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Everything posted by Luke

  1. @AL|EN Could you tell me if it's possible to format commit messages in GitHub Desktop? I suspect it's impossible but maybe I'm missing something...
  2. @AL|EN Will check that out... Separately, do you know why GitHub Desktop asks me to clone a repository if I've already cloned it with VS Code? Should I instead click on "Add an Existing Repository from your hard drive"?
  3. And what about bug fixes and the like? Anyway, I'm on macOS, so I can't proceed as you suggested...
  4. @AL|EN It worked! So, a couple of questions: Is this the extension you were talking about? Do you recommend signing commits locally using GPG? I've been using it for some time, the only thing I don't like is that past commits become "unverified" when a certain key expires, which is kinda misleading/unintended... Is there a way to update Git in Terminal instead of downloading the new version from its site? Thanks for your time.
  5. I use VS Code when writing code and committing changes. My repository is private and I'm the only contributor. The "master" branch is the only branch...
  6. Yes, I had to reset them in Terminal, thanks. I'm not sure what I messed with, probably something related to "git-fetch" in VSCode... Separately, do you know how to remove commits (and their related content) from a repo (both local and remote)? I tried with "git reset --hard HEAD~5" but they keep reappearing as soon as I make a new commit...
  7. Does someone know why under my commit messages appear something like <First Name Last Name> authored and <First Name Last Name> committed X days ago instead of just <GitHub nickname> committed X days ago? I'm not sure how I enabled that change...
  8. Well done. As for the next move, I suggest you take a look at DEFINE_DIMORPHIC_FUNCTION so as to avoid defining "check_ini" and the like twice... Also, in case you're still wondering about this, the so-called PATCH_REINCUDE trick should do the trick...
  9. Oh, that means Nishruus and Hakeashars have always been (partially) broken? That's kinda bad... In the current v2.6 beta "SpellCastOnMe()" keeps ignoring Ability Target 4, so that script trigger is probably intended to work that way... Any idea how to fix them? First of all, spell description doesn't state that Remove Magic and the like are supposed to kill them (only Death Spell), so I'm not sure why they're scripted to die if hit by those spells... As far as IF SpellCastOnMe([ANYONE],0) THEN RESPONSE #100 ApplySpell(Myself,CLERIC_CURE_LIGHT_WOUNDS) // SPPR103.SPL (Cure Light Wounds) END is concerned, you could remove that block from their script and patch all SPWI and SPPR spells (including those that target "Living actor") with a leading 326 effect (power = 0, resist_dispel = 0, savetype = 0, resource = "SPPR103") followed by a 318 effect to prevent further effects from affecting these creatures. The condition for the 326/318 effects could be "SPECIFIC = specified value" or "SPLSTATE = specified value", since "RACE = MIST" or "CLASS = MIST" sounds too generic... What do you think?
  10. Shouldn't Robe of Arcane Might provide a Caster Level bonus to arcane classes only (op=191, p2=0)? I mean, it's called Robe of Arcane Might, so...
  11. I see. I'm going to use LOOPs for the time being, thanks for your help.
  12. Do you mean something like this? VARIABLE(x=65) INCLUDE FILE(mod_folder/test.ssl) //////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// VARIABLE(x=85) INCLUDE FILE(mod_folder/test.ssl) where "test.ssl" is IF Race(LastSeenBy(Myself),x) THEN RESPONSE #100 RandomTurn() END Unfortunately, it's not working... Now it compiles to IF Race(LastSeenBy(Myself),65) THEN RESPONSE #100 RandomTurn() END IF Race(LastSeenBy(Myself),65) THEN RESPONSE #100 RandomTurn() END So basically "x=85" is ignored...
  13. @DavidW What's the correct way to redefine variables defined via VARIABLE ? For instance, the following file will compile into You see? 85 is used twice (65 is somehow ignored...) What am I missing? I'm asking because I'm pretty sure it's doable, I saw this in SCS where you're redefining variable "scscloudmelee"...
  14. Yes, it should. You can find more info here. For instance: 6) "HPCLASS.2DA": this parameter is completely ignored for multiclass kits.
  15. @ptifab OK, technically speaking some of them are not really bugs (e.g., offsets 0x2, 0x10). For instance, let's consider offset 0x2 ("Location"). Since legal values for these fields never fall outside the byte range, then writing WRITE_BYTE is not that bad (even if the "Location" field of SPL files is 2 bytes long...)
  16. It's not working for me, even when I directly click on a specific sprite. What am I missing? In any case, this trigger should probably fire even when the spell just affects the creature @Galactygon
  17. Just for completeness: were you perhaps referring about the fact that opcode #232 triggers once per round? So basically trolls won't always fall unconscious instantaneously (worst-case scenario is when their HP get below 10 immediately after opcode #232 triggers, and you need to wait almost a full round before they fall unconscious).
  18. @Ardanis ADD_SPELL_HEADER: this should be WRITE_SHORT instead of WRITE_BYTE.
  19. Care to elaborate? Let us summon @Wisp as well...
  20. Yep. I see. That's bad since I'm not interested in "negative lookahead" from the start, but rather "everything but a string containing specific text"... As a result, I'll consider manipulating it (REPLACE_TEXTUALLY) beforehand...
  21. I know, but I'm not sure this is really a bug... I mean, it does sound like a crude way to identify fire-using / fire-dwelling creatures. That's why I said "more accurate"...
  22. @DavidW As you know, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm causes extra damage against fire-using or fire-dwelling creatures. Internally, this is coded using STAT RESISTFIRE > 100: it means that if I quaff two potions of Fire Resistance in a row, then I'll qualify as fire-using or fire-dwelling creature. Is it intended...? At least on EE games, attaching a spell state to fire-using / fire-dwelling creatures (instead of relying upon STAT RESISTFIRE) would probably be more accurate...
  23. As you know, something like [^abc] processes one character at a time. So in this case everything but a, b or c. What if I need to match everything but the sequence abc? Is it possible to achieve that in WeiDU? EDIT: well, in this case this should be enough [^a-c] but what about the following pattern =>èàè+@@()[][]/>>>| ?
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