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Gorion realism


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Something occurred to me while I was troubleshooting the Gorion dialog bug. You get hit for 1 measly point of damage from a flame arrow and Gorion tells you to get lost. So you run like a scared kobold with your tail between your legs without any argument whatsoever.


Sure, the bad guys can clean your clock six ways from Sunday at this point, but you don't really know that. Would you really leave your mentor and foster father after a mere scorching? I think not. So I'm suggesting adding a little dialog to the bit after Gorion tells you to split:


Gorion: Run, child, get out of here!

PC: No, father, let me fight with you...

Gorion: You cannot help here, save yourself!

PC: I cannot leave you to die...

Gorion casts Horror

[PC runs]


Or something similar. There is already banter to suggest this may have happened, when Branwen asks why the PC fled from the battle (one of the responses suggests the influence of some spell). It would make the events just a little more believable in my opinion.

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I agree, for many characters it would make sense. And many other characters - evil, cowardly, or those who suspect they've been used by Gorion, or those who just dislike Gorion - would never say such a thing. For example, while my LG sorceress wouldn't move if her life depended on it, my NE assassin would fly without another word. So I guess it is better off left as it is, and details left to the individual player's imagination.

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So I guess it is better off left as it is, and details left to the individual player's imagination.
Bah. :) There are a lot of "details" that could be left to the players imagination, that only get more interesting when fleshed out. I suppose you could "imagine" the banter among your party - so what good is the BG1 NPC pack? :) How does your evil character explain sticking around in Candlekeep under Gorion's tutelage for 20-odd years if s/he hated him? I'm sure you could come up with something, but it doesn't really match with the other cutscenes either. Unless you ignore all the background information and make up your own in your head. You can play the game however you want, but you have to go with the story *somewhat* for it to make sense.


On second thought though, it might be a bit more difficult than I had first guessed to interject dialog into a cutscene, particularly dialog that would give the PC options (e.g. to run if you want). Still, a simple choice like a) "I cannot leave you to die," or b) "Right. I'm outta here." would make things a little more realistic.

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I would like to gently attract your attention to two things:

-the mod is complete, and cmorgan is kind enough to work on polishing it up; new content is just something that can break a camel's back

-BG1NPC mandate was to add characterization tp joinable NPCs. Not to re-write BG1. What you are suggesting concerns the Protagonist and requires alteration of the existing game content. Which we were doing (or at least trying to do) only when there were bugs.


It is very important for BG1NPC NOT to turn into a project that tries to do everything and wash laundry. Because in the end vagueness will start hurting us when players would not know what they get when load project. You want to do Bg1 original dialogues enhancements? Good stuff, but would be best handled as a separate add-on.

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Bah. :) There are a lot of "details" that could be left to the players imagination, that only get more interesting when fleshed out. I suppose you could "imagine" the banter among your party - so what good is the BG1 NPC pack? :) How does your evil character explain sticking around in Candlekeep under Gorion's tutelage for 20-odd years if s/he hated him?


The ancient Japanese secret to painting bamboo is to know when to stop painting bamboo.

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Well. I certainly wasn't suggesting using BG1 NPC as a platform to overhaul original dialog. I wasn't even suggesting this (what I thought would be a small tweak originally) should necessarily be a part of it. It just seemed the right forum, having to do with BG1 and NPCs. There *are* other potential mini-mods being discussed in this forum that go quite beyond the realm of bug fixes and minor tweaks to BG1 NPC per se. Nevermind though, not a big deal... consider the suggestion withdrawn. :)

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