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SubtleMods: SubtleD's Item Tweaks

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This mod collects together various tweaks to weapons and other items that I have made over the years.

The readme is here.

You can download it here.

The contents:

  • YARAS - a system to change the way armor works. It can give different armors damage resistance, set a chance for spell failure and/or casting speed penalties, Dexterity penalties, weapon speed penalties, movement speed penalties, and thief skill penalties. There is a default install with my chosen settings but all of that is completely customizable.
  • Aesthetic Enchantment Tweaks - this removes all in-game references to "+1" or "+3" etc. and instead just sets a few categories of weapons and armor: normal, mastercraft (+1 equivalent), generic enchanted (+2 equivalent), named enchanted (+3 equivalent), and artifact-level (+5 equivalent). There is a 'hardcore' option that eliminates ALL generic enchanted weapons and repllaces them with less powerful mastercraft versions.
  • Functional Weapon Tweaks: this makes some changes to weapons, e.g. reducing the APR of bows to 3/2, increasing the damage and accuracy of crossbows, increasing the damage of spears, etc.
  • IWD Item Tweaks - this changes some items in IWDEE, and adjusts the random loot tables a slight bit so that you are more likely to get the items that I personally think are good 😛
  • All Potions Usable by Any Class - just removes usability restrictions on potions.
  • Armored Spellcasting for Bards - this allows bards to cast spells in leather armor. Not currently available if you install YARAS, as that component handle spellcasting restrictions differently.
  • Set Spell Weapon APR to 2. Stuff like Flame Blade, Spiritual Hammer, Phantom Blade etc. become better now. The point is to have you use them in melee, they should be good in melee.
  • Add Backstab Immunity to the Ring of Danger Sense.
  • Proper Missile Deflection for the Gloves of Missile Snaring.
  • Improve Detonating Weapons - they trigger Produce Flame instead of Fireball.
  • Add Revised Barkskin effect to 'Skin of the Forest' Armor - like a 1-skin Stoneskin cast every round, constantly, while you wear the armor.
  • Make the Gargoyle Cloak Apply Stoneskin Instead of an AC Bonus
  • Improve Azlaer's Harp and Methild's Harp
  • Nerf Edwin's Amulet - only +1 Bonus Slot per Spell Level, limit Bonus Slots to 7th Level Spells, or only +1 Bonus Slots AND Limited to 7th Level
  • Spell Sequencer instead of MR for Cloak of the Weave
  • Replace Evermemory with a Ring of Acuity


Edited by subtledoctor
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Bit of an install problem with the IWD Tweaks:

Installing [IWD Item Tweaks] [v1.1]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8539 bytes
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 8539 bytes
Copying 1 file ...
ERROR: error loading [SubtleD_Item_Tweaks/data/misc/iwdee/bknight.itm]
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [IWD Item Tweaks], rolling back to previous state
Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Item_Tweaks/140/OTHER.140]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Item_Tweaks/140/OTHER.140")
[weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Item_Tweaks/140/UNSETSTR.140] SET_STRING uninstall info not found

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1 hour ago, Morgoth said:

hello, do the item tweaks also change the description of the items?

Mostly? One or two might not. I think the Ring of Danger Sense and Detonating Weapons may not. For me it is a balance between 1) how significant is the change? versus 2) altered descriptions break on non-English games. If a weapon triggers a burst of fire on 5% of hits, and I have changed the projectile from a burst of fire with this shape to a burst of fire with that shape, to me it is not worth ruining non-English descriptions to spell that out. Whereas, if the Skin of the Forest armor gives 1x/round Stoneskin instead of a simple AC bonus, that is a major change the needs updating. 

tl;dr: almost everything in this mod carries updated descriptions. The Spell Tweaks mod is more hit-or-miss.

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Another problem with the IDW tweaks component. For whatever reason, the "Random Treasure" items won't transform when you drop them on the ground. I found the culprit in the "less-ramdomized loot" code section of IWD_items.tpa (which uh the readme doesn't even hint at).

Dunno if it's a bad interaction with another mod or something of its own, but I didn't identify the problem until after I went through a whole playthrough without being able to use those. A lootless hell until I find trolls dropping gems like no tomorrow, or undead dropping wolf pelts like it literally went out of style ages ago. :_D

Edited by Connelly
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On 11/6/2023 at 10:53 AM, Connelly said:

Another problem with the IDW tweaks component. For whatever reason, the "Random Treasure" items won't transform when you drop them on the ground. I found the culprit in the "less-ramdomized loot" code section of IWD_items.tpa (which uh the readme doesn't even hint at).

Dunno if it's a bad interaction with another mod or something of its own, but I didn't identify the problem until after I went through a whole playthrough without being able to use those. A lootless hell until I find trolls dropping gems like no tomorrow, or undead dropping wolf pelts like it literally went out of style ages ago. :_D

Huh, I thought that was mentioned in the Readme - I guess it got skipped over.

At any rate, I can't really figure out what you are seeing here: all this mod does is replace RNDTRES.2da with a slightly tweaked version for better distribution of different item types. Like, it make you more likely to find Spell Diver or the Sword of Days, and removes Bone Cleaver since you'll already have Kresselack's Sword and you may not have a decent short sword at that point. (I think the base IWDEE random tables do not have a good variety of weapons, probably because it was designed with oIWD in mind where e.g. long swords, bastard swords, scimitars, and 2-handed words all fall under the same proficiency.)

But that just changes the weapon you find; I don't understand what you mean about "items transforming when you drop them on the ground." That is... not how the game works? I'm guessing that is from some other mod. But... even then, I don't kn ow how simply modifying the .2da table would cause the behavior you are seeing. (But then, I don't know what that other mod does, it could be complicated and/or fragile.)

I could make the loot table replacement an additional optional component; or, since there are already a lot of components, maybe gate it behind an .ini setting. Or if you can identify what other mod is messing with random loot I could just make this not happen if the other mod is installed. That would probably be the best idea...

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Honestly, I'm not sure what other mod I might have that's touching the loot in general. This was a very barebones installation, mostly content mods, so I'm pretty confused as to what could have happened. Still, if this component only changes RNDTRES.2DA, and I look for it in the installation...

Your M&G, F&P and Stat Overhaul have their copies of that file, but I can't see if they do anything related to this problem. S&A also seems to have a barebones file for some reason, and Graion's random scrolls is the only one I can see that actually changes the file, but I install both later. And more importantly, I didn't have any of those in the previous install anyway, so they're right out. I did have CDTweaks' merchant friendlier drops, but why keep the "random" item then? For a start, I tried different combinations of only IDW Tweaks here + CDTweaks friendlier drops, but nothing. @_@

I'll see if I can try and keep looking tomorrow.

Edited by Connelly
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Guest morpheus562
1 hour ago, Connelly said:

Honestly, I'm not sure what other mod I might have that's touching the loot in general. This was a very barebones installation, mostly content mods, so I'm pretty confused as to what could have happened. Still, if this component only changes RNDTRES.2DA, and I look for it in the installation...

Your M&G, F&P and Stat Overhaul have their copies of that file, but I can't see if they do anything related to this problem. S&A also seems to have a barebones file for some reason, and Graion's random scrolls is the only one I can see that actually changes the file, but I install both later. And more importantly, I didn't have any of those in the previous install anyway, so they're right out. I did have CDTweaks' merchant friendlier drops, but why keep the "random" item then? For a start, I tried different combinations of only IDW Tweaks here + CDTweaks friendlier drops, but nothing. @_@

I'll see if I can try and keep looking tomorrow.

Skills and Abilities rndtres.2da is not actually making it into the game as the component it's part of is deprecated.

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Okay, so notes regarding rndtres:

You shouldn't assume that the amount of coloumns in that is fixed. I am perfectly fine with expanding it ad infinitum, if required. I think other mods cap it at max 40.

Also, there are mods in IWD which also rewrite it, like Improved Heart of Fury or Abel's Nonrandom Treasures (although that should come after yours).

The "items dropping to the ground" situation is that sometimes the game doesn't roll the randomization in containers only until you drop it to the ground but that needs an underlying ITM to ensure it can be moved (RGT Bags of Spilling silently adds an ITM to all the random treasures for exactly this reason).

IMO just replace/add in your actual content changes to the file and then run https://github.com/Argent77/A7-add_kit_ex/blob/master/a7-add_kit_ex/a7%23add_kit_ex.tpa#L223-L263 on it so taht it remains a valid 2da. That's what I sbmitted to SoD2BG2 IU rndtres.2da handling as well, which broke when other mods increased the table coloumn amount.

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I can't pinpoint the source of the entire problem yet, but I think it's a combination of "something" being acted upon by this mod's IDW tweaks and Graion's RGT Bags of Spilling together. The what exactly, I can't say. When the IDW tweaks and the Bags of Spilling are alone and together, nothing else installed, there's seems to be no problem. In a bigger installation, when I install the BoS I start getting the Random Treasure items regularly (can make a quick check by starting a new game with the casters in the default party, each get one), which they work, but if I then install the IDW tweaks, that's when they don't transform.

For reference, this was the installation up to the IDW tweaks. Only quests, NPCs, items, and barely any spell and tweak mods:


bubb_revert_pathfinding:0;bubb_revert_pathfinding - Bubb's v2.6.6.0+ Pathfinding Revert
EEex:0;EEex - EEex
LeUI-IWDEE:0;lefreut's Enhanced UI for IWDEE - lefreut's Enhanced UI - Core component
EEUITweaks:1000;EEUITweaks - Mods Options
//EEUITweaks:1010;EEUITweaks - Hidden Game Options
EEUITweaks:1070;EEUITweaks - Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI
EEUITweaks:2000;EEUITweaks - Transparent Sidebars
EEUITweaks:2010;EEUITweaks - Feedback Message Box Buttons Hack
EEUITweaks:2070;EEUITweaks - Dee's Permanent Thieving Button
EEUITweaks:3000;EEUITweaks - Leveling Progress Bars Tweaks
EEUITweaks:3010;EEUITweaks - Leveling Progress Bars Options
EEex:1;EEex - Enable effect menu module - LShift-on-hover to view spells affecting creature
EEex:2;EEex - Enable timer module - Visual indicators for modal actions, contingencies, and spell/item cooldowns
EEex:3;EEex - Timer module - Show modal actions (red bar)
EEex:4;EEex - Timer module - Show contingencies (green bar)
EEex:5;EEex - Timer module - Show spell/item cooldowns (cyan bar)
//EEex:6;EEex - Time step module - Advance 1 game tick on keypress
// ^ I don't really use this one!
//secondary EEex components are UI, not engine, so they go after UIs
B3-BubbsSpellMenuExtended-Main;Bubb's Spell Menu Extended - Bubb's Spell Menu Extended
cd_iwd_ub_vale_of_shadows_shadow_respawn;Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale - Actual Shadows in Vale of Shadows [Graion Dilach]
L#-TheRediscoveryofKuldahar-IWD;The Rediscovery of Kuldahar - Yes, but don't patch existing save games
L#-BBINN-NOPATCH;Below & Below Inn - Yes, but don't patch existing save games
L#-NIGHT-OF-THE-BLINKING-DEAD-NOPATCH;Night of the Blinking Dead - Yes, but don't patch existing save games
L#-Snowytoes-IWD-NOPATCH;Snowytoes Hamlet - Yes, but don't patch existing save games
L#-Skineater-IWD-NOPATCH;Terror of the Skineater - Yes, but don't patch existing save games
L#-OurLady-IWD-NOPATCH;Tale of Our Lady Dreamless - Yes, but don't patch existing save games
IWDNPC:0;IWDNPC - Icewind Dale NPCs
//fighter/thief, bard, paladin, ranger (+cleric), fighter (+kits and/or druid or cleric)
//IWDNPC:15;IWDNPC - Korin, multiclass cleric/ranger
// might as well if no healers
L#-DENDJELION-IWD;Dendjelion IWD EE NPC - Dendjelion NPC for IWD:EE
//orc rogue/cleric
hommet:0;hommet - Hommet Shaw for IWD EE... because - hey, why not? I'm STARVING. What do they eat in Icewind Dale? Let's check it out.
Ina:0;Ina - Ina NPC for IWD:EE
//bard, undead
L#-LANNA-IWD;L'anna IWD EE NPC - L'anna - a new IWD EE companion
//elf paladin
Orra:0;Orra - Orra NPC for IWD:EE
// she isn't getting the S&A new proficiencies, check her kit RAHUHR on WEAPPROF.2da
// 5/5/5/5/5/2/2/2
//geomantic sorcerer halfling
Tviy:0;Tviy - T'viy NPC for IWD:EE
//evil gnome cleric, one weekend project
//abomination, works like Wilson
KarihiNPC:0;KarihiNPC - Karihi NPC for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
//mage pyro
MinervaNPC:0;MinervaNPC - Minerva NPC for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
//fighter/rogue (artificer), throws knifes
A7-IMPROVEDARCHER-BOWS_AND_AMMO;Improved Archer Kit - Add +4 arrows, bolts and powerful bows to the game
D2-WEAPON-SOULS;D2 Weapon - D2-Weapon - A Souls-inspired Weapon Pack
D2-WEAPON-BOWDAMAGE;D2 Weapon - Add damage to bows (recommended for IWD:EE)
D2-WEAPON-NPCSTORE;D2 Weapon - Add NPC merchant to Throne of Bhaal or Heart of Winter?
msfm:2;More Style for Mages - Add Staff of Wizardry
msfm:3;More Style for Mages - Add custom inventory animation to the Staff of Wizardry
msfm:10;More Style for Mages - Add circlets
msfm:12;More Style for Mages - Add Wizard's Hat
msfm:13;More Style for Mages - Add Wand Case
msfm:15;More Style for Mages - Add robes with original colorsets
msfm:17;More Style for Mages - Add Robes of Archimagi with colorsets from Mr. Pennyway's Cosmetic Changes mod
L#-FORGEIT-IWD-MAIN;ForgeIt-IWD - Forgeable artifacts for IWD EE
L#-FORGEIT-IWD-CDSCALE;ForgeIt-IWD - Improved Icasaracht Armor for IWD EE
hammers:0;hammers - Thrown Hammers
hammers:15;hammers - Thrown Spiritual Hammers
hammers:25;hammers - Normal throwing hammers
hammers:35;hammers - +1 throwing weapons
hammers:50;hammers - Additional magic items
L#-WEASELS;Weasels! - Weasels! Because the IE games needed more weasels!
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Would you like to display components from random individual spell tweaks?
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:10;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Rebalanced Spell Schools
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:25;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - BG2-style Opposition Schools, Low-Level Spells Allowed
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:30;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - High-Level Spells Penetrate Magic Resistance
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:35;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Add a Saving Throw Against Level Drain Effects
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:40;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Revised Illusionary Clones
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:45;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Revised Invisibility and True Seeing
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:50;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Haste and Slow Properly Cancel Each Other
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:55;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Cure Spells Bypass Spell Deflection
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:61;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Innate Cantrips
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:81;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Choose-Your-Own Familiar
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:82;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Pooky's Mod: Imbue Familiars
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1152;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Improve Faerie Fire
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1151;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Reduce Damage but Improve Blindness in SR's Sunscorch
//SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1202;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Barkskin Block One Attack Each Round
//IWD install error?
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1207;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Goodberry an Out-of-Combat Mass Regeneration
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1212;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Tweak Slow Poison
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1251;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Improve Damage and Damage Type of Alicorn Lance
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1323;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Improve Casting Time of Exaltation and Spiritual Clarity
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1351;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Add Faerie Fire and Slow On Hit to Moonblade
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1404;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Change Neutralize Poison into 'Remove Afflictions'
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1451;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Smashing Wave Party-Friendly
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1505;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make True Seeing Party-Wide
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1603;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Set Blade Barrier to be Breachable
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1609;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make False Dawn Bypass Magic Resistance
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1611;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Wondrous Recall Restore all 1st- and 2nd-level Spells
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1613;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Physical Mirror Block 1 Attack Per Three Seconds
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1614;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Sol's Searing Orb Easier to Throw
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1707;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Sunray Bypass Magic Resistance
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:1710;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Add Slow Effect to Holy Word
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2105;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Add 1-Round Blindness Effect to Color Spray
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2108;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Change Protection from Petrification into 'Mirrored Eyes'
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2110;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Identify Scale with Level
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2116;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Allow Targets of Sleep to Wake on Hit
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2151;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Change SR Expeditious Retreat into Chameleon
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2201;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Add Missile Avoidance to Blur
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2209;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Luck Affect Whole Party
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2212;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Move Mirror Image to 3rd Level
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2213;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Add Lingering Effects to SR's Stinking Cloud
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2215;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Web Slow Instead of Hold
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2217;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Change Agannazar's Scorcher to Melf's Fiery Missiles
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2224;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Improve Glitterdust
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2251;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Add Deafening Effect On Hit to Decastave
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2321;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Move Spell Thrust to 1st Level
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2324;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Hold Undead and Control Undead Bypass MR
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2352;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Increase Range of Icelance
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2413;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Allow Target of Otiluke's Sphere to Use Inventory Screen
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2418;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Set Fire Shield and Acid Sheath Spells to be Breachable
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2451;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Make Shadow Monster Summons More Illusionary
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2508;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Improve Function of SR's Waves of Fatigue
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2514;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Give Lower Resistance an Area of Effect
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2518;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Change Damage Type and School of Phantom Blade
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:25232;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Change Sunfire into 'Scorcher Storm'
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2708;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Change Mantle into 'Iron Skin'
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2711;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Adjust the Effects of Chaos
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2714;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Change the Effects of Prismatic Spray
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2808;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Set Moment of Prescience to Not Breachable
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2811;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Move Symbol: Fear to 7th Level
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2916;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Move Shapechange to 8th Level
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2915;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Move Black Blade of Disaster to 8th level
SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks:2914;SubtleD's Spell Tweaks - Add Instant Death Effect to Energy Drain
cd_tweaks_weapon_animation_tweaks;The Tweaks Anthology - Weapon Animation Tweaks
//cd_tweaks_remove_portrait_icons;The Tweaks Anthology - Disable Portrait Icons Added by Equipped Items
//do I really want to reduce information?
cd_tweaks_icon_improvements;The Tweaks Anthology - Icon Improvements
cd_tweaks_force_all_dialogue_to_pause;The Tweaks Anthology - Force All Dialogue to Pause Game
cd_tweaks_glowing_magical_shields;The Tweaks Anthology - Make Magic Shields Glow [plainab/grogerson]
cd_tweaks_unique_icons;The Tweaks Anthology - Only replace icons that aren't already unique
cd_tweaks_unique_containers_full;The Tweaks Anthology - Unique icons and names
cd_tweaks_remove_equipped_blur_effects;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove blur effect
cd_tweaks_replace_fire_cold_resist_icons;The Tweaks Anthology - Separate Resist Fire/Cold Icon into Separate Icons [Angel]
cd_tweaks_more_interjections;The Tweaks Anthology - More Interjections
cd_tweaks_mp_kickout_dialogue;The Tweaks Anthology - Improved Multi-Player Kick-Out Dialogues
cd_tweaks_reveal_city_areas;The Tweaks Anthology - Reveal City Maps When Entering Area
cd_tweaks_stores_sell_higher_stacks;The Tweaks Anthology - Stores Sell Higher Stacks of Items
cd_tweaks_protagonist_replacement;The Tweaks Anthology - NPCs Respond to the Main Character, Not to Whichever Character Talks to Them
cd_tweaks_2h_bastard_swords;The Tweaks Anthology - Two-Handed Bastard Swords
cd_tweaks_2h_katanas;The Tweaks Anthology - Two-Handed Katanas
cd_tweaks_2h_axes;The Tweaks Anthology - Two-Handed Axes
//cd_tweaks_universal_clubs;The Tweaks Anthology - Universal Clubs
//could it clash with F&P?
cd_tweaks_weapon_styles_for_all;The Tweaks Anthology - Weapon Styles for All
cd_tweaks_thieving_in_heavy_armor;The Tweaks Anthology - Allow Thieving and Stealth in Heavy Armor per PnP
cd_tweaks_casting_in_armor;The Tweaks Anthology - Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Heavy Armor
// these two redundant with SD's YARAS default ini config
cd_tweaks_more_dual_classes;The Tweaks Anthology - Expanded Dual-Class Options
cd_tweaks_protection_items_all;The Tweaks Anthology - No restrictions
cd_tweaks_shopkeeper_id_hybrid;The Tweaks Anthology - Hybrid of both methods
cd_tweaks_0_weight_created_weapons;The Tweaks Anthology - Change Magically Created Weapons to Zero Weight
cd_tweaks_alter_thac0_table;The Tweaks Anthology - Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table
cd_tweaks_cleric_spell_progression_pnp;The Tweaks Anthology - PnP table
cd_tweaks_druid_spell_progression_pnp_cleric_level;The Tweaks Anthology - Use cleric level progression changes with pnp druid/cleric spell table
cd_tweaks_arcane_divine_save_penalties;The Tweaks Anthology - Arcane and divine magic
cd_tweaks_trap_cap_removal;The Tweaks Anthology - Trap Cap Removal [Ardanis/GeN1e]
cd_tweaks_remove_magical_trap_delay;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove Delay for Magical Traps [Ardanis/GeN1e]
cd_tweaks_summoning_cap_removal;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove Summoning Cap for Regular Summons
//because MiH's alternative isn't for IWD
cd_tweaks_remove_class_racial_restrictions;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove Racial Restrictions for Single-Classes
cd_tweaks_remove_kit_racial_restrictions;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits
cd_tweaks_alter_dualclass_humans_yes_nonhumans_yes;The Tweaks Anthology - Allow non-humans to dual-class
cd_tweaks_multiclass_allow_all_all;The Tweaks Anthology - Install options one and two (everyone can multi-class anything)
cd_tweaks_gnome_multiclass_illusionist_kits_all;The Tweaks Anthology - Keep gnome illusionist multi-class, enable all kits for single-class
cd_tweaks_druids_use_3e_alignment;The Tweaks Anthology - Druids Use 3E Alignment Restrictions
cd_tweaks_exceptional_strength_weight_limits;The Tweaks Anthology - Exceptional Strength Weight Limit Changes [sarevok57]
cd_tweaks_thieves_backstab_uai;The Tweaks Anthology - Thieves Can Backstab With More Weapons With "Use Any Item" or as Dual- and Multi-Classes
cd_tweaks_easy_spell_learning_no_cap;The Tweaks Anthology - 100% learn spells and no maximum cap
cd_tweaks_restoration_no_fatigue;The Tweaks Anthology - Remove Fatigue from Restoration Spells
cd_tweaks_store_rep_low_rep_discount;The Tweaks Anthology - Low Reputation Store Discount [Sabre]
cd_tweaks_increase_ammo_stacks_120;The Tweaks Anthology - Stacks of 120
cd_tweaks_increase_gem_stacks_40;The Tweaks Anthology - Stacks of 40
cd_tweaks_increase_potion_stacks_40;The Tweaks Anthology - Stacks of 40
cd_tweaks_increase_scroll_stacks_40;The Tweaks Anthology - Stacks of 40
cd_tweaks_happy_patch_angry_never_leave;The Tweaks Anthology - NPCs can be angry about reputation but never leave [Salk]
cd_tweaks_happy_neutrals;The Tweaks Anthology - Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation [Luiz]
//cd_tweaks_minimum_stats;The Tweaks Anthology - Minimum Stats Cheat
//what numbers even
//cd_tweaks_friendly_random_drops_tokens;The Tweaks Anthology - Choose your drop
cd_tweaks_friendly_random_drops_merchant;The Tweaks Anthology - Exchange with merchants
//one of the two above. The second seems more fair
//seems you can only trade the same table once though
cd_tweaks_universal_four_weapon_slots;The Tweaks Anthology - Give Every Class/Kit Four Weapon Slots
cd_tweaks_personalize_savename_opt2;The Tweaks Anthology - Use scheme: 000000000-Protagonist Save-Name
//cd_tweaks_noncombat_speed_casting_increase_150;The Tweaks Anthology - Movement speed by 150 percent and casting speed
//seems to cause problems and lag? Check
cd_tweaks_create_interval_four_saves_30;The Tweaks Anthology - Every 30 minutes (cycle through four saves)
cd_tweaks_tob_style_npcs;The Tweaks Anthology - ToB-Style NPCs
ZG-RANDOM-SCROLLS-FOR-MAGES;Random Graion Tweaks - Add random arcane spell scrolls to arcane casters up until their highest memorized level
ZG-RANDOM-SCROLLS-FOR-CLERICS;Random Graion Tweaks - Add random arcane spell scrolls to divine casters up until their highest memorized level
ZG-DROP-MAGIC-ARROWS-100;Random Graion Tweaks - Do not change amounts in affected stacks
ZG-MULTICLASS-RANGER-SLOTS;Random Graion Tweaks - Grant Ranger spell slots to Cleric-Ranger multiclasses
ZG-EQUIP-WHAT-I-CAN;Random Graion Tweaks - Equip items from inventory to fill empty slots
ZG-BAG-OF-SPILLING;Random Graion Tweaks - Bag of Spilling (move bugged supposed-to-be-available items to a bag in the creature's inventory)
//D5_YARAS;SubtleD's Item Tweaks - YARAS Yet Another Revised Armor System
D5_IWDEE_ITEM_TWEAKS;SubtleD's Item Tweaks - IWD Item Tweaks

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8 hours ago, Graion Dilach said:

You shouldn't assume that the amount of coloumns in that is fixed.

I don’t assume anything. I overwrite the file in its entirety. Is this not a well-formed .2da file? It seems like some other mod may be making assumptions about the file, if a uniform number of columns is making the game spaz out.

My first guess is CDTweaks Friendly Random Drops - that component does basically the same thing as mine, improving the variety and utility of random drops, and the control it gives you means that mine is unnecessary. So I will update my mod to leave the random loot table alone if that is installed. But still… if that mod reads the file and builds some dialogues or tokens etc. before my mod is installed, which would my mod changing the table have any effect?

My next guess would be that “Bag of Spilling” thing which, I don’t know how it works or whether it is necessary. (I have read about it being helpful for some bosses in highly modded EET/BG2 games but I would be surprised if it is necessary in IWDEE.) This strikes me as a bit risky: “RGT Bags of Spilling silently adds an ITM to all the random treasures

At any rate,  @Connelly If you want you can edit SubtleD_Item_Tweaks/components/iwd_items.tpa and simply delete the COPY line at or near line 33. Then proceed with your install. 

EDIT - or if you have a game in progress and the file needs to be reverted, just grab a copy of it from Weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Item_Tweaks/140/ and drop it in your override folder. Should solve the problem. 

Edited by subtledoctor
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