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Four lines in Polish/Russian requested (Lore from Learning)

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I've got v5 of Lore From Learning ready to go, but I've added a new component and have a handful of new lines needed for translation:

@5000 = ~Exploring Areas Provides Lore Bonuses~


@5001 = ~Your travel has earned you a lore bonus.~
@5002 = ~Further travelling has earned you an additional lore bonus.~
@5003 = ~Your extensive travels have earned you a lore bonus.~


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Is @5000 a component name from setup file that only shows in console during weidu mod installation? If so, we usually keep them in English (ASCII) not to have encoding problems.

For other three lines the Russian translation is (should be in cp1251 encoding as other lines in game.tra file):

@5001 = ~Твои путешествия принесли тебе бонус к знаниям.~
@5002 = ~Дальнейшие путешествия принесли тебе дополнительный бонус к знаниям.~
@5003 = ~Твои многочисленные путешествия принесли тебе бонус к знаниям.~


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Here's update for Polish version:

@5000 =~Eksploracja obszaru zapewnia premie do Wiedzy~

@5001 = ~Twoje podróże pozwoliły na uzyskanie premii do Wiedzy.~

@5002 = ~Dalsze podróże pozwoliły na uzyskanie kolejnej premii do Wiedzy.~

@5003 = ~Intensywne podróżowanie pozwoliło na uzyskanie premii do Wiedzy.~

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