CHARSETS LAF HANDLE_CHARSETS INT_VAR from_utf8=from_utf8 infer_charsets=1 verbose=verbose STR_VAR tra_path = EVAL "%tra_path%" // I hate not being able to assume AUTO_EVAL_STRINGS out_path = EVAL "%out_path%" noconvert_array = noconvert_array reload_array = reload_array default_language = EVAL "%default_language%" END ACTION_PHP_EACH extra_tra_array AS extra_tra_path=>discard BEGIN ACTION_IF !silent BEGIN ACTION_BASH_FOR "%extra_tra_path%/%default_language%" ".*\.tra" BEGIN ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS "%tra_path%/%default_language%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" BEGIN WARN "charset_wrapper: namespace conflict (%BASH_FOR_FILE% exists in both %tra_path% and %extra_tra_path%)" END END END LAF HANDLE_CHARSETS INT_VAR from_utf8=from_utf8 infer_charsets=1 verbose=verbose STR_VAR tra_path = EVAL "%extra_tra_path%" out_path = EVAL "%out_path%" iconv_path = EVAL "%iconv_path%" default_language = EVAL "%default_language%" END END // run it again for the default language ACTION_IF !("%default_language%" STR_EQ "%LANGUAGE%") BEGIN LAF HANDLE_CHARSETS INT_VAR from_utf8=from_utf8 infer_charsets=1 verbose=verbose STR_VAR tra_path = EVAL "%tra_path%" out_path = EVAL "%out_path%" noconvert_array = noconvert_array reload_array = reload_array language = EVAL "%default_language%" END ACTION_PHP_EACH extra_tra_array AS extra_tra_path=>discard BEGIN LAF HANDLE_CHARSETS INT_VAR from_utf8=from_utf8 infer_charsets=1 verbose=verbose STR_VAR tra_path = EVAL "%extra_tra_path%" out_path = EVAL "%out_path%" iconv_path = EVAL "%iconv_path%" language = EVAL "%default_language%" END END END END ELSE BEGIN // do our own copies MKDIR "%out_path%" MKDIR "%out_path%/%LANGUAGE%" MKDIR "%out_path%/%default_language%" ACTION_BASH_FOR "%tra_path%/%default_language%" ".*\.tra$" BEGIN ACTION_IF !"%BASH_FOR_RES%" STR_EQ "%setup_tra%" BEGIN // don't bother copying this COPY "%tra_path%/%default_language%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" "%out_path%/%default_language%" ACTION_IF !("%default_language%" STR_EQ "%LANGUAGE%") BEGIN ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS "%tra_path%/%LANGUAGE%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tra "%tra_path%/%LANGUAGE%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" END ELSE BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tra "%tra_path%/%default_language%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" END COPY "%tra%" "%out_path%/%LANGUAGE%" END END END ACTION_PHP_EACH extra_tra_array AS extra_tra_path=>discard BEGIN ACTION_BASH_FOR "%extra_tra_path%/%default_language%" ".*\.tra" BEGIN ACTION_IF !silent && FILE_EXISTS "%out_path%/%default_language%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" BEGIN WARN "charset_wrapper: namespace conflict (%BASH_FOR_FILE% exists in both %tra_path% and %extra_tra_path%)" END COPY "%extra_tra_path%/%default_language%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" "%out_path%/%default_language%" ACTION_IF !("%default_language%" STR_EQ "%LANGUAGE%") BEGIN ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS "%extra_tra_path%/%LANGUAGE%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tra "%extra_tra_path%/%LANGUAGE%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" END ELSE BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT tra "%extra_tra_path%/%default_language%/%BASH_FOR_FILE%" END PRINT "tra is %tra%; language is %LANGUAGE%; default language is %default_language%" COPY "%tra%" "%out_path%/%LANGUAGE%" END END END // do our own reloads ACTION_PHP_EACH reload_array AS int=>tra BEGIN ACTION_IF "%tra%" STRING_MATCHES_REGEXP ".+\.tra$" = 0 BEGIN LOAD_TRA "%out_path%/%LANGUAGE%/%tra%" END ELSE BEGIN LOAD_TRA "%out_path%/%LANGUAGE%/%tra%.tra" END END END END END Feedback (and bug fixes!) welcomed. charset_wrapper.tph Quote Link to comment
AL|EN Posted October 18, 2023 Share Posted October 18, 2023 Congratulations on the release! What do you think about the inclusion of this into weidu itself, for eg: HANDLE_CHARSETS_EX? Quote Link to comment
DavidW Posted October 18, 2023 Author Share Posted October 18, 2023 I’m pretty relaxed about whether something is formally included in WEIDU or not - it’s easy enough to INCLUDE a file. (And I don’t anticipate a new release of WEIDU any time soon.) Quote Link to comment
jastey Posted October 18, 2023 Share Posted October 18, 2023 On 10/10/2023 at 12:14 AM, DavidW said: (3) you don't want to automatically load any tra files except setup.tra (you're going to load them all using LOAD_TRA and WITH_TRA, and/or use USING and AUTO_TRA) Is this a prerequisite for your function to work or could this be expanded upon? - It's common for mods to have all install strings in setup.tra, but ingame strings in another file (e.g. game.tra), then there is the EE specific game_ee.tra which needs to be reloaded (in case of ANSI -> utf8 conversion), and journal entries are sometimes in a journal.tra, all loaded in the LANGUAGE definition because the strings are either used in the tp2 or over several d/baf files (for journal entries, because they need to match exactly for EraseJournalEntry to work). Quote Link to comment
DavidW Posted October 18, 2023 Author Share Posted October 18, 2023 It’s fine, you just need to call them out explicitly (same as HANDLE_CHARSETS, basically). In your example, just add (as a STR_VAR) load="game game_ee journal" Quote Link to comment
jastey Posted October 18, 2023 Share Posted October 18, 2023 Ah, I see. Thanks! Quote Link to comment
DavidW Posted October 18, 2023 Author Share Posted October 18, 2023 Test it before using in something live, though! I’m pretty sure it’s ok, but not 100% Quote Link to comment
DavidW Posted November 5, 2023 Author Share Posted November 5, 2023 Caught a problem with the program if the directory hadn't already been created (new version now uploaded). Quote Link to comment
DavidW Posted December 16, 2023 Author Share Posted December 16, 2023 I've uploaded an updated version with two changes: (1) The previous version didn't deal well with situations where a tra file was only partially translated; it tended to choke rather than using the strings from the default-language version when it couldn't find them in the translated version. (2) The function can now handle a situation where your tra files are in more than one folder: you can feed it a STR_VAR 'extra_tra_folders' which is a space-separated list of folders (relative to %MOD_FOLDER%) where other tra files exist. You still need to avoid namespace conflicts. (I have a somewhat-esoteric use case in mind for this.) Quote Link to comment
AL|EN Posted January 19 Share Posted January 19 (edited) @DavidW I wonder if you could add an option that places converted translation into "weidu_external/%MOD_FOLDER%/lang" instead of "weidu_external/lang/%MOD_FOLDER%" ? While my wish would be to have one standard for the weidu_external directory, it appears that people already prefer the former for their mods, so it could make function adoption easier. EDIT: typo Edited January 19 by AL|EN Quote Link to comment
DavidW Posted January 19 Author Share Posted January 19 I could, but what's the point? It doesn't make any actual difference (both are guaranteed-unique) and it's transparent to the user: you reference it via the out_path variable anyway so you don't actually need to know where it lives. If people care that much about implementation details they can write their own code! As for 'one standard', again, why does it matter? My original architecture for weidu_external has categories (backup, data, batch, lang) at the top level, MOD_FOLDER below that, and I still prefer that, but nothing is going to break if people decide they prefer @CamDawg's convention and put MOD_FOLDER at the top level. Quote Link to comment
AL|EN Posted January 19 Share Posted January 19 Understandably, you write code to suit your preferences. I'm dealing with many mods from many different authors, I have to constantly be aware if I'm checking the right folder. This is also for convenience: it's easier to check everything inside one folder for every mod instead of constantly getting back to two levels. Now, let's say a modded who uses"BACKUP ~weidu_external/tod/backup~ adopted the function. Now the mod-related files are placed in two different folder schemas. The 'standard' matters to make things easier for debugging. I'm nitpicking here, I will gladly make some tiny modifications to this lib to cover my use case. Can I? Quote Link to comment
DavidW Posted January 19 Author Share Posted January 19 Right, but since WEIDU doesn't enforce any standard here anyway and it's unrealistic to imagine enforcing one on the whole mod ecosystem, any external tool would have to allow for multiple possibilities anyway. Sure, you're welcome to borrow modify the code; maybe give the function a different name ('charset_wrapper_alien' or something) just to disambiguate. Quote Link to comment
AL|EN Posted January 19 Share Posted January 19 Thanks, I will make new name so those two won't be confused. Quote Link to comment
Leilu Posted August 21 Share Posted August 21 Hi, I'd like to use this for my French translation of an IWD2 mod: IWD2EE. I'm currently obliged to use ANSI encoding for my french .tra files, otherwise I get character errors in game. I've looked at a few other iwd2 mods translated into French and they all use ANSI for their french .tra files. I'd like to use vscode instead of notepad++ to work but vscode doesn't have the ability to open a file with ansi encoding. It suggests Windows 1252 but I can't commit anything in this encoding so it's not a solution. I found HANDLE_CHARSETS in the weidu documentation which can convert UTF8 to/from ANSI but I had no idea how to use this function. Then I found AL|EN's topic and this one from DavidW. I don't need to touch .tra files in languages other than French, so how can I use your code to convert only my French .tra files so as not to overload the installation for non-French speakers? Thank you Quote Link to comment
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