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Bug with friends spell?

Guest John

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I'm playing a multi-classed cleric/mage chaotic good. He's learned the spell friends. We're at Ribald's, and he has it memorized. He's also equipped with the Ring of Human Influence, so his CHR is 18. He does not have any other CHR enhancing equipment.


If he casts Friends from his spellbook, the message screen shows that he cast it, says charisma modification and may or may not show the icon. However, the CHR stat has not increased (it is 18) nor have the merchant's prices decreased.


OTOH, if the pc casts Friends from a scroll, the CHR stat does change to 24 (Ring equipped) and the merchant's prices are lower.


Out of curiosity, I also tried casting the spell from memory with the ring unequipped. Before casting and with the ring unequipped, his CHR was 8. After casting, there was no change to CHR, still 8.


I do have a number of mods installed, including Fixpack ver 1. I haven't noticed this before, but I haven't had this case come up before (c/m casting friends). Usually it's been sorcerers :p and there's been no problem.


FWIW, I also have Oversight's Cleric Kits and BG2 Tweaks' Unnerfed THAC0 tables components installed.



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Not sure what would cause this, but


This line

		WRITE_BYTE ("%fx_off%" + 0x13 + (0x30 * ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%abil_fx_num%"))) 61 // probability low

ought to be writing 51.


There's no need for four immunity effects anymore, and all four are immunizing against spwi107w (you'll be wanting to replace this line

WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (0x30 * ("%abil_fx_num%" + "%abil_fx_idx%"))) ~%SOURCE_RES%~		 // spell: self

with WRITE_ASCIIT .... ~spwi107~ or some such.


Neither of these should be causing the spell to fail completely though.

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Not sure what would cause this, but


This line

		WRITE_BYTE ("%fx_off%" + 0x13 + (0x30 * ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%abil_fx_num%"))) 61 // probability low

ought to be writing 51.

This is probably it--if the engine rolled 51-60 on the percentile dice, the spell would do nothing. Well, nothing meaningful--it would display a string and play a sound.


There's no need for four immunity effects anymore


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You don't need to be granting immunity to four different spells now, just granting immunity to one spell, spwi107, with four probabilities, so the %SOURCE_RES% is redundant.


I mention this not to pedantically critique your style, but to note that when I tried installing this component I ended up with immunity to spwi107w which of course doesn't exist, and is why I think making sure the terminating null gets written is a good idea :p

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