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Did BG1NPC change your opinion of a character?


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I'm curious, has playing a game with the BG1NPC Project affected how you feel about a certain joinable character, or perhaps multiple joinable characters?


For instance, is there a NPC who you now feel you understand and emphathize with more, or who has suddenly become a must-have member of your party when before they were merely someone you brought along on a whim once in a while (or even only once before)?


Conversely, has the project lead to you disliking or even hating an NPC more than you did in the unmodded game (and I don't mean because of bad writing, but because of the character's expanded personality and history), or who you now enjoy doing particularly unpleasant things to when before you just ignored or even quite liked them?


The biggest surprises for me personally was the discovery that the following characters actually existed and are quite good: Faldorn, Eldoth/Skie and Tiax. Xan, Garrick and Shar-Teel I think are the biggest winners in the 'frequently included in the party' category. I started to hate Montaron with passion instead of merely being annoyed with him because















He kills Ender Sai.


I like pretty much all the characters Hendryk wrote a lot more, to the point where I almost always take them in my party. :thumbsup: Faldorn, too, has become more-used by me (though I confess I don't recall the author offhand. Domi? Merja?)


Apologizing for resurrecting the thread. I'm a noob in Tutu and in the BG1 NPC project, but already it's made me like Garrick and Kivan much more than before. Garrick is so much more rounded with his interjections and banters that I can't believe I ever took him in a party before the NPC Project. And Kivan . . . I've only just finished the Nashkel mines, but already he's blown me away with his dialogue. In unmodded Baldur's Gate, Kivan is a guy with a bow and a painful past who doesn't like drow. (Get in line, buddy.) I've seen him explain his ranger symbol to Imoen, sing Garrick's song, and had the very involved conversation that ends with "We should be listening to the night, and not our voices." I think the reason I'm liking Kivan so much is because the way the project portrays him is much the same way as I always imagined him.


Especially strong positive feelings - it's Xzar and Montaron. I adore the pair completely, and enjoy most of their interjections; they give me this warm and fuzzy feeling inside.


I've started to despise Eldoth, whom I before deemed as the most desirable romance option for a female player - now this sophisticated zhigolo is definitely not for me. Also, Safana's attitude repulsed me: the cult of feminine vanity and sexuality does not appeal to me at all.

Apologizing for resurrecting the thread


Ah, this is a good one to resurect :) Good move! Makes me warm and fuzzy inside that you like Kivan.


Also, Safana's attitude repulsed me: the cult of feminine vanity and sexuality does not appeal to me at all.


Interesting. It actually made Safana into a fascinating character to me - it is not that I like her views, but I giggle at her lines, and actually started toying with the idea of having her to be my principle thief for evil-neutral parties, because she is fun. :)


I had to change my mind about Eldoth: I haven't read all of his banters when I wrote this. Now I have, Khalid's and Kivan's among them, and I see that Eldoth does appear at his best in BG1 NPC: cruel and manipulative, as he should. "Skie, my little angel, a woman should know her place..." - this line of reasoning shows in the banters somewhat, too. :)


I recall that Hendryk never liked it that Eldoth's had one personality in his introductory dialogue, another in his banters with Skie, and the Biography's statement that he is genualy enamoured of Skie(!). Talk about complex character development decisions! But I think the character got rounded up admiringly which is a testimony to Hendryk's superb skill.


Just finished Garrick's quest (I've been playing very slowly, and at any rate I put it off until after the Bandit Camp because I was dumb and kept getting distracted). It was a lot of fun, even though it took me a long time to find the right place because I'm slow and dumb. I'm using Garrick as a vanilla bard, by the way, and I'm glad I did so - it's tempting to make him a jester because of the general silliness of his sound set, but he definitely comes across as more curious and adventurous than, well, foole-ish.


P.S. That word Kivan keeps calling me, mellonamin (spelling?) . . . what exactly does it mean?


Mellonamin - my friend. "Mellon" is a friend, and 'amin' is "I", or "my"; attached before the word, it is formal, attached after the word - informal.


FR Elven is not Tolkien's Quenya, but a fair share of it is a rip-off from Tolkien, I would say.


www.grey-company.org is a good collection of resources for FR Elven.


Iirc, formal can also be mellon en amin - a firend of mine :) Yep, I use what I call Greyvish for elven wording :D

Just finished Garrick's quest (I've been playing very slowly, and at any rate I put it off until after the Bandit Camp because I was dumb and kept getting distracted). It was a lot of fun, even though it took me a long time to find the right place because I'm slow and dumb. I'm using Garrick as a vanilla bard, by the way, and I'm glad I did so - it's tempting to make him a jester because of the general silliness of his sound set, but he definitely comes across as more curious and adventurous than, well, foole-ish.


I've tried to make him more the naive adventurer than the witless fool, so it's good he comes across like that.


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