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bag of holding anywhere prior to chapter 3?


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I'm about to descend into Durlag's Tower and I could really use a bag of holding. Are there any to be found prior to chapter 3? I'm still in chapter 2* which means I don't have access to the Baldur's Gate shops yet. Am I SoL re: a BoH until I reach the big city?





* The party is at level 6 with thief's Find Traps 80. The cleric can cast Find Traps and mage can cast Knock. Thief is carrying a stockpile of potions of perception and master thievery just in case. So I should be fine for Durlag's. :p

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The only bag of holding is in Sorcerous Sundries in the city of Baldur's Gate. There are lesser bags--FAI has a gem bag and High Hedge has a scroll case, for example. There's a potion case as well, but I'm blanking on where I placed it; it might be one of the Nashkel Carnival merchants.

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Hmmm....that that, long, slow, slog through the Cloakwood, with the party laden with everything collected from the Mines, has had me wishing for a Bag of Holding more than once. And Davaeorn has a letter that says "Tranzig shall carry the ore into the Cloakwood, using several bags of holding, going alone so there is less risk of any trackers finind our operation." I think that's more than sufficient evidence to place a Bag of Holding in Davaeorn's chambers--and, Main-Plot-wise, the difference between killing Davaeorn and getting to Sorcerous Sundries is minimal.


Although I do agree that BG1 needs more items that must be bought rather then looted.

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Guest Guest to the Power of 3

Actually, while it's not a bag of holding, there is a container for items that you can get almost at the beginning of the game. Simply do the Copper Cornet portion fo the Slaver quest. On that animal tamer guy (the one who has the key to the gladiators cells) you find an animal skin bag. It carries stuff (even if it looks like a winterwolf pelt), nuff said. :p Hope that helped!

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Guest Guest to the Power of 3
Actually, while it's not a bag of holding, there is a container for items that you can get almost at the beginning of the game. Simply do the Copper Cornet portion fo the Slaver quest. On that animal tamer guy (the one who has the key to the gladiators cells) you find an animal skin bag. It carries stuff (even if it looks like a winterwolf pelt), nuff said. ;) Hope that helped!



:p Woops... I thought you were talking about BG2, not BG1. My bad, just ignore everything I just said. :p

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And it's worth noting that the wolfskin bag is added by Unfinished Business and is not in bogstandard BG2. :p


As for Davaorn's BoH, this is an oft-repeated justification for one appearing early in the game. This is one of the few times I try and err on the side of game balance and consistency--I think a BoH available that early is really out of place with the level of items you're getting at that point in the game.

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I don't think a BoH is overpowered, since all it does is let you lug things around. Can you imagine trying to loot the Cloakwood Mines as a Solo character? Each trip is an entire week's journey to get there and back, with that @&$!%# Wyvern waylay every time. If Tranzig took several Bags to the Mines, I don't think it's unjustified to say Davaeorn decided to keep one.


A BoH isn't as important as, say, Full Plate, or the Shadow Armor, or an Archmagi Robe. I say it should either be in the Cloakwood Mines, or sold in Ulgoth's Beard.

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Thanks for directing where to look. I just checked, and can report that prior to chapter three at least, there's no scroll or potion cases to be found at


Friendly Arm



Ulgoth's Beard's inn

High Hedge

Erdane (merchant outside of Durlag's)

Nashkel store

Nashkel fair


There's a gem bag at the Friendly Arm, and a 'Quiver of Plenty' at one of the Nashkel Fair tents.


Do the scroll and potion cases become available after completing chapter 4 maybe? Those would be great to have. I can reduce inventory with those enough to get by. I agree that a bag of holding too early in the game is a little unbalancing...


What's the price on scroll cases and potion cases, respectively? Can I just equip them via Shadowkeeper? Or cheat them in (in which case what are the item codes?)? If so, I'll subtract the price from my gold so's I won't feel as much of a dirty rotten no good cheater.


Also, I'm not figuring out how to get the Quiver of Plenty to work. The quiver doesn't open by rightclicking it, and dropping and dragging arrows into it isn't working either. I've tried using it in both the inventory and a quiver slot. I selected NOT to have unlimited ammo stacks if that helps.

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What's the price on scroll cases and potion cases, respectively? Can I just equip them via Shadowkeeper?  Or cheat them in (in which case what are the item codes?)?  If so, I'll subtract the price from my gold so's I won't feel as much of a dirty rotten no good cheater.

I don't know prices, but you can probably just equip anything from Shadowkeeper, or in this case, Gatekeeper.


Also, I'm not figuring out how to get the Quiver of Plenty to work.  The quiver doesn't open by rightclicking it, and dropping and dragging arrows into it isn't working either.  I've tried using it in both the inventory and a quiver slot.  I selected NOT to have unlimited ammo stacks if that helps.

You don't have to put anything in the Quiver of plenty as far as I know, it simply provides an endless stream of normal arrows for you.

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OK, here's where everything lives:


Gem Bag - FAI - C!BAG02 - 200gp

Scroll Case -High Hedge - C!BAG03 - 200gp

Ammo Belt - Thunderhammer Smithy - CDAMMO - 200gp

Potion Case - Nashkel General Store - CDPOTION - 200gp

Bag of Holding - Sorcerous Sundries - C!BAG04 - 500gp


To use the Quiver/Case/Bag of Planty, you just equip it in your quiver slot.

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