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Well, as one critic put it: it's decent enough fare to accompany a box of chocolates on a Sunday afternoon. :) I had forgotten the tale, and I guess there are several versions of it, so had no expectations before watching it. It stars James Franco as Tristan and Sophia Myles as Isolde. The sets are believable enough to transport you back to the dark ages. The story is above average, but what fascinated me the most was the ideas it presented about love vs loyalty and how circumstances keep people apart.

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I knew it was out, just haven't had much time to go see it. Besides, I always liked Tristram/Isolde over barely adequate King Arthur, minimally equipped Lancelot, or

'too small for her knickers' Guinevere...

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It's been a while, but yes, it does look like Tristram and Isolde had been separate, before being absorbed into the Arthurian cycle by Mallory.


I think...his Welsh name was Drystan ab Tallwch and he appears in Culhwch ac Olwen

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We watched it tonight, but I guess I did have expectations of the half-forgotten tale I read as a teen and I was dissappointed. It was too historisized.... I wanted my dragon-slaying and Tristan's jump! :D That's if I am not mixing him with Lancelot. It was good 17 years.... But anyway, I wish it was more of a fantasy, less 'standard' "we fight with the evil oppressor for the unification of our Kingdom" thinggie.

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I always get hung up on the costumes. If the costuming is the pits, no way am I even going to be able to watch the movie. I don't care *what* Hollywood thinks, I know what medieval velvet looked like, and it wasn't stretchy or carnation pink. Also, there is no evidence of princess-seamed gowns before scissor improvement made it easier to cut curves.


A sufficiently attractive male lead is enough to make me ignore minor inconsistencies, however. I am so evil, sometimes.

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He's sort of cute in a pouty Italianate sort of way, and has 'sable' brows. But has no presence. But yep, one of the movies when the boy is cuter than the girl lead. Now how's that for late-night girly chatting? Lol, speaking of attractive male leads the other movie in that bundle was Scanner Darkly, and the artsy style managed to get rid of one thing that could have kept the movie interesting for me.... :D

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The movie was okay. It was well made and everything, but I'm not a huge fan of James Franco.


I think my main problem was that my favorite character was Marke. And he kind of gets screwed by Tristan and Isolde, which makes me not like them all that much. And it's hard to get excited about a story when you dislike the main characters. :)

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