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Cleric Kits


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Did a fresh install of SoA, TOB, official patch and baldurdash fixes then installed Divine Remix. For the life of me I cannot get the cleric kits to show up during character creation. Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug? During install I told it to delete the cleric kits that were already there from BioWare.


Tried to install a few other mods and then the Divine Remix and it still wont show up on the character creation screen




another thing...if i tell the installer to (a) ask about each component then the installer dies when it gets to the part about Jaheira. If I tell the installer to (I) install everything then it works properly.

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OK, there's something funky with the install. The kit remover is as basic a component as there can be--it just overwrites the kit listing with a copy command--so if it's not working, then we need to look at the install itself. Is it a clone/multi-install?

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OK, there's something funky with the install. The kit remover is as basic a component as there can be--it just overwrites the kit listing with a copy command--so if it's not working, then we need to look at the install itself. Is it a clone/multi-install?



nope it was a single install. In the meanwhile I have totally uninstalled BG2 and reinstalled SoA, TOB, official patch, Baldurdash, and Divine Remix and now I have cleric kits in character creation screens, but the installer still dies if I choose (A) and runs thru with no problems if I choose (I). I have downloaded divine remix 3 times now and have the same problems. Atleast I got it to install.


question?? are there any mods or component of mods that are not compatible with divine remix (for example Oversights class twaks/fixes)?


thanks for the help CamDawg



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Hmm, sorry about the installer dying issue--I didn't experience anything like that during testing, but I'll take a look and see if I can replicate locally. As for incompatibilities... Oversight is fine, with a few caveats. The Holy Liberator--like any mod paladin, druid, ranger, or cleric kit--should be installed before DR, otherwise it'll have an empty spellbook. Oversight's Cleric Kits would be a problem, but most of its functionality is included already (i.e. we've already changed alignment restrictions for the three BioWare kits and fixed the cleric-ranger not being offered a stronghold bug). Otherwise, the rest of Oversight should be fine.


As for other mods and incompatibilities, both Refinements and DR will attempt to set HLA tables for druids, clerics, and their various multiclasses. Whichever one is installed last should win. Mods with new spells, such as Lost Crossroads, will also have some issues as the divine spells will either not be available at all (if installed before DR) or for everyone (if installed after DR).

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There is a similar conversation to this one in the Refinements forum at Studios. The upshot is that the user had mistakenly installed the Mod Kit Remover (the mini-mod version) after Divine Remix--effectively wiping out DR's kits.

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There is a similar conversation to this one in the Refinements forum at Studios. The upshot is that the user had mistakenly installed the Mod Kit Remover (the mini-mod version) after Divine Remix--effectively wiping out DR's kits.



That I didnt do. I only use the mod kit remover when I am playing a BP game and when I tried to get Devine Remix to work I hadnt intended on installing BP.



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