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The Calling v4 Now Available (now v5 with Spanish translation)


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The Calling really started as a collection of random questions from BG--why didn't anyone take over the gnoll stronghold, considering the two bordering nations are on the brink of war? How come the only class-specific quests in the game are with Narlen Darkwalk? Why isn't Melicamp used more? While the original idea was more along the lines of a stronghold mod for BG, it grew into a planned collection of class-specific quests. Many others were also eager to contribute their quest ideas as well.

Version 4 contains a key fix for the borked Polish translation (thanks @Roberciiik) alongside some minor bugfixes and compatibility updates. Thanks also to memory, @paladin84, and @JohnBob for the translation updates.

Version 5 features a full Spanish translation, courtesy of @alaisFcZ!

v5 changelog

"Society is never gonna make any progress until we all learn to pretend to like each other."

  • Added full Spanish translation thanks to alaisFcZ

v4 changelog

"I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside where it can fester quietly as a mental illness."

  • Fixes for The Calling component:
    • You could give Keldath a replacement Black Pearl if you got one from him originally. The dialogue was not checking if the party actually had a Pearl, nor was Keldath taking it.
    • If you ask Keldath for one, the Black Pearl will be identified on EE games
    • Balduran's Seatower and this component add Black Pearls to the game. Working with jastey, both mods will now account for the other mod's Black Pearl and appropriate NPCs in both mods will react to both items
  • Translation updates:
    • The Polish translation was borked, but Roberciiik sent along a fix
    • Thanks to JohnBob for the updated French translation for the new strings in v4.
    • Thanks to paladin84 for the updated Russian translation for the new strings in v4
    • Thanks to memory for the updated Polish translation for the new strings in v4.
Edited by CamDawg
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how is the calling's "exotic item pack" 's compatibility with 
" Exotic weapons for Taerom: Taerom has imported some Katanas, Wazikashis, and Ninja-Tos for the oriental sword-wielding enthusiasts."
component from

is there a rule of thumb to remember here, so I know whether mods that add items to containers, NPCs or shops would be compatible with the calling?

or does it have to be determined on a case by case basis?


Edited by jacklhoward
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