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Comments on "You are fair, Branwen. So fair..."


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Yes, I think that in BG1, Branwen is definetly a character that inspires a romance; the whole undercurrent of Stone to Flesh spellname always fascinated me in relation to her. Oh, and there is definetly a troubadour feel to a collection of poems dedicated to an imaginary beauty. :)

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<snip> the whole undercurrent of Stone to Flesh spellname always fascinated me in relation to her. <snip>


Yes, but what really got to me was her statement:


"Flesh to stone. Stone to flesh. Every trickster and magician is capable of the former, but it takes the master to achieve the latter, and a man to succeed in earnest. A man who stands in front of me."

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Ah, I just see a small add-on to the mod: a tall bard standing alone on the side of the road, in the shade. As the party approaches (if Branwen is in the party, naturally), he starts showering her with ballads and poetry.


Hmm, should it happen in a tavern, for example, CHARNAME might get a strong contender. :)



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Ah, it's almost Tolkien:


And in the glade a light was seen

Of stars in shadow shimmering.

Tin?viel was dancing there

To music of a pipe unseen,

And light of stars was in her hair,

And in her raiment glimmering.

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